It's a shame that WWE 2k15 on PS4 won't look this good.
WWE 2K20 probably won't look that good.
It's a shame that WWE 2k15 on PS4 won't look this good.
One day WWE will release a game and everyone will be Keanu Reeves 'WOAH' face at the same time at how amazing it is.
Pfft, for you, maybe. Both the previous games are two I'd consider among my favourites from last generation. But what do I know? I enjoyed that Wolfenstein game everyone hated because it wasn't RtCW.
So you're saying AKI is coming back?![]()
I don't see the problem with knowing every InFamous game ends up being a free gift at some point and therefor not wasting money on it and instead using that money on other games.
It's not like InFamous is a game series that you have to play day one. It's a B+ game at best. Also, IT'S FAT!
I think Saints Row definitely has better controls than Infamous 1 and 2, and then better everything else as well
Yeah but see, a gift isn't free if you're paying for it, it isn't even a gift DUDE
Oh yeah, I forgot that some people are hung up on it being free with a subscription. Fine.
Lets see, I own a Vita, PS3 and PS4, so that makes five games a month not counting discounted games of course.
Okay, 1 buck instead of 60. Still fine by me.
Oh yeah, I forgot that some people are hung up on it being free with a subscription. Fine.
Lets see, I own a Vita, PS3 and PS4, so that makes five games a month not counting discounted games of course.
Okay, 1 buck instead of 60. Still fine by me.
MGS4, the one MGS I don't regret playing.
Also really liked the violent ending to the show and Bryan saying Steph hits like a girl. Shocked at the chair shot being allowed, or did he mostly hit the ring post? looked good.
I wonder if his hipster gimmick will get hurt, seeing him say something so misogynistic like that.
I wonder if his hipster gimmick will get hurt, seeing him say something so misogynistic like that.
I wish Mr. Perfect's ghost would visit Ziggler so Ziggler could ask if all that super bumping is worth it or not. When you look at Perfect's career, he didn't start doing the crazy bumping until 1987 or so and by 1991, he had to take a year off to heal up. Then he wrestled for another year and took 4 years off. And then he was sidelined for about a year total of his 3 years in WCW. Then he was dead at 44.
I think you're the one being misogynistic, Sunny. Are you saying hitting like a girl is somehow inferior to how a man hits? Daniel Bryan was just telling her... hey, you hit like a girl, man and that's cool
Also really liked the violent ending to the show and Bryan saying Steph hits like a girl. Shocked at the chair shot being allowed, or did he mostly hit the ring post? looked really ood either way.
It seems more useful for people like you who can wait for games, for me it always seems like they're putting up games I already have or have already beaten. The one time I was actually excited about the games up on PS+ was Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, and then I apparently forgot to download it.![]()
Can you imagine how many movies you own with netflix? all for free too!
It's Triple H, he can afford to pay himself a $10k fine.
The first must have PS4 title for me is this year's MLB The Show.
I wonder if his hipster gimmick will get hurt, seeing him say something so misogynistic like that.
Netflix is awesome and so is PS Plus.
Remember when Xbox Live started offering free games and gave use Assassin's Creed 2 while PS Plus gave us AC3 in the same month, that was fun!
Look let's not act silly anymore.
Plus is a subscription that offers dope discounts. But shit ain't free, no matter how long you 'intend' to keep Plus, it's still a cost. That's like saying Netflix is giving you movies, when it all hinges on your sub. And that's ALRIGHT.
Games with Gold has been a shitshow, but it doesn't require you to keep the sub. That is its only saving grace...and the fact that AC2 is better than AC3 by a long-ass shot.
Either way you have too much disposable income and too much to play which means
Games for Gold's whole "you keep the games no matter what" thing is completely undermined by the fact that most of the games they offer for free you can get physical copies of for cheaper than the price of a month of Xbox Live.
Also, I suck at selfies.
I think video games are ok.
I'm not trying to get into the "which is better" argument because it depends on your needs. People aren't buying gold for these games, but people are buying Plus for theirs. It's different and depends on your needs which will serve you better, unless you're a manchild like me and just get both because you like video games.
Sephzilla MOST of the games included in PS+ have been down to $5, some haven't but most have. Tomb Raider was really cheap by the time they got it on PS+. The XBL gold games have sucked, but I think people hype up the PS+ games way too much. Except Resogun, that was great
I think video games are ok.
sometimes better than that, Tiger Garry. Sometimes better.
I'm currently set for a WHILE. I got Titanfall, Dark Souls 2, FFXHD, MGS GZ (which is a lot of fun) and a couple more that have just got to get played more. I am ODing on that shit. Also need to finish South Park, I got out of the alien ship so I dunno.
So how is Titanfall?
Dope as fuck but the framerate drops that happen sometimes make me sad, because I care about shit like that. But goddamn is it fun.
Should have got it on PC you dope
Dope as fuck but the framerate drops that happen sometimes make me sad, because I care about shit like that. But goddamn is it fun.
sometimes better than that, Tiger Garry. Sometimes better.
I'm currently set for a WHILE. I got Titanfall, Dark Souls 2, FFXHD, MGS GZ (which is a lot of fun) and a couple more that have just got to get played more. I am ODing on that shit. Also need to finish South Park, I got out of the alien ship so I dunno.
Any of you guys playing The Elder Scrolls Online?
I'm going to be in game....hope I can get the name I want, but we'll see.
Seriously, whoever said there's a lull post-holiday season is batshit insane.
Plague Inc? The iOS game? Where were you when it came out and everyone played it for about 3 days?
Just reminded me my PS4 copy of MGS: GZ has no Raiden![]()
They're making a new expanded version for PC. Came out on Steam Early Access.
Any of you guys playing The Elder Scrolls Online?
I'm going to be in game....hope I can get the name I want, but we'll see.