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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kenny Omega did some boy slap fight video too.

Spoiler alert: Wrestling is still a very seedy business. Why do you think Shimmer has much more male fans than females?
Some new NOAH worth watching;

Yoshinari Ogawa & Zack Sabre Jr. (c) vs Kenoue & Hajime Ohara - (NOAH 03/08/14) - Zack and grumpy old Ogawa make for an awesome team.
Taiji Ishimori vs Daisuke Harada - (NOAH 03/08/14) - real fun jr's match. Harada is awesome and I'm loving Ishimori's title reign.
Naomichi Marufuji & Tetsuya Naito vs KENTA & Masato Tanaka - (NOAH 03/08/14) - watch KENTA & old man Tanaka slap the shit out of Naito
Yuji Nagata (c) vs Takashi Sugiura - (NOAH 03/08/14) - Nagata puts on a great defence against the heavy-hitting amateur wrestler of NOAH's roster.


Kenny Omega did some boy slap fight video too.

Spoiler alert: Wrestling is still a very seedy business. Why do you think Shimmer has much more male fans than females?

I believe Ibushi did some as well and didn't AR Fox do an actual gay porn?

The BB world is like this as well. Khali Muscle has done some muscle worship vids.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

Lots of lesbians too. Ironically, male wrestling in Japan has much more female and gay male fans now than joshis do.


I wonder why


Kenny Omega did some boy slap fight video too.

Spoiler alert: Wrestling is still a very seedy business. Why do you think Shimmer has much more male fans than females?

I think it is kind of interesting that female wrestling in the US has a much larger male fan base, but joshi was huge with women fans. Probably because joshi wrasslers are/were treated as athletes and not sexual objects.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think it is kind of interesting that female wrestling in the US has a much larger male fan base, but joshi was huge with women fans. Probably because joshi wrasslers are/were treated as athletes and not sexual objects.

Well yeah, when you had Bull Nakano, Aja Kong, etc, WWE had Trish Stratus, Lita, and so on. I mean, Toyota and Kudo were good looking, but they weren't pulling them from fitness model magazines and whatnot

That said, Bull's a hottie, and I don't care who knows it

Jamie OD

I think it is kind of interesting that female wrestling in the US has a much larger male fan base, but joshi was huge with women fans. Probably because joshi wrasslers are/were treated as athletes and not sexual objects.

They were treated more like a combination of athlete and pop star.


A. Bull Nakano was hot. At all phases of her career. Zero hesitation to sleep with her besides the fact that she could beat the ever loving shit out of me and her legs might crush my head.

B. I would question any gay guy that would want to bone a dude with such terrible hair as Naito.
Naito's bangs ban him from any discussion of puro gay icons

EDIT: Stro knows what's up.
2ndary EDIT: Where is the Wrasslegaf cache of floating head emojis?
Tertiary EDIT: Bull looks amazing there vvv when is that from?
Again? They made their own forum and ran off, tried to get a few other communities to follow suit as well. That's the last I heard.

If NBA-GAF wants to take their
ball and go home...then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

Augh this seedy indy stuff makes me cringe, IT'S NOT MIDNIGHT GUYS

Also, watching the first RAW; the most dastardly thing Vince McMahon ever did was make Bobby Heenan say Narcissist over and over


Leaving this site to host your subcommunity somewhere else is like Daniel Bryan suggesting they would put up a ring in the parking lot and run their own show outside of the arena. It's a nice thought on paper.

Edit: Bombshells being dropped by Mick Foley on the Figure Four thing he did with Meltzer and Alvarez. The falling out with the company in January was real and prompted by his being written off Raw. If you'll remember they put his Santa appearance on Main Event instead.
Leaving this site to host your subcommunity somewhere else is like Daniel Bryan suggesting they would put up a ring in the parking lot and run their own show outside of the arena. It's a nice thought on paper.

Edit: Bombshells being dropped by Mick Foley on the Figure Four thing he did with Meltzer and Alvarez. The falling out with the company in January was real and prompted by his being written off Raw. If you'll remember they put his Santa appearance on Main Event instead.

Puhuhuhuhu @ that first bit; that's a CHIKARA deal!

Wtf Foley what did you do nowwww
I had almost erased the show ByteThis from my mind. I'd watch it pretty regularly back then.

Here is Matt shooting on Lita for leaving him

God, I remember this angle being one of the first one's that had me invested through it on the internet during sixth grade. To me, Matt Hardy came off like a such a huge babyface. Unfortunately it had to be Matt Hardy.

Fucking genius of Lita to call out Hardy on making it a wrestling promo. Man this got me nostalgic.


Wtf Foley what did you do nowwww

I think he also admits to accidentally sending Vince McMahon his e-mail intended for Daniel Bryan about how he just wanted to give him a hug after the Royal Rumble? He's basically Mankind in real life now and I hope that's his real personality and not the brain injuries speaking.



A two hour pre-show. Who the hell is going to watch a two hour pre-show? Oh who am I kidding all of WrassleGAF will.

I just wanted to say... I'm totally going to watch this!

Edit: Bombshells being dropped by Mick Foley on the Figure Four thing he did with Meltzer and Alvarez. The falling out with the company in January was real and prompted by his being written off Raw. If you'll remember they put his Santa appearance on Main Event instead.

This made me look at Mick Foley's twitter and then he said he was a guest on JR's podcast. So thanks guys for bringing Mick up!


Finally the actual battle royal at battlebowl is starting, the lethal lottery took a long time. Who will win the prestigious battlebowl ring??

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why does a horrible, homophobic POS like Ultimate Warrior get a big special dvd when Andre hasn't even had an actual proper dvd release yet? Yeah, his WWF stuff wasn't his prime, but WWE owns plenty of stuff that was. Do a way more indepth documentary like the one on youtube.

Yeah, but I have lots of memories of his "Ho Kogan" promos and terrible clotheslines.
Part I

I apologize for any spelling or redaction mistakes and for my bad gifs.

Welcome to Toronto’s Skydome, are you ready for WM X8? (Really? a Roman numeral and an Arabic one?). The show opens to Saliva Superstar, looks like we are going to have a nu-metal night. We get the usual hype video comparing WM to the others big sports events.

The first match is for the Intercontinental Championship, is the WM debut of “Mister PPV” R-V-D vs “The Power of the Punch” William Regal (C). RVD takes control of the match with his kicking combinations and usual spots. Regal goes for his brass knuckles but RVD kicks them. RVD takes Regal down and goes for the Five Star but Regal moves out of the way and RVD crashes to the mat. Regal finally takes control of the match and we see that one of RVD kick busted his lip. Regal counters the Rolling Thunder and goes for the Regal Stretch but RVD counters it with a pin attempt. Regal takes RVD down and does the Queen Salute to a lot of boos from the crowd. RVD tries to fight back but Regal counters with a Half Nelson Suplex.


Regal goes for his brass knuckles but the referee sees them and takes them away. But Regal had a second pair hidden in his trunks. RVD surprises Regal with a Van Dominator followed by a Five Star Frog Splash to become the new intercontinental champion. Pretty meh fight, RVD didn’t used all of his signatures moves and Regal got too little offense.

We are backstage and Lillian interviews a guy that needs a blue dot (BD) in his face! The story is that BD was on a losing streak having anger management problems and throwing tantrums and DDP, being the good guy he is was trying to help him. And after BD got his confidence back he betrayed DDP.

We go back to the ring for the second match, is BD vs Diamond Dallas Page (C) for the European Championship. BD gets a mic and says he’s not from Toronto anymore, he is now a Floridian to get some cheap heel heat. BD surprises DDP with some early offense. DDP takes back control of the match with a Gutwrench Gutbuster. BD recovers and smashes DDP head repeatedly in the turnbuckle. BD continues to work DDP until he counters with a better than Batista Power Bomb. BD gets up at two. BD is surprised with a Diamond Cutter, bank! The champion retains. After the match DDP tells BD that he lost a match in front of more than 60,000 fans and BD throws a tantrum. Decent match.


We see the classic Rock interview where he buries the Coach and hypes his match against Hulk Hogan. This segment is too long, bring on the next match.

Next is Goldust (who looks out of shape) vs Maven (C) for the Hard Core Championship. Mmm this match suck, the only good thing was the golden weapons Goldust used, specially the golden shovel (HHH wouldn’t like that).


Both Goldust and Maven hit each other with a golden trash can lid and Spike Dudley enters the ring to pin Maven and become the new Hardcore champion (the 24/7 rule was on effect). Crash goes for Spike and chases him on the arena.

We got more nu-metal, Drowning Pool Tear Away. They show a video hyping the main event.

We go backstage and Crash finally reaches Spike and they star brawling. Al Snow and referee appear driving one of those golf cars but apparently Al sucks at driving and crashes. The Hurricane out of nowhere hits Spike to become the new Hardcore champion.

Is time for our fourth match! “The Olympic Gold Medalist” Kurt Angle vs “The Big Red Machine” Kane. Angle gets some cheap heel heat by saying that Canadians can only win medals in shit like figure skating. Angle surprises Kane hitting him with the ring bell before the match stars. The story is that Kane cost Angle the opportunity to become the Undisputed champion and Angle brutally attacked Kane causing him a head trauma. German Suplex to Kane. He recovers and goes for the Choke Slam but Angle grabs the rope to avoid it. Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex by Kurt. He focus on attacking Kane’s head. Kane recovers with a Side Walk Slam. Goes for a Suplex but Angle counters with his Triple German Suplexes. Angle goes to the third rope and does a flying clothesline similar to the on Kane does. Goes for another but Kane counters it. Kane with the Big Boot followed by a Choke Slam but Angle is close to the ropes and breaks the pin. Kane goes for the Tombstone but Angle grabs Kane’s mask and counters with an Olympic Slam. Two count! Angle goes for the Angle Lock but Kane overpowers him. But Angle tries again and manages to lock the Angle Lock. Kane gets to the ropes and does an Enziguri.


Kane goes to the third rope but Angle surprises him with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex from the third rope. Both counter their finishers and Angle does a surprising roll up to get the win. Decent match, but the finish sucked.

We go back and see the Hurricane trying to hide. He enters the ladies room and the Godfather hos are changing. They finally see him and the Godfather chases the Hurricane out of the locker room.

Next is “The American Bad Ass” the Undertaker vs “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair in a No Holds Barred match. We see how the Undertaker takes Anderson and David Flair to make Flair accept this match. The Undertaker enters with his bike (probably the fastest entrances he ever had, it took seconds). Flair takes control early. They brawl in the outside. Punches, punches, woos and more punches. This is a brawl, this is personal. Taker takes control by smashing the back of flair in the ring post. More punches and head-butts. Flair just crashes in the turnbuckle. Big boot to send flair to the outside. And flair starts bleeding, how surprising... And the crimson mask appears. Flair comes back with some chops. Taker with a third rope superplex. And he forgives flair by breaking the pin at two. The beat down continues. Leg drop on the ring apron. Taker forgives flair again. Taker misses an elbow drop and Flair starts chopping taker again. But Taker takes flair down. Old school time, but flair counters it. Taker takes control with a Side Slam. Taker goes for a big boot but flair dodges it and chops Taker to the outside. He grabs the pipe that was in Taker’s bike and hits him in the head. The pipe beat down continues and Taker starts bleeding. Taker counters and smashes Flair in the barricades. Flair hits Taker with a sign and they go back to the ring. Flair finally seems to take control but Taker goes for the Choke Slam but Flair with the low blow followed by the Figure Four. Taker finally escapes it and Choke Slams Flair. Two count! Taker continues the beat down but flair would not give up. Taker is mad and hits the referee. He gets his pipe bur Flair chops back. Anderson enters the ring and Spinebuster Taker.


Flair goes for the pin but Taker barely breaks the pin. Taker takes Anderson out. And he stars bleeding... Taker with the Dragon Sleeper but flair saves him with a chair shot. Taker comes back and goes for the last ride. He cannot do it and decides to go for the tombstone.


And Taker wins. He hits the referee again because he is bad ass. My favorite match of the night.

Booker T vs Edge is next. Booker is mad because he lost a Japanese shampoo sponsorship to Edge. He puts his glasses on because he is smart (pic). Both exchange punches but Booker gets the advantage. Edge counters with a dropkick. Booker takes control back with some kicks and clothesline Edge to the outside. Booker with a missile drop kicks from the third rope Spinebuster only gets him a two count. Edge finally gets back and does a Hurricanrana from the ring post. Spinning kick, clothesline but Booker counter and goes for the Scissor Kick, Edge dodge it. He goes to the third rope and hits a spinning kick. Catapult to Booker and Edge misses the running hug. Booker T is finally feeling it and the crow goes wild. Spinaroonie, followed by a Scissor Kick. But Edge gets up. Book End but Edge counters it and scores the running hug. Two count! Edges is filling it and does an edgearoonie and hits the Edgecution to win the match. Good match.

The Hurricane is backstage being interview by the Coach and Mighty Molly congratulates his partner but she hits him with a frying pan to become the new Hardcore champion.

Next is “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs “nWo” Scott Hall. A video showing the arrival of the nWo and their attacks on Austin. First comes Austin next is Hall who points to the entrance, but Kevin Nash takes his sweet time to appear. Austin cannot wait and attacks Hall. Stomps, punches, elbows, classic Austin. Lou Thesz Press and the beatdown continues. Austin smashes Halls face in the turnbuckle to what chants from the public (as a kid I liked that chant, but now I find it horrible). Hall escapes to the outside to take a breather. Austin follows and ambushes Nash and continues to work on Hall. Hall finally takes Austin down and takes control of the match. Some hard chops and punches. Austin counters with some of his own. Austin is out and Nash punches him while the referee is distracted. Lots of SoBs from Jr. Hall with hits his Fallaway slam for a two count. Nash uses any opportunity he gets to attack Austin. Austin with a really bad Spinebuster. Hall gets control back but Austin counters with an out of nowhere Stunner, the referee is about to count three but Nash pulls the referee out and hits him. Nash then stars to beat Austin. He tells Hall to get a chair. Nash grabs Austin and Hall is about to hit him with a chair but Austin kicks Hall and low blows Nash. Stunner to Hall and Stunner to Nash, he covers Hall but there is no referee. A new one comes but Nash elbow drop him. Hall goes for the Outsider's Edge but Austin counters by catapulting Hall to the outside. An army of referees come to take Nash to the back. Austin goes for a third Stunner but with one of his own. Two count. He goes for a second stunner but Austin hits his third Stunner for the win the match. Ok match, too much interference for my liking and Hall looked way too weak.


Part II in some hours.
Watching ROH TV, I like Raymond Rowe's sort-of reverse GTS;


Love me some Ray Rowe. It's a treat having him down here in Texas. He's become one of my favorite guys the last six months or so. Seems like a genuinely good dude, too.

My favorite move I've seen him do is a Delayed Vertical Suplex, where, once you think he's going to drop the guy, he walks over to the corner and climbs the first or second turnbuckle, and then drops the guy. Amazing power move.


Speaking of power moves got to say I was really impressed when Devitt got Lance Archer up for the Bloody Sunday in their recent match. I might be overselling it but Archer seemed a lot bigger than him.
Watching ROH TV, I like Raymond Rowe's sort-of reverse GTS;

Fucking indies. I'm getting all excited at this big man with an awesome finisher and I google him and he's 5'10", ffs. It just reminded me how I'm saddened by the fact that Undertaker, Kane, Mark Henry, and yes even Big Show are almost done and we don't have new monsters to replace them.


Fucking indies. I'm getting all excited at this big man with an awesome finisher and I google him and he's 5'10", ffs. It just reminded me how I'm saddened by the fact that Undertaker, Kane, Mark Henry, and yes even Big Show are almost done and we don't have new monsters to replace them.

Cesaro is a legit 6'5


Fucking indies. I'm getting all excited at this big man with an awesome finisher and I google him and he's 5'10", ffs. It just reminded me how I'm saddened by the fact that Undertaker, Kane, Mark Henry, and yes even Big Show are almost done and we don't have new monsters to replace them.

We've got Cesaro & Harper at least. It aint so bad.
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