How come everyone gives Ubi shit for their 'bar filling, mindless shit' but then go OMG IGA IS FREE TO MAKE ANOTHER GAME
like those Castlevanias aren't full of grindy, bar filling bullshit filler
Move over DDP, the champ is here.
Wathching Batman Returns on Encore
Selena Kyle, gat dayum
Well, Michelle Pfiffer's better looking than Anne Hathaway.Wathching Batman Returns on Encore
Selena Kyle, gat dayum
A point AND a thumbs up!
A point AND a thumbs up!
Well the player doesn't know that until towards the end of the game, and Raiden is trying to suppress his past and memories in general. But yeah, I fucked up on that one. Sorry.
Guys, we're less than 1700 posts away from hitting the 20k post mark and it's only the 19th.
-edit: NEW PAIGE!
Move over DDP, the champ is here.
Wathching Batman Returns on Encore
Selena Kyle, gat dayum
1. Paige
The lack of Prue makes this already correct list even better
Sunny quit being contrarian. We have enough of those.'66 Batman had better characters and better ladies.
Of course. 66 Batman is the best Batman movie.'66 Batman had better characters and better ladies.
Sunny quit being contrarian. We have enough of those.
SUNFLOWER MCMAHON said:Better Joker (honestly, the best)
Just so we're clear, you mean Julie Newmar Catwoman and not Eartha Kitt Catwoman, right?
^Pepsi knows the deal.
Also, the creator of Batman hated Adam West Batman and thought it was a terrible take on his character.
So sleep well with that, you 60s lovers
6. Halle Berry
5. Lee Merriweather
4. Anne Halfway
3. Michelle Pfeifer
2. Eartha Kitt
1. Julie Newmar
I dunno. Between Romero, Hamill, Ledger, and sometimes Nicholson they are all really strong contenders to the throne.
Even dumbshits can make beautiful things.
I think Mark Hamill is pretty good at Joker
Where is the new Catwoman from the FOX show going to land on that list?
I'm thinking of pre-ordering one of those new Oculus Rift devkit 2s, I am tempted.
I 100% am. No question at all.
Did you see the demo they had for the game-within-a-game that scared the living fucklights out of you? GOD DAMN. GOD DAMN! I can't think of anything more terrifying.
Basically you're in your VR world in a living room playing a game on the VR world's TV, and shit happens outside your home. FUCK FUCK FUCK!
We can be VR buddies, I'll see you on the other side of cyberspace!
whoa, who dat?
Don't gimme that crap Dragonzord. Nobody can do a Joker laugh like Romero!
Hands down the best Joker. HANDS DOWN.
Hammil is better, but he has always been open about stealing the laugh from Romero, and for that reason he is THE IMMORTAL Joker.