bean breath
Downward Spiral.are the angle slam and stunner the two most unconvincing yet amusing finishers? name more good finishers that don't look like they hurt.
It's like giving yourself The Rock Bottom.
Downward Spiral.are the angle slam and stunner the two most unconvincing yet amusing finishers? name more good finishers that don't look like they hurt.
are the angle slam and stunner the two most unconvincing yet amusing finishers? name more good finishers that don't look like they hurt.
hey dm
think about this
How has the Divas division not had a serious/fatal injury in the ring yet?
Did you just take the Lord's name in vain in reply to Strobogo, the most devout and spiritual member of this community?!
I still can't believe it.
Kane & NAO? WHAT?!?!
Kane is going up against the Shield, and for back up, he gets the NAO? Seriously? Come on.
did you forget MMAKSANA
I still can't believe it.
Kane & NAO? WHAT?!?!
Kane is going up against the Shield, and for back up, he gets the NAO? Seriously? Come on.
That was so great, I was gonna ask someone to make a gif of him just appearing, standing there, and leaving
I can't tell if it's the start or the end of that gif, but that is the greatest pin I've ever seen.Good finisher that looked like it would murder you?
I can't beleive the bland ass Usos are champions.
They should have just used Ryback and Axel.
yes. Even Air Boom wasn't so bland.
....ok they were pretty damn bland. But I hate the Usos.
Axel is too important to the future of this business to be wasted on Kane
Would you prefer X-Pac and Tori instead?I still can't believe it.
Kane & NAO? WHAT?!?!
Kane is going up against the Shield, and for back up, he gets the NAO? Seriously? Come on.
Is it because they aren't white?
All the wrestling magazines in the 90s had ads for apartment wrestling, so I don't know why anyone is surprised those things still exist.
I can't beleive the bland ass Usos are champions.
Yes.Would you prefer X-Pac and Tori instead?
Would you prefer X-Pac and Tori instead?
What happened to the muppets being at raw?
Fantastic gif.
I wonder who's gonna bump for Arnold
It's strange not seeing a single "I got a new PS4/XB1/3DS/Sega Saturn/Neo Geo Pocket, what should I get" thread on gaming side.
It's strange not seeing a single "I got a new PS4/XB1/3DS/Sega Saturn/Neo Geo Pocket, what should I get" thread on gaming side.
hey dm
think about this
Something that kind of bothers me about not just GAF but a lot of places on the internet is how many threads there are of "I just bought a X, tell me what I should get" or "I'm bored. Tell me what to watch." It's so weird to me.
I know a girl who does those empty-room wrestling match videos. I asked her if they felt creepy. She said no. No one acts weird. They're just wrestling in an empty room.