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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Jeff Hardy was all like: "Sure Dixie, I'll take a cut in pay, but only if you let me do this shitty gimmick I used to do in my e-fed back when I was 12, okay?"

The thing is he isn't even getting a pay cut. He is doing it because he can because he has TNA by the balls. So I bet he shows up on pay per view as the character when Jeff Hardy is advertised.

Also, someone could avatar it because I might use it.


WrestleMania (1) review
Here's the first part of our hopefully 29-part WrestleMania review series. I'm posting this very (very) early on the 2nd of March in my time zone because I may be busy enough during the day that I wouldn't get to post it otherwise. As of writing this I have no clue how many posts I'm going to have to split this into (fake edit: looking like two) but let's see. Sorry for any weird formatting errors, I'm copy-pasting this from a text document that doesn't share the format of the forum in the slightest.

We open with Vince welcoming us to Madison Square Garden, where the World Wrestling Federation presents WrestleMania. Vince runs down the card. The women’s championship match (Vince calls it the “ladies’ championship” is the second-to-last match mentioned, coming after both the tag championship match and the bodyslam challenge match.
Vince pushes Muhammad Ali as the guest referee of the main event, Billy Martin (who?) as the guest ring announcer for the main event, and Liberace as the special guest timekeeper for the main event.
After being somewhat confusingly introduced to the commentary team, Gene Okerlund is brought up to sing the national anthem. He asks for the audience to sing along, which is actually a nice gesture. We are treated to shots of three or four people in the audience singing along.


There’s a backstage segment with Lord Alfred Hayes, who sends us to explicitly pre-recorded interviews with the wrestlers in the first match, Tito Santana and the Executioner.
Mean Gene asks Tito Santana what he’s going to do against the apparently undefeated Executioner. Tito Santana looks young as hell. He says that the Executioner may be big but isn’t used to being in a WWF ring. Arriba catchphrase. Without as much as a cut, Mean Gene turns to the left and apparently right there was the Executioner all along.


The Executioner talks like he looks.
“You will know something about me after… uh… I get through with Tito Santana! I’m going after your leg! The leg that was hurt by Greg Valentine! And there’s a reason for it! And then everybody is gonna know who the Executioner is and I’m here to go after the leg and nothing else and you’re going down, Santana. I am a big leaguer!”
Because this is 1985 and entrances weren’t a thing, we now cut immediately to the ring with both men in it.

Match 1: Tito Santana vs. The Executioner
Howard Finkel tells us the match has a twenty minute time limit! I hope it doesn’t go to twenty minutes. Santana gets a big pop upon introduction! Criss-cross, Santana back body drops the Executioner, Santana nicely dropkicks the Executioner out of the ring onto the cameraman. Headlock, and what a maneuver by Santana in the corner.


Apparently this is a two-and-a-half count. Monsoon mentions how that’s the closest he’s ever seen anyone get to being pinned with a side headlock. After some stalling, the Executioner takes over and goes for the first half of a figure four leglock twice. Santana gets back on top, but then the Executioner counters a piledriver and goes to the top rope. The only way this could possibly end is for Santana to do a super powerslam, which he does.


Santana tries to end it with a running splash but the Executioner counters by getting his legs up and goes for the legs of the stunned Santana. Almost all of the Executioner’s offense so far has actually been to the legs, like he promised in his promo. The Executioner goes for the “wrap Santana’s leg over a rope and then sit down on his leg” move twice, the referee apparently not giving a shit that this is an illegal move and should be a five count, but is countered and sent over the top rope onto a chair. Santana ends up giving the Executioner a flying forearm in the ring and goes for the figure four leg lock. The Executioner submits verbally.

Santana wins at Wrestlemania: 1
Santana losses at Wrestlemania: 0

Winner: Santana via submission.
Smackdown-level audience reactions for the whole thing, but for real. Pretty strange. House show atmosphere, which makes sense for the era. Tito comes across pretty strong, but it’s also essentially a jobber match.
We are sent to another incredibly awkward Lord Alfred Hayes segment where he sends us to another set of explicitly pre-recorded interviews with Mean Gene. Special Delivery Jones says he’s going to “get down” something like six times. King Kong Bundy and a young (barely 40 years old) Jimmy Hart say S.D. Jones should get ready for the Avalanche (Bundy’s splash finisher) and a five-count.

Match 2: King Kong Bundy vs. Special Delivery Jones
Special Delivery Jones runs the ropes. King Kong Bundy catches him. King Kong Bundy runs Jones into the corner. King Kong Bundy splashes Jones in the corner. King Kong Bundy splashes Jones on the ground. Three-count. Look, I made a .gif of the whole match:


Finkel claims the “time of the fall” was nine seconds. It’s blatantly more than twice as much as that (my .gif is almost seven seconds long and cuts out Jones running the ropes) but it doesn’t really matter.

Winner: King Kong Bundy via pinfall.
Awkward Alfred Hayes says the next match is going to be exciting because we have an exciting new star coming to the WWF: Ricky Steamboat. He sends us to a pre-recorded interview with said Steamboat and Matt Borne. Matt Borne is the original Doink The Clown and died last year. He looks like what you get if you cross Big John Studd with someone out of that Jumpin’ Jeff Farmer promotion.


He stutters and starts his interview with “let me tell you something” which isn't a good sign. His point is basically that Steamboat is a star and really good but won’t win because he’s too nice. Steamboat says this is the biggest wrestling extravaganza all across the nation and being too nice isn’t a problem because he has come to the WWF to develop his meanness, starting with Matt Borne. Once again they’re in the same room without a cut between the interviews.
Jesse Ventura claims no one would want to lose in front of 1.2 million people. Not sure where that number’s coming from.

Match 3: Matt Borne vs. Ricky Steamboat
Steamboat dominates the beginning of the match. They do the thing where Steamboat has Borne in a headlock, and then Borne does something to get out of the headlock, and then Steamboat counters that something and puts him back into the headlock a couple of times. Irish whips work totally differently in the 80s from how they do now. People end up stunned in the corners after just an irish whip.
Monsoon calls one of Steamboat’s chops a karate chop, possibly to the asophagus, which feels like overanalysing a chop. Borne does a couple of suplexes. They do the “trading punches” spot without any kind of crowd reaction. Steamboat tries to fire them up but we can’t hear if it works. Occasionally you’ll hear a whistle or one guy shouting in the audience so I don’t think it’s that they’re not recording the audience properly. They’re just not very loud.


Monsoon pretends to know the medical term for where Steamboat is hitting with a running fist drop. Steamboat does a quick running the ropes comeback and his a flying cross body from the top rope onto a flailing Borne for the three count. There’s a decent pop for Steamboat getting onto the top rope. Ventura calls it a flying tackle, which is technically accurate, I guess. Borne immediately gets up making the ending seem more like a fluke than Steamboat’s finisher.


Monsoon drops a “holy mackerel”, impressed by how exciting this match was. It wasn’t that exciting. Three headlocks, a suplex, three headlocks, three suplexes, a comeback, flying cross body.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat via pinfall.
Awkward Hayes tells us the next match is “the pompous but powerful” Brutus Beefcake against David Sammartino. Hayes has issues reading the cue card and has to squint to remember to say that David’s “fortunes are guided… by his father. Bruno… Sammartino”. Hayes is standing right where the wrestlers have to walk by to get to and from the locker room. Beefcake walks in front of the camera, and Matt Borne casually walks behind Hayes.
In the pre-recorded Mean Gene interview, David Sammartino says he won’t share the fate of “Big Jim” (who?). Bruno warns Beefcake’s manager, Johnny Valiant, not to interfere. Once again the other team is on the other side of Mean Gene. Johnny Valiant implies Bruno Sammartino is a pickpocket and tries to pass the mic to Brutus, who can’t get a word out and eventually blows a raspberry. I thought these were pre-recorded interviews.

Match 4: David Sammartino vs. Brutus Beefcake
David Sammartino gets a ring entrance. Biggest crowd reaction of the night so far because of his dad, who jogs in front. The audience erupts when Finkel mentions Bruno’s name. They stall for several minutes before ringing the bell while Gorilla Monsoon hypes how this is an amazing card.
The stalling carries into the match. They lock up a couple of times, with Brutus walking around the ring and/or jumping out of the ring to waste time. David works the left arm of Brutus for some reason.
Sammartino slaps on a double toehold in such a way that Beefcake could easily reach the ropes or crawl backwards or forwards to ease the pressure if he felt like it.


Sammartino changes positions several times, trying different approaches to this toe hold, most of which would allow Beefcake to either reach the ropes or reposition himself to completely neutralise the hold in reality. Also, wasn’t he working the left arm a minute ago? Gorilla Monsoon slips into calling it “a happening”.
Beefcake gets out of the hold and no-sells the legs, running around the ring like nothing had happened. There’s so much stalling. Brutus is free to attack Sammartino in the corner because the referee repeatedly refuses to start a five count. “David” chants from the audience, which I believe is the first chant of the night. Weak-ass comeback from David Sammartino, although the audience seems into it. Brutus throws David out of the ring and for some reason Johnny Valiant decides to body slam him onto the floor. Bruno Sammartino does what he promised in the pre-match promo and attacks Valiant. I guess this is what the crowd wanted because there’s an enormous pop.


Big brawl, the ref rings the bell, double DQ. Uneventful match that served only to give the audience Bruno Sammartino beating someone up. The crowd boos the announcement of the double DQ, and they’re right. Beefcake’s manager attacked David Sammartino, but Bruno Sammartino only attacked Beefcake’s manager. Therefore Beefcake should have been disqualified.
I also don’t see why this had to be eleven minutes long. It’s the second-longest match on the card.

Winner: No one via DQ.
There’s a minute or two of stalling before Awkward Hayes returns to hype the next match. Greg Valentine and Jimmy Hart walk past Hayes in the foreground so I guess they’re involved. Hayes informs us that this will be the Junkyard Dog versus Valentine for Valentine’s IC title. Hayes sends us to a “pre-re-taped… uh… recording”. The interview starts playing without sound for a couple of seconds.
Valentine says his finisher is the figure four leglock and that his nickname is “the hammer” because he hits them harder than anyone else in professional wrestling. He says he’s in the greatest shape he’s ever been, which isn’t a high bar for Greg fucking Valentine. I hate this guy so much and I don’t even really know why. The Junkyard Dog, whose character seems to be that he is literally a dog, says he’ll be able to buy a lot of bones when he has the IC belt.

Match 5: Greg Valentine vs. Junkyard Dog
Unlime the standard 20 minute time limit, Finkel informs us that this match will have a one hour time limit. I don’t want to see Greg Valentine wrestle for an hour.
The Junkyard Dog gets a ring entrance with actual music (Another One Bites the Dust by Queen originally, Grab Them Cakes from The Wrestling Album on the Network because of music rights fees) and an enormous reaction.


Ahmed Johnson was the first black IC champion in 1996, but this guy comes across like such a star he could easily have been one 11 years prior. The 1985 IC belt is green and looks all right.
Junkyard Dog initially dominates to big cheers from the audience. Ventura complains about JYD throwing closed fist punches. Instead of attacking Valentine in the corner, JYD asks the referee to make him leave the corner. That feels like a handy rule.
Valentine misses the Five Knuckle Shuffle which opens for JYD’s trademark headbutts. Big reaction to the headbutts although honestly they look pretty bad.


Valentine knocks JYD down and grabs the leg for the Figure Four Leglock, only to not do the actual leglock and kick JYD in the stomach instead. This is like when Bret Hart grabs the legs and then stomps the guy instead of doing the Sharpshooter. Do your unbreakable finisher hold if you get the chance, idiots.
Greg Valentine puts the Junkyard Dog into the worst submission hold ever under the pretense of working the leg for the Figure Four.


Valentine goes for the hold (Author's note five days after writing this part: I have no idea what the hell this was supposed to be) after working the leg but JYD counters it and gets to his feet, limping into the corner. This guy sells better than Brutus Beefcake. JYD hits his standing headbutt and Greg Valentine Flair flops (is there anything about this guy that Ric Flair didn’t also do?), leading to Jimmy Hart trying to distract the referee. JYD tries to get the ref’s attention back and Valentine for absolutely no reason clotheslines Jimmy Hart instead of JYD.


JYD does an enormous comeback but Valentine counters it into a roll-up with his feet on the ropes to cheat. For some reason Tito Santana comes out to tell the referee that Valentine cheated. There are like fifty people inside and outside of the ring, including JYD, who could have told the referee this themselves. The referee decides the match is still going, and counts Valentine out as he is leaving the ring area. JYD wins by countout which means Valentine keeps the belt.
Valentine acts like he was just about to re-enter the ring as he was counted out and is furious at losing a match by count-out. Monsoon clarifies that Valentine is still the “reigning Intercontinental Championship”. Why do people keep making that mistake?

Winner: Junkyard Dog via count-out.

Next part in the next post which may actually be in a couple of posts depending on thread acticity.


Second part of the WM1 review. Sorry for the length.

Awkward Hayes introduces us to the next match: Freddie Blassie-managed Nikolai Volkoff and the Iron Sheik versus “a team of young men”, “fine young athlutes [sic]”, Lou Albano-managed Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda, reigning tag team champions, for the tag team championship. Bray Wyatt’s uncle and dad on the same team, resulting in his first name and his last name being the last names of the face team. Windham Rotunda is a stupid name in the first place though.
Pre-taped interview. Foreign heels start off. The Iron Sheik immediately calls Mean Gene “Gene Mean”. Mean Gene hilariously calls Volkoff a commie instead of a comrade. They say basically nothing and Gene switches over to the face team. Lou Albano has teabags hanging from his left cheek for some reason. Mean Gene can’t decide if it’s Rotunda or Rotundo and switches between the two. Both face team members essentially say “we’re on our way to the ring right now” which we know isn’t true because this is a pre-taped interview.


Match 6: Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo [sic] vs. Nokolai Volkoff & Iron Sheik
Finkel introduces Freddie Blassie as such but the nameplate says Fred Blassie. Loud boos. One hour time limit, as seems normal for title matches. Nikolai Volkoff does his national anthem thing and the audience reacts more negatively than to anything else so far. They throw trash at the ring. The Iron Sheik takes the microphone from Volkoff after half of the pre-chorus and does his usual “Russia number one, Iran number one, USA (spits)” thing which doesn’t even make sense. At least make Russia number two. Unless it’s the tag team rankings in which case I guess the reigning champions could be Russia and Iran.
There’s a big pop for the champions. They enter to “Born in the USA” in the version I’m watching which seems like the original music. “Real American” was written later and was given to Hulk Hogan after Windham left the WWF in ‘85, which is a much more fair turn of events than how it’s usually told.
When discussing the heel team’s credentials, Monsoon eventually manages to mention that the Sheik is a former WWF heavyweight world champion. The Sheik starts the match and is initially dominated by Rotunda/-o to a decent reaction. Windham tags in and the Sheik reverses. Some attempted heel tactics with Volkoff holding Windham back while the Sheik attacks backfires and the Sheik accidentally big boots his tag partner. This leads to nothing at all, and the heel team gets time re-group and tag Volkoff in while the Sheik apologises. There’s a slow-motion replay of the friendly fire spot. So far replays have only been used to replay the finish of matches.
The face team tags in and out repeatedly to keep an arm lock going on Volkoff. Not a lot going on. Volkoff manages to send Rotunda/-o into the Sheik’s boot which Monsoon calls an illegal weapon. It’s really no more severe than anything the face team has done so far.


Back drop by the Sheik and a pin, kick out at two. Gut wrench suplex, kick out at two. Rotundo/-a counters a suplex into a nice-looking vertical suplex of his own. Volkoff is somehow tagged in to thunderous “USA” chants. Volkoff gets the heat on Rotunda/-o. While the camera focuses on the managers outside of the ring, the Iron Sheik is tagged in and puts an abdominal stretch on. Rotundo/-a escapes and both teams tag in the other guy. Big comeback by Windham on Volkoff. Windham hits his enormous finisher on Volkoff. It’s a bulldog.


Sheik saves. Rotunda/-o enters the ring to throw the Sheik out and does so with a dropkick, but also manages to distract the referee as the Sheik hits Windham with some sort of Iranian cross between a golf club and a whip from the apron. Windham plays dead as the ref counts the three. New tag team champions. The crowd boos the hell out of no one overturning the decision, which to be fair we’ve kind of established someone could easily do by just telling the referee what happened.

Winners: Nokolai Volkoff & Iron Sheik via pinfall.
For a change, Gorilla Monsoon sends us straight to Mean Gene who reacts live to what just happened. The Iron Sheik enters the frame as it is established that this is to be a post-match interview. Blassie denies there being anything shady about the finish and the Iron Sheik, for the second time, starts his promo with “you know, Gene Mean”. “We come to the America, we prove it. Look at us”, he says, as Gene Mean sends us back to ringside.
After fooling us into thinking Alfred Hayes wouldn’t be introducing the next match, we are now sent to him. It’s established that two giants are going to clash, and that fifteen thousand dollars are on the line. Big John Studd and his manager Bobby Heenan have challenged André The Giant as Hayes quotes Studd as having said he is the only “champion… giant”. André The Giant seems to have this one in the bag as being the giant is in his name. In a completely backwards fashion, Hayes makes clear that if André can’t slam Studd, he will have to retire from wrestling.
Gene Mean interview. Big John Studd says the bag with the supposedly 15 000 dollars of cash is heavy which just makes him come across as weak as hell as it’s not a very large bag.


Studd and Heenan cut promos basically saying André won’t see any of the money and will have to retire. André does not get an interview.
Before we get to the match, Gorilla Monsoon does a confused transition into an ad for merchandise. A “life-like” poster of Hulk Hogan and Mr. T is shown. For some reason, it is advertised as being available “in the lobby” for eight dollars at intermission, and Monsoon implies that this ad is in fact for when WrestleMania will be touring the entire US and the world. They must mean at house shows after this event. For five dollars you can get a “graphic depiction” of the night’s events in full colour.


A T-shirt and a cap are also advertised. The T-shirt would go for 14.75$ and the matching cap for 12.75$. This feels like it would have been a lot of money for clothes of presumably poor quality in 1985, but I’m basing that entirely on how fifteen thousand dollars was apparently a mind-shattering amount of money for Mean Gene two minutes ago.
Ten minutes of intermission. Hot piano music and some smooth jazz plays. We return to Finkel seemingly forgetting to introduce the match, going straight to introducing Studd and Heenan. As the only gimmick match on the card, this feels like the one you’d need to introduce the stipulations of. Oh wait, he does introduce the match after Heenan. “One fall will win this contest”, but if Studd is slammed he will lose fifteen thousand dollars in cash. If André fails to slam Studd, he will have to retire. If those are the stipulations, why doesn’t just Studd leave the ring immediately and go home, making André the winner by count-out, but without a slam? André would get fired.
André enters without music.

Match 7: André The Giant vs. Big John Studd
André chokes Studd in the corner for way more than five seconds, which seems like a stupid idea considering the stipulations. Big rest hold bear hug by André after almost nothing. André lets go, does almost nothing, and puts Studd in a choke hold while Studd has his hands on the ropes for several seconds without interference by the referee. After a couple of low kicks, André spontaneously gets Studd up and slams him. For some reason the bell rings.


Someone hands André the money and he manages to throw something like two handfuls of bills in the general direction of the audience (with most of it landing in the ring because you try throwing paper money sometime) before Heenan takes the bag and runs off to boos.
Big John Studd isn’t very big, or at the very least looks like a normal guy next to André. This made the entire match strange to watch, and considering nothing happened until André slammed him and won for some reason, I don’t think this was very good at all.
This is the only match from WM1 that is in WWE 2k14. The stips in that game are corrected to simply be “first one to slam the other wins”.

Winner: André The Giant via ???.
Instant Mean Gene interview with André. André says something but it’s impossible to actually hear any words. He expresses dislike for Studd and Heenan, and sounds negative to the prospect of retiring.
Monsoon’s seventh “a happenin” of the night. He and Ventura are a pretty interesting dynamic on this show. Ventura is clearly the heel announcer with Monsoon being the face announcer, but they don’t actually disagree with each other. They’re quite friendly. Ventura just points out heel points of view, some of which Monsoon can agree with, and vice versa.
Hayes starts talking before Monsoon sends us to him. He starts by saying “back on WrestleMania here”, which makes no sense whatsoever as we’ve been at WrestleMania for a while now. He tries to say something about the ladies’ championship but is interrupted by women kissing him on the cheek. The “first of the wrestling rock connection matches”, we have “Lelayli [sic] Kai” versus Wendi Richter.
Wendi Richter and her temporary manager of Cyndi Lauper (way too similar names, I’m going to get them mixed up at some point) get a Mean Gene pre-taped interview. They cut a pretty coherent promo about how Richter apparently only lost the belt in the first place because Moolah interfered. In the same room are Moolah and Lailani Kai. Kai establishes she is a heel and will cheat to win.

Match 8: Leilani Kai vs. Wendi Richter
Finkel also calls it the “ladies’” championship, despite the on-screen graphic saying “women’s”. Richter enters to “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”, obviously a famous Cyndi Lauper cover. Decent reaction to them entering the arena, although you’d think there would be much more of a pop for an actual famous person.
Cyndi Lauper’s manager is at ringside. Great hierarchy of managers there. Stalling before the match can start. So much stalling they show the match graphic again. Kai repeatedly taps out to a hammerlock because tapping out isn’t a thing. Monsoon and Ventura agree that it’s okay to break the rules if the referee isn’t looking. Monsoon berates the referee for asking Kai if she grabbed Richter’s hair because of course she’s going to say she didn’t.
Nothing happens for a couple of minutes. It’s not bad but it’s just a bunch of holds. Moolah grabs Richter by the hair but the referee doesn’t see it. Richter picks Kai up for what Monsoon assumes is going to be an airplane spin but it’s this instead.


Leilani Kai tries to do a World’s Strongest Slam which garners a two count. Follows it up with a powerslam and goes to the top rope… high cross body by Kai to Richter. Richter awkwardly turns it around and pins Kai! New women’s champion. All right match.


Cyndi Lauper attacks Moolah and there’s a confusing brawl including Lauper’s manager. They play her entrance music after the match too which I don’t think they did for JYD.

Winner: Wendi Richter via pinfall.
Mixed reaction from the audience. Some boos. I don’t know why. Monsoon tries to send us to Gene but can’t because Lauper and Richter are still in the ring. They eventually get to the interview and Richter is absolutely indecipherable. Lauper gets the mic and shit talks Kai a little. Richter pulls off the line of the night with “Cow, that’s how you pronounce it”.
Finkel introduces all of the guest people for the main event. Baseball whatever Billy Martin is the guest ring announcer. Martin introduces Liberace as the guest time keeper. Eighth “a happenin” at Liberace entering the ring. I couldn’t give less of a shit. Ninth “a happenin”. Monsoon claims the fans are loving it while they actually seem quite indifferent. Air horns, which have been absent since the opening segment since apparently the fans respected the matches and they don’t respect this.
Before the third guy enters, Ventura claims 1.2 million viewers in 22 different countries are getting the event live. That has to be bullshit.
The third guy is introduced by Billy Martin but the microphone is off so we don’t get to hear who it is. It’s probably Muhammad Ali. Ali gets chants and a big pop. He’s the guest referee.
Martin (possibly Finkel) announces that the following is the main event and bagpipers enter the ring area.


Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff enter. Boos. The fix the microphone. Bob Orton is with them. Eye of the Tiger starts playing. We get a shot of Hulk Hogan entering behind Mr. T. The 1985 world heavyweight belt looks really good. They’re followed by Jimmy Snuka.


Match 9: Hulk Hogan & Mr. T vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff
Liberace rings the bell but it’s not the actual bell. Paul Orndorff and Hogan start off but Orndorff doesn’t want to fight Hogan and Piper does, so they do an intense tag. Monsoon says they didn’t have to tag because no contact had been made, so they could just have switched places. I love rules.
Hogan wants to fights Piper but Mr. T really wants to fight Piper so the crowd and Mr. T manage to convince Hogan to tag. This is done really well and the reaction for Mr. T coming in is huge. They haven’t even touched yet.
This is where I switched to the Network to watch the rest.
The heat for Piper and T going face to face and slapping each other is enormous. No question at all that this is the main event. Piper and T do some very basic wrestling and Piper runs back to his corner to recharge. Mr. T picks Piper up in a fireman’s carry position and slams him to the front in way more than you’d think Mr. T would be able to do.
All four men enter the ring to brawl in an excuse to have Muhammad Ali break it up. “Roddy” chants as Piper leaves the ring. Piper’s team leaves the ring area and start getting counted out.


Hogan stops the count but the audience keeps counting. All four men enter the ring to brawl, but this time Hogan and T take control and run the heels into each other.


I clicked a bunch of buttons and this is the .gif I ended up with, sorry.
Hogan himself dominates both Orndorff and Piper to a huge reaction. Mr. T slams Piper and hip tosses Orndorff.


Hogan does a big boot to Piper but Piper falls out of the ring instead of landing in a legdroppable position. As Hogan is looking at Piper over the ropes, Orndorff clotheslines Hogan out of the ring too. Piper hits Hogan with a chair outside of the ring as several referees are looking but maybe they didn’t DQ people outside of the ring in this era. The heels work over Hogan in their corner.Mr. T tries to save Hogan but as the referee is sending T back to his corner, they double atomic drop Hogan. Lots of heat on Hogan who eventually gets to T. Piper and Orndorff immediately knock T down and beat him down instead. Rest hold between T and Piper. Hogan comes in and beats up both heels. Piper distracts the ref as Bob Orton runs in, but Snuka sends Orton out with a nose wrench or something.
A lot of things happen at once but it ends up with Orton coming off the top rope as Orndorff has Hogan in a full nelson, missing Hogan with the cast and hitting Orndorff instead.


That’s the finish. I stopped taping the .gif because I figured someone would break the pin but it’s the tree count. Mr. T checks on Orndorff who reacts violently to waking up. The Network plays Real American which means the real world played Eye of the Tiger and we leave Madison Square Garden.

Winner: Hulk Hogan & Mr. T via pinfall.
If you were wondering there’s a Hogan/Mr. T/Snuka interview after the match so we get a Hogan interview on WM1 too. “Well you know what turned me on, Mean Gene, the whole time I’ve been training with a dude”, he says.
It all comes across like the audience came to see the main event. There’s nothing memorable on the rest of the card but nothing really terrible either. Not worth watching because it’s an amazing wrestling event, but probably worth watching if you want to get a feeling for how wrestling was in 1985.
The best technical match felt like Santana’s jobber match or Steamboat’s match, and outside of the main event, JYD definitely felt like the biggest (wrestling) star of the night.
This ended up becoming way too much of a re-cap and way too little of a review.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
from wrestlezone

Take this for what it's worth, as nothing has been confirmed by WWE, TNA or Kurt Angle, but WZ received two separate correspondences from readers in attendance at today's Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio, and they noted Kurt Angle was telling people he will be returning to WWE in September.

Angle's current TNA deal is set to expire in September of this year, and barring any no-compete clause in his contract he would be able to return to WWE at that time. Angle has been more open in interviews lately about the idea of returning to WWE and finishing his career there, and he has even talked about who he'd like to face in WWE should he make a return.
from wrestlezone

Take this for what it's worth, as nothing has been confirmed by WWE, TNA or Kurt Angle, but WZ received two separate correspondences from readers in attendance at today's Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio, and they noted Kurt Angle was telling people he will be returning to WWE in September.

Angle's current TNA deal is set to expire in September of this year, and barring any no-compete clause in his contract he would be able to return to WWE at that time. Angle has been more open in interviews lately about the idea of returning to WWE and finishing his career there, and he has even talked about who he'd like to face in WWE should he make a return.

Like he can pass a WWE physical, let alone a drug test. If he comes back at best it will be as a manager, at worst pre game panel.


I just realised I drew #1 in both the 'Mania review and the Avatar Rumble. Does this mean I'm getting a main event run soon?


I love how they don't have the "Does not reflect our corporate views" disclaimer before this:


I haven't seen a single disclaimer on any show I've seen so far. Including one with Benoit doing a suicide dive and getting hit in the head with chair. No disclaimer, no editing of audio to avoid "Benoit" and "suicide" in the same sentence. The only editing I've seen so far is music and I swear Hogan/Andre was edited to different angles for some of the spots that looked bad like Andre headbutting the ring post.


The thing is he isn't even getting a pay cut. He is doing it because he can because he has TNA by the balls. So I bet he shows up on pay per view as the character when Jeff Hardy is advertised.

Also, someone could avatar it because I might use it.


Let me know if you want the TNA part left in it. I wasn't sure if you'd want to be associated with TNA fans. *spits on ground*

I haven't seen a single disclaimer on any show I've seen so far. Including one with Benoit doing a suicide dive and getting hit in the head with chair. No disclaimer, no editing of audio to avoid "Benoit" and "suicide" in the same sentence. The only editing I've seen so far is music and I swear Hogan/Andre was edited to different angles for some of the spots that looked bad like Andre headbutting the ring post.

It might just be before new programming, then. I went back to watch the main event of ArRIVAL today because my stream messed up the other night and the disclaimer popped up before I could skip.

Apparently the disclaimer only shows up on mobile devices right now.

I saw it on the PS3 app.
I haven't seen a single disclaimer on any show I've seen so far. Including one with Benoit doing a suicide dive and getting hit in the head with chair. No disclaimer, no editing of audio to avoid "Benoit" and "suicide" in the same sentence. The only editing I've seen so far is music and I swear Hogan/Andre was edited to different angles for some of the spots that looked bad like Andre headbutting the ring post.

Apparently the disclaimer only shows up on mobile devices right now.


The only Benoit related editing I've seen is they don't put his stuff as bullet points on the time line. No editing of commentary to mute positive things said about him or mentions of family, suicide (dives), or anything of that sort.



Let me know if you want the TNA part left in it. I wasn't sure if you'd want to be associated with TNA fans. *spits on ground*

It might just be before new programming, then. I went back to watch the main event of ArRIVAL today because my stream messed up the other night and the disclaimer popped up before I could skip.

I saw it on the PS3 app.

Yeah, its fine if you leave the TNA part in. Thanks for your help because I created one but I'm not sure if its good.


So not worth it
As I said recently after seeing Hog Wild 96, seeing Benoit and Woman together with commentary saying how they weren't seeing eye to eye recently send actual child down my spine. I don't normally have much issue setting Benoit stuff, the only thing that sort of gets me generally is his diving head butt and chair shots, but that got me good.


The only Benoit related editing I've seen is they don't put his stuff as bullet points on the time line. No editing of commentary to mute positive things said about him or mentions of family, suicide (dives), or anything of that sort.

Seems like the only commentary they've edited is taking the F out of WWF and this one time Joey Styles said fuck.


So not worth it
Where did they do that? They agreed a new deal they're allowed to use the initials and scratch logo on archive content now so it really shouldn't be edited out.
Only at the Legends Roundtable stuff and no doubt other stuff that is older footage from Classics on Demand or documentary stuff that was made before the deal.
Souled Out 97 peaked with Eddie/Syxx and then shortly after plummeted when Bischoff made out with some miss NWO pageant contest winner who looked to be late 40s/early 50s.


Neo Member
so dudebrotherjacks, I'm in the UK and I'd like to get a Network subscription but I'm using an Xbox360. is it completely incompatible at the moment? and I heard you need a US address to sign up? can someone outwith the US with a network sub give me a little walk through?


so dudebrotherjacks, I'm in the UK and I'd like to get a Network subscription but I'm using an Xbox360. is it completely incompatible at the moment? and I heard you need a US address to sign up? can someone outwith the US with a network sub give me a little walk through?

1) Use a fake USA address and pay with PayPal
2) Sign up for http://www.unblock-us.com and follow the steps
3) Use anything apart from the 360 app as it's completely fucked right now
so dudebrotherjacks, I'm in the UK and I'd like to get a Network subscription but I'm using an Xbox360. is it completely incompatible at the moment? and I heard you need a US address to sign up? can someone outwith the US with a network sub give me a little walk through?

Xbox is broken for everyone regardless of location. Any US address is fine as long as you pay with paypal. www.unblock-us.com is recommended for getting past the geoblock. You have to pay a small monthly fee but the support is unparalleled.

edit: 2drunk2slow
Whats this I hear about AJ Styles hurting someone with his finisher again today?

He really needs to modify the styles clash or just stop using it because I dont know how many more close calls that guy can have with that move before he wheelchairs someone.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Drew can be Seth's tag team partner after everyone not named Reigns gets neutered when Shield breaks up.


Souled Out 97 peaked with Eddie/Syxx and then shortly after plummeted when Bischoff made out with some miss NWO pageant contest winner who looked to be late 40s/early 50s.

Souled Out 1997 is a terrrrrrrible show. On par with the worst of 1999/2000 WCW PPVs. I did like the look of it though. Had a very Japanese feel. But the matches sucked, the commentary was unbelievably bad, and the whole show was just draining. Bischoff's plan to split the NWO off into a separate promotion definitely died that night.


We all know that Ziggler's face chants were edited out of Friday's SmackDown due to the fact that he is not on the "approved" list of performers they want to get over. Even Alvarez has acknowledged this shit. No need to bring up conspiracy theorists with anti-WWE vendettas when talking about chant edits. It's just the way things are.

Cena won't voluntarily leave the road if he can tough it out through any injury. He has nothing to fill his life with outside of the WWE. For all intents and purposes, he IS running the show. Only Triple H or Vince would tell him otherwise. The rushed Cena vs. Bray angle will continue because that is what was planned. Cena will either win at Mania after overcoming immeasurable odds or lose due to his many injuries. Either way Bray will have been put over more due to feuding with D.Brine and the Shield than anything he gains from feuding with Cena.

Hope Lionheart is okay.


Neo Member
1) Use a fake USA address and pay with PayPal
2) Sign up for http://www.unblock-us.com and follow the steps
3) Use anything apart from the 360 app as it's completely fucked right now
Xbox is broken for everyone regardless of location. Any US address is fine as long as you pay with paypal. www.unblock-us.com is recommended for getting past the geoblock. You have to pay a small monthly fee but the support is unparalleled.

edit: 2drunk2slow

thanks guys, Debbie Salt who lives in the Bank of America on Sepulveda Boulevard in Los Angeles now has the network
People really need to stop tucking their heads when AJ does the Styles Clash. Perhaps he needs to better indicate to his opponent when he's gonna jump, because it seems to be more a matter of timing than anything.

*edit, first WM review in bag, great job Rapstah!
Holy fuck that gif is bad news.

Souled Out 1997 is a terrrrrrrible show. On par with the worst of 1999/2000 WCW PPVs. I did like the look of it though. Had a very Japanese feel. But the matches sucked, the commentary was unbelievably bad, and the whole show was just draining. Bischoff's plan to split the NWO off into a separate promotion definitely died that night.

Indeed, I hope to never hear the B tier NWO theme music again after this show.


You know what, I like how this looks. It's like a fireman's carry spinebuster. If I was a wrestler in the 1980s I could get over with this as my finisher.

People really need to stop tucking their heads when AJ does the Styles Clash. Perhaps he needs to better indicate to his opponent when he's gonna jump, because it seems to be more a matter of timing than anything.

*edit, first WM review in bag, great job Rapstah!

Nah. It's not timing at all. Lionheart is actually going against the move. Watch his arms. AJ gets enough height, and he kicks his legs WAY out. He's not just tucking his head, he's tucking his whole upper body, actively working against what AJ is doing.

I think it's just a matter of guys being so ingrained to tuck their chin that way on every other bump, and if you have a slip of concentration, and you allow that muscle memory to take over instead of thinking about what you are doing, you are screwed.

I've seen guys who aren't used to doing flippy shit come off moonsaults and tuck the wrong way in the middle of the move. Also not good. It's just instinct for some guys I guess.
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