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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Part 1

Part 2

Next is the Four Corners Elimination tag match for the Tag Titles next. First the Dudley Boyz with Stacy Keibler and more Saliva. Next the APA, followed by the Hardy Boys and finally the champions, Billy and Chuck, you look so good to me! Bradshaw and Chuck start this. Brad dominates and tags Farooq and continue to work on Chuck who counters with a clothesline and tags Billy. Farooq with a body slam and tags Brad who DDTs Billy for a two count. Devon tags Billy and suddenly everyone is inside. Brad with a Clothesline from Hell but the Dudley’s surprise him with a 3d and eliminate the APA.


The Hardy’s finally enter and double team Devon. Outside the Dudley’s set a table to a we want tables chant from the crowd. Jeff takes his shirt and the girls go wild. Stacy shows him her thong and the men go wild. Jeff slaps her ass and kisses her and shoves her out of the ring (what a jerk). Bubba Bomb to Billy and he chokes Jeff with some bandages (isn’t that a dq?). Bubba continues to dominate and Devon enters and continue to work on Jeff. Bubba enters again and this is getting boring. Matt gets tired and attacks Bubba. The clapping stars but Devon attacks Matt to prevent the tag. Devon continues to work on Jeff. Jeff finally counters Devon and tags Matt who dominates the Dudley’s. Bubba sets Matt for the was up but Billy drops Devon to the table on the outside. Matt with the twist of fate and Jeff with the Swanton bomb and the Dudley’s are out.


It is down to Billy and Chuck and the Hardy’s. Matt and Billy fight, Jeff enters and they do their classic tag moves. Matt with the Twist of Fate followed by a Swanton Bomb by Jeff but Billy hits him with a Fame Asser. Matt sends Billy to the outside and Chuck covers Jeff but only gets a two. Billy enter and nails Jeff with the belt, Chuck covers and the champions retain. Ok match, had its boring moments.

Hall and Nash are discussing how to take Austin permanently. Hogan approaches and tells them to not interfere in his match against the Rock. We see Mighty Molly who gets punked by blue dot and gets the Hardcore title, what an ass.

Next is The Rock vs Hulk Hogan. The usual hype video is shown, explaining how the Rock convinced Hogan to fight him, when the nWo came to take Austin out. Hogan enters first nWo black and white style. And he gets the biggest pop of the night. The Rock is next and he gets a mixed reaction. They stare to each other, to the public and the match starts. Hogan overpowers the Rock and the crowd goes wild. He mocks the Rock with the just bring it. The crowd chants for everything Hogan does. And the Rock cannot believe it. Hogan continues to work the Rock. The Rock finally counters Hogan with a flying clothesline and the crowd boos the Rock. He does the just bring it to Hogan and his triple punch move. The action continues on the outside. Rock goes for the Rock Bottom, but Hogan counters it and elbow drop him continuously. Rock with a take down to some loud boos. Hogan with a back drop. He gets a two. He rakes the back of the Rock and bites him in the corner. The Rock is mad and starts chopping Hogan. Hogan with some type of Choke Slam and starts choking the Rock with some tape (looks like that is not DQ worthy on that era). The action continues on the outside and Hogan goes for the English announcer table. The Rock counters and smashes Hogan on the table, he gets a chair but this is not a no DQ match, the referee grabs the chair and Hogan uses the opportunity to take back control. The Rock bumps into the referee. The rock with a shitty Spine Buster followed by a shitty Sharpshooter. Hogan gets to the ropes but there is no referee, he taps but the referee is still out. A loud rocky sucks chant is hear. Hogan with a low blow, followed by a Rock Bottom. The referee gets up and Hogan only gets a two. He take his belt and is time to Yappapi.


The Rock counters with his DDT, grabs the belt and gets some payback. Hits the Rock Bottom but only gets a two. And Hogan hulks up and the crowd goes wild.


Big Boot followed by the Leg Drop but only gets a two. Everyone is on his feet. Another Big Boot but the Rock moves and avoids the Leg Drop. Rock Bottom and more boos. Another Rock Bottom followed by the Peoples Elbow and the rock wins.
And looks like the crowd didn’t like that. I remember hating this match but it was not as bad as I remember it. Actually it was decent. Hogan is up and we see the passing of the torch. Torch that is now in the hands of John Cena...


Nash and Hall enter the ring and attack Hogan, bit the Rock goes for the save and both clean the house. And they continue to pose for the crowd. Ok, this is taking too long... They finally leave.

They announce that WM X8 set a new record for the Skydome with 68,237 in attendance.

Next is the Triple Threat match for the div.. Women’s Championship. Jazz (C) (and king immediately implies she is ugly...) vs Lita vs Trish. Lita and Trish double team Jazz, but Jazz shows her power. Lita takes control but not for long. Jazz goes for a Superpelx but Trish stops her. Trish and Lita finally fight. Jazz takes back control (king cannot stop mentioning the puppies...). Lita and Trish exchange punches, Lita goes for the Twist of Fate, but Trish escapes. Lita hits Jazz with one. Takes her shirt and goes for the Moonsault on Trish but she counters with some knees. Chops from Trish. A we want puppies chant, thanks king.... Trish gets stomped on the corner. Lita goes to the third rope, but Trish makes her lose her balance. Jazz takes Trish out and hits a Superplex for the three count. The champion retains. Ok match

Blue dot celebrates that he is a champion, but Maven ambushes him with a roll up and takes his title back and stoles blue dot cab. And that ends the hardcore saga of the night.

It is time to play the game with more Drowning Pool. This is good for business... actually not, this song sucks, bring Motorhead please, this song is horrible. The Undisputed champion “J2Y” Chris Jericho is next accompanied by Stephanie. Mmm she actually looks better today. HHH overpowers Jericho, but he goes for the injured leg of HHH. HHH with some punches followed by some clotheslines. Jericho counters with some chops but HHH with the high knee but he feels the pain of his injury. Jericho celebrates in the top rope but HHH gets up and throws Jericho to the outside. Suplex on the outside and is time for the Spanish table to job. Jericho counters by hitting the bad leg of HHH. He continues to work it. HHH with a takedown and he starts working Jericho leg. Rake on the eye by Jericho, but HHH counters and hits a Figure Four. Steph rakes the eyes of HHH now. HHH grabs Steph by the hair, Jericho rushes to save her but HHH moves and Jericho hits Steph. HHH goes for Steph and tries to Pedigree her but Jericho saves her with a missile drop kick. Jericho works the leg of HHH. Step now kicks HHH like a girl. The leg of HHH continues to suffer. Steph with a better slap than the one she gave to Bryan. Jericho with a figure four on the ring post. More submissions to the leg. But HHH finally counters one by shoving Jericho to the ring post. HHH with his knee counters but he injures himself (why does he continues to attack with his bad knee....) HHH is thrown to the outside and that hurts his knee. Now the English table suffers. Both are in the table and Jericho goes for the Walls. HHH counters and goes for the Pedigree but Jericho catapults HHH to the Spanish table.


Lionsault but HHH kicks at two. Jericho goes for the Walls again but HHH overpowers him. HHH goes for the Pedigree but Jericho hits the leg and locks on the Walls. HHH goes for the ropes but Jericho moves him to the center of the ring. HHH is about to pass form the pain but he gets his arm up before three. HHH finally gets the ropes. Jericho thinks he won. He is mad and goes for a chair. Steph distracts the referee, but HHH hits Jericho and gives him a DDT on the chair. Jericho kicks at two. Steph gets the chair but the referee stops her. HHH Pedigrees her and her boobs are about to get out. Jericho hits HHH with the chair. HHH kicks at two. Jericho goes for the pedigree but HHH catapults him but he gets on the second rope and as he jumps HHH kicks him in the gut and Pedigrees him to become the second Undisputed champion. Good match.


And that ends WM X8. I liked most of the matches, some could used more time, but the card was pretty stacked. Undertakes vs Ric Flair was my favorite, followed by HHH vs Jericho. And I do not want to do this again, is way to tiresome.
Finally caught up with this thread...

Amused that so many of you supposed smarks didn't already know about the customs market. That shit's been going on for years.

Women wrestlers are in a constant state of "creeper management," IMO. Or at least the smart ones are. They can make a lot of money, or get a lot of Amazon gifts, catering to uh...fans, and such. But if they go too far, they will probably attract the wrong kind of...uh...fan. Different girls will pick and chose whatever avenues they are comfortable with to capitalize on this fanbase.

To me the whole Amazon gift list is just funny. No harm at all in that. I mean, that's the biggest mark move of all time if you buy those things for somebody, so that's classic wrasslin' work. The joshis I know who do it are rank amateurs though. I used to live in a duplex with a couple high-end strippers in the next unit. Like every damn day they were getting shit from Amazon. That was the first time I heard about Amazon wish lists, and I thought it was the most hilarious thing I ever heard of. Hell, I got them to put some shit on there that I wanted...AND I GOT IT! Merry Christmas to ME! LOL

These strippers had it wired. They had little business cards printed up with their gift list info on it. So, you'd be at the club, and you'd be thinking "damn...this girl's gonna give me her phone number..." and BAM. And some dudes would look at that card when they got home and go "OK" and buy something, because there's a certain percentage of guys that'll simply do anything a hot girl tells them to do.

I've talked to a few girls about customs, (every single active female wrestler I know does them) and while I'd never order one and am not really into the idea of watching one, after hearing what they say, I have no problems with it. As a fan, I think the crowd is a HUGE part of wrestling, and the empty room is kinda weird...and frankly, the stigma of being a "normal" fan of joshi wrestling is hard enough to explain to people...but if there's a market for it, and the girls want to do it, more power to them, I say.

The girls I know don't do anything particularly weird in their matches. The only really "odd" thing that they might not get from any normal booking, (other than the empty room thing,) is that the person (and it's definitely not all guys) ordering the match is able to specify ring gear and such. Other than that, the girls are just doing matches, according to the girls I've asked.

And they say these shoots are a pretty awesome opportunity to get a whole bunch of girls together and do a ton of matches in one day. With a lot of these girls only working on weekends at best, a girl might be able to get what would equal months of experience in the ring with all sorts of different girls in just one day. And they can get paid pretty well too.

Nah...I think the creepiest thing I hear about is girls who sell their gear. I dunno...that's like too close to a "it puts the lotion in the basket" scenario for me. But I know some girls who do it, and some girls who absolutely would never. I know there's a big market for male wrestler's gear in Japan too. I know one guy who sold ever stitch of his gear last time he was in Japan and made a nice haul. He presumes the absolute worst things are being done in or to that gear, but doesn't care. The car payments were worth it.


All the wrestling magazines in the 90s had ads for apartment wrestling, so I don't know why anyone is surprised those things still exist.


Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
WrestleMania IV - C
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Survivor Series '88 - D

It's getting dire up in this b.


First few Wrestlemania events are very enjoyable.

I mean, yeah, they were pretty fun and seem historically significant. Do I plan on watching them again? Probably not. If I do it'll be waaay down the line. But I still appreciate them and enjoyed them for what they were. But I'm big into considering context, you know? So that helps 'em out.
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