Nichioju is pretty legit

Dark Tournament Saga of YYH was awesome. it's actually the only stuff i really remember reading from the manga. It followed up with some bizarre house thing and i wasn't as into it
Blade got me rewatching the Patrice O'neal Blade clip So now...
Fave Five comedians(See, it's wrestling related because I said fave five)
5. Bernie Mac
4. Dave Chappelle
3. Mitch Hedberg
2. Patrice O'Neal
1. Richard Pryor
HM: Maria Bamford, Bill Cosby, Eddie Murphy(loses points for everything after the 80s)
If you're not on the list, I probably think you're god awful because that's how comedy works. And yes, I'm missing two particular internet favorites, and yes, that does mean I think they're god awful.
They're all kinda terrible but seriously fuck Logan
Oh gosh, Steve Austin and Chris Jericho's call-in shows.
"Well let make ask you something, if you don't like him in that top spot, who do you see there instead?
[Nasally voice]"Well, Daniel Bryan, obviously."
Press the skip forward button, bean breath, hurry! Put the audio at 2x speed, let's get through this quickly.
They're all kinda terrible but seriously fuck Logan
Cena is not losing at Mania unless it's a screw finish or against The Rock.
The way they are building the Cena-Bray match makes me think Cena has to go over, which is good because now if Bray wins (which I think he will), it'll mean so much more than if Cena made jokes the whole time.
They're all kinda terrible but seriously fuck Logan
Bray is also getting a hype ass eminem promo for wrestle mania that makes him look like a star. Not to mention a special entrance.
Big things in store for Bray at Mania
WrestleMania 10 was 20 years ago today. March 20, 1994.
The way they are building the Cena-Bray match makes me think Cena has to go over, which is good because now if Bray wins (which I think he will), it'll mean so much more than if Cena made jokes the whole time.
Once he beats Cena, which I think he will, they'll probably have a no holds barred match at Extreme Rules for a rematch. He could probably win that too. The problem I get is what they do with him after. If he's not feuding with Cena or Bryan, who is the supposed top heel suppose to feud against? Unless the Roman Reigns megapush ramps up then, and they have something for SummerSlam. There's so many jobbers/directionless people now.
Why the fuck are talking about wrestling in this thread?
Greatest Pro Wrestling mooners of all time?
Rick Rude?
Ric Flair?
You can say that now and it is perfectly acceptable. Literally and figuratively are pretty much interchangeable.
anime sucks that shit never ends and has so much fucking filler it's like you're gonna watch forever
*goes back to reading an X-Men comic*
Austin's butt got exposed on the turnbuckle, and it was as white as the moon itself
I can get y'all started on annie may.
Samurai Champloo is junk because I'm too old to enjoy it, just barely too old
ok have fun guys!~
What? No. Not, it really is not. If you can use them both interchangeably, they then literally have no purpose for existing.
: in a literal sense or manner : actually <took the remark literally> <was literally insane>
: in effect : virtually <will literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice Norman Cousins>
strangely enough i never got into this one when i was into animanga. i'd probably like it a lotWho are you to doubt MUSCLE power?
My friend had muscle things as a kid. We had no clue is was a wrestling deal from japan.
All we knew is that they looked cool.
By the unwashed masses they are. Anyone with a smidgen of etymological awareness would never do it.You can say that now and it is perfectly acceptable. Literally and figuratively are pretty much interchangeable.
do you even dictionary?
wasn't there a GNR song in Days of Thunder? it's on the soundtrack. that should take precedent over all others if so
strangely enough i never got into this one when i was into animanga. i'd probably like it a lot
I appreciate you starting this anime discussion. I also appreciate the fact, that you can kiss my ass!
look at this guy over hereBy the unwashed masses they are. Anyone with a smidgen of etymological awareness would never do it.
these are AMAZING. idk how MAPMAN hasn't become a real life gimmickI had the figurines when I was kid, and boy were there weird gimmicks.
Raw is in Brooklyn next Monday. Its one of hottest new market for wrestling. So the question is will Daniel Bryan be there after basically being killed last week. Should he be there?
I think the best thing is he should not be there or give a promo via satellite and return for the go home Raw. To come back a week after that attack would be stupid.
So should Bryan be at Raw next week?
Told ya. Worth tuning in just to hear Gordy speak. He's so good.
Told ya
Who would they fill the time with? More backstage skits?He's advertised, but he could just be in the dark main event.