They need to just get rid of the MITB thing or tie that concept into the lower belts. The whole goal of "make the lower belts important" is defeated by having the briefcase be automatically better than either of them.
They need to just get rid of the MITB thing or tie that concept into the lower belts. The whole goal of "make the lower belts important" is defeated by having the briefcase be automatically better than either of them.
Lol your boy thinks he's slickWatched Mania with a friend that gave up on the WWE around 2005.
His first question was "Is Hurricane Helms still around?"
His second question was "Does the Undertaker still come out on his bike?"
Followed by "Damn...that was so cool" (referring to Undertaker's American Badass entrance).
There's nothing wrong with that. The person still has to cash in and win their match. It should be something important.They need to just get rid of the MITB thing or tie that concept into the lower belts. The whole goal of "make the lower belts important" is defeated by having the briefcase be automatically better than either of them.
That would require Brock to be their more than one time every couple of monthsSomeone suggested the idea of Brock winning MitB and now I want that because it sounds amazing. The most dangerous man alive can get a title shot at any time. The champ would walk around terrified.
That would require Brock to be their more than one time every couple of months
Raw preview
The idea of mitb is that the guy is always watching and waiting to strike but since Brock is barely their it wouldn't work.No it wouldn't.
That would require Brock to be their more than one time every couple of months
The idea of mitb is that the guy is always watching and waiting to strike but since Brock is barely their it wouldn't work.
There's nothing wrong with that. The person still has to cash in and win their match. It should be something important.
They need to just get rid of the MITB thing or tie that concept into the lower belts. The whole goal of "make the lower belts important" is defeated by having the briefcase be automatically better than either of them.
Yeah I don't know why they don't make it where the ic belt gets you a guaranteed title the shot at lesser ppv X. Gives the belt meaning and sets up easy storytelling.
Giving away all those free month's of the Network seemed to do them pretty dirty.WWE's stock seems to have settled in the very low 14's, between a 14-15% drop
Rousey gets to do whatever she wants. She could have brought out her title, had Haitch and The Rock cum all over and Dana would have licked it clean if she asked him to. She probably told Dana she was doing a spot at Mania with The Rock as some sort of Fast 7 promotion and he said "o-o-ok"What kind of a relationship does UFC and WWE share?
I am confused as fook. The compete against each other for stars; they sometimes trash each other, and yet there clearly is some kind of working relationship.
No, it makes the IC even weaker than it is now. It has no value in and of itself. It's just a stepping stone.
What if Raw sucks because WM was actually good?
Half the reason Mania was good was due to the crowd reacting to everything when needed.What if Raw sucks because WM was actually good?
I stand by my hatred of the mitb concept.
No, it makes the IC even weaker than it is now. It has no value in and of itself. It's just a stepping stone.
Half the reason Mania was good was due to the crowd reacting to everything when needed.
Raw tonight should be fine since that crowd is still in town.
Yeah I suppose. I thought last years WM was ok, it just had 2 awesome matches and an unforgettable moment with the streak ending. This years was way more solid overall in my opinion.Last year's Mania was pretty good and the Raw after was even better.
do some JRPG shit where if you collect the US title and the IC title you can use them to demand a title match at a PPV (none of this run-in on a sleeping guy garbage).
Such a worse idea than MITB. Secondary titles should be their own thing, not something you "use" to get to the real belt.
Yeah I suppose. I thought last years WM was ok, it just had 2 awesome matches and an unforgettable moment with the streak ending. This years was way more solid overall in my opinion.
Such a worse idea than MITB. Secondary titles should be their own thing, not something you "use" to get to the real belt.
The scariest parts of Jaws are when you don't see the sharkThe idea of mitb is that the guy is always watching and waiting to strike but since Brock is barely their it wouldn't work.
That's what they were when they were booked at their strongest.
They were that as an unspoken thing, but it wasn't like the idea was them straight up saying "use these lesser belts to get to thing you really want".
Starting double-secret title matches on the fly is some seriously carny shit. I just think this is as far as you can go with the concept, particularly given that the entire concept of cashing in on an unconscious guy is ridiculous, and even more ridiculous at Wrestlemania where you're looking to definitively settle feuds with (mostly) clean wins/losses.
do some JRPG shit where if you collect the US title and the IC title you can use them to demand a title match at a PPV (none of this run-in on a sleeping guy garbage).
But jaws isnt scarier, and he probably appear s more than Brock does a year.The scariest parts of Jaws are when you don't see the shark
That was prime #bait material, must have taken some notes from Khalifa Javy.Lol your boy thinks he's slick
He's still watching wrestling, he was just #baiting you the whole time
They were that as an unspoken thing, but it wasn't like the idea was them straight up saying "use these lesser belts to get to thing you really want".
Well the crowd is a big part of what makes any wrestling show good.Half the reason Mania was good was due to the crowd reacting to everything when needed.
Raw tonight should be fine since that crowd is still in town.
I do agree and I was talking to my friends about it as well. None of the matches were as good as the two Bryan matches last year, but I wasn't bored out of my fucking mind during the entire show like I was last year. This show had a good moment in almost every match and segment.Nah, last years was a top 5 Mania. I think this one isn't going to be looked at favourably next year. It was fun as hell live, but other than the main event, the rest isn't worth watching when you know what happens. It was a spectacle, not a lot of good wrestling.
Is the accolade the most protected finisher on the main roster. hate how,arbitrary fobshers Have become
Is the accolade the most protected finisher on the main roster. hate how,arbitrary fobshers Have become