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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Any of you guys playing The Elder Scrolls Online?

I'm going to be in game....hope I can get the name I want, but we'll see.

I tried out the beta a few weeks ago and it was lagging so badly I couldn't even kill the first monster so I quit the game and probably plan on never playing it again. I know it wasn't really fair because it was a stress test, but whatever! Mostly because I'm just waiting on Wildstar now. That seems to be the next mmo for me, mostly because it seems to have nailed the fluid movement from WoW and the combat system seems pretty fun too


Video games are awesome, what are you talking about Laserfrog? Not every game can include Lou Thesz, okay?

You're right, you've changed my mind. Video games are awesome. There's this one game where you can be an astronaut on Mars and you jump around on Mars having Mars based fun.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Kiefer Sutherland totally sucks. The one really bad spot of the game besides the gross stuff.


So not worth it
I'm still hoping for that plot twist two hours into MGSV where it turns out this is a totally new Snake and the actual Big Boss shows up with Hayter voicing. :(


You guys are scaring me, I didn't think he sounded too bad in the teaser stuff. I love David Hayter, ever since he was in Guyver! Okay not really, my friend liked that movie but I thought it was awful. I couldn't believe David Hayter was in it though



Taker is hilarious

Hmmm. His eyebrows are gone.


Oh Sandman... Sandman Sandman Sandman... you're a cool guy. You're a #Yes man. I respect you, really, heck, I'd say I even like you.

But then, you go and do something like that. You are a champion, man, you really are. Why do this to yourself? Why?

It's Elder Scrolls....what can I say, I'm a sucker for franchises I love.

I tried out the beta a few weeks ago and it was lagging so badly I couldn't even kill the first monster so I quit the game and probably plan on never playing it again. I know it wasn't really fair because it was a stress test, but whatever! Mostly because I'm just waiting on Wildstar now. That seems to be the next mmo for me, mostly because it seems to have nailed the fluid movement from WoW and the combat system seems pretty fun too

I logged into the final stress test enough to know A) I enjoyed it and B) it ran pretty well on my current system. I played through the prison escape and explored the first area a bit. I'm going in blind as far as actual playing experience for the most part, but I have read up on it enough to know that I'll at least enjoy it for a month or two.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm still hoping for that plot twist two hours into MGSV where it turns out this is a totally new Snake and the actual Big Boss shows up with Hayter voicing. :(

The MGS series can't do two awesome swerves in the series. Raiden is one and done in MGS2, pretty much the best and biggest fuck-you to Snake fans. I love it maggle!


So not worth it
The MGS series can't do two awesome swerves in the series. Raiden is one and done in MGS2, pretty much the best and biggest fuck-you to Snake fans. I love it maggle!

That moment when Snake showed up to save Raiden though, I found that awesome.

I really like MGS2, even the fucked up ending sequence where everything goes nuts. That was some good shit.


MGS2 is fun. The bait and switch with Raiden was kind of bullshit and Raiden as a character in that game was lame (and didn't become awesome until he became Neo Gray Fox), but the game itself was really fun.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That moment when Snake showed up to save Raiden though, I found that awesome.

I really like MGS2, even the fucked up ending sequence where everything goes nuts. That was some good shit.

The last quarter of MGS2 shit the bed so bad. What a pile of trash.

Someone's gonna complain we're not talking about wrestling, so let's talk about Taker's decision to get rid of his eyebrows.

Other notable eyebrowless wrestlers?


So, that Cena WrestleMania rewind...

It was weird as fuck hearing a male dominate "Lets Go Cena" chant with no "Cena Sucks" accompanying it. Also, that match against JBL was bad I thought.


I can't hate MGS2, it's such a unique game given the context. It helps that the gameplay is so solid, sure, but the Raiden swerve, the mindfuckery at the end, the insane sexual shit happening on the background.

Again, it's just unique, Kojima could totally have made Another Great Solid Snake Adventure with the same engine and it would still be a fun game, but he went and made history instead.


No. His eyebrows are just super light, and probbaly get more so in time. He said on his show he has never shaven them off.

Might be same with Undertaker.

Considering Taker's goatee is naturally whiter than the pearly gates of heaven, I imagine the same is true with his eyebrows, which might make them hard to see.
I don't even get the Raiden complaints, you still had Snake available on the codec for 85% of the game you fucks.

Raiden gave a great showcase of how a rookie with no real-life combat experience would handle the situations he was put into.


could never
Raiden gave a great showcase of how a rookie with no real-life combat experience would handle the situations he was put into.

Jack is a Liberian child solider trained my Solidus lol. He killed many, many men as a child/teenager.

Edit: beaten like Bo.

Anyway Raiden is fucking awesome! I even liked him in MGS2, him becoming a cyborg made him even more of a badass.
Well the player doesn't know that until towards the end of the game, and Raiden is trying to suppress his past and memories in general. But yeah, I fucked up on that one. Sorry.
Oh yeah, last night I had a dream I had a WWE tryout and my gimmick I was presenting to them was that I was the Ultimate Warrior's son, named "ARWEREWSRRGHWWB", which is "Warrior Jr." in Destrucian, the native language of Destrucity.
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