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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The God-King Reigns, Baby

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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You can't come back when someone spills the tea on your hypocrisy

I wonder what Vince feels like seeing this NXT show live. Obviously he is happy that it is making him money, but I wonder if he is the least bit bothered by how well it is received in relation to the main product.
So Bayley gets that reaction but it seems like Emma is trying to push her heel. Is just Emma going heel? Or do they turn Bayley too?

Also I love Bliss' music.
I feel like there's a tide of goodwill and excitement building at the prospect of Lesnar retaining and the mid card titles getting built up by being held by Cena and Bryan.

It will be such a bummer if Reigns just spears all that back to the floor. I want the show to be fun.


I feel like there's a tide of goodwill and excitement building at the prospect of Lesnar retaining and the mid card titles getting built up by being held by Cena and Bryan.

It will be such a bummer if Reigns just spears all that back to the floor. I want the show to be fun.

I think it's a great idea. Execution is something else, but hopefully they can do it. I'd love to see events headlined by the Interturdinental Champion and to a lesser extent, the US Cena.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Suwama, Joe Doering & Hikaru Sato vs. Akebono, Yutaka Yoshie & Keisuke Ishii
Da Big Guys vs Da Medium Sized Guys(Mang). What an odd assortment of wrestlers. Don't recognize Yoshie? Why, he's Tanahashi's former tag team partner and co-champion. Ishii(not that one) is a DDT guy who has surprisingly gotten pretty over and booked strongly in AJPW with his partner Shigehiro Irie. It's kind of cool and surprising, but both those guys put forth the effort. Though it's definitely a sign of AJPW's state that they're giving guys like these a decent push But Bret Hart being World Champion was a sign of the state of WWF at the time, so good on them form making due. Suwama, Joe Doering and Hikaru Sato are a couple of hardasses. Mostly Suwama who is the closest thing to a successor of the King's Road style of the Kobashi's, Misawa's, and Kawada's. Boring is a brawler/technical wrestler who's ok but nothing special. Ugly as sin and wears Stan Hansen inspired gear to get a cheap pop. He's ok. Sato is ok. Bono-chan is Bono-chan. Monthly reminder for you to listen to his theme. Bono is generally someone I don't like too much, but his booking in AJPW has been good due to them 'making use of what they got' and his natural charisma. Honestly, Akebono is the closest thing to an Andre since Andre in how he wrestles and paces a match. Suwama, Boring, and Sato are in the stable Evolution(not that one). Stables in AJPW usually mean even less than they do in NJPW. Or about the same. Definitely not Dragon Gate or even Voodoo Murders here.

Not only has Suwama inherited the King's Road style, but he has also inherited their music.
It is not as amazing as Akebono's, but it should not be undersold. Suwama and Akebono are two of my favorties in AJPW right now, so I'm going to be looking at this match pretty fairly. Unsurprisingly, Sato and Ishii start the match as they're the smallest and got the least amount of streamers. Sometimes you pick up on these things. Back and forth between Ishii and Sato before Sato tags in Boring and Ishii returns favor by tagging in Akebono. Guess what happens? 'Try to knock over Akebono' spot which seems mandatory. Boring backdrops Akebono which gets a big pop. They switch out and Suwama lays the double handed chops into Yutaka. I feel like Suwama's double handed chops don't get enough love. They're unique and awesome looking. Yutaka is on the ground and receives about 10 elbow drops in a row, rotating between Suwama and Boring. Yutaka takes an extended beating but repeatedly attempts to try to get his fire back which is how a beatdown should be booked rather than just 6 minutes of squash then hot tag. Yutaka has great babyface fire for a fat cartoony looking dude in sparkly pink spandex. Evolution definitely acts the part of heels though they get some cheers. I don't think they're supposed to be outright heels. Boring talks shit to Akebono, but Akebono gets the tag from Yutaka and proceeds to knock off Suwama so he doesn't have to worry about him running interference while he dismantles Joe. He ain't even sweating Sato.

The juniors get back into the ring after an extended time out of it. Ishii hits a beautiful side kick that is followed up by a beautiful counter into an ankle lock by Sato. So pretty. Sato puts Ishii in a STF and the ref screams 'GIVE UP?! GIVE UP?! GIVE UP?!' which I think is an AJPW thing. It really helps get over Sato's STF and Ishii's endurance being able to take it. Nice way for the ref to add to the match rather than distract.

Akebono looks exhausted. Time to go home. Boring makes the save. Ishii tries to stop him. Ishii gets mule kicked.

Yutaka hits a top rope splash on Sato for the victory.

Very enjoyable 6 man. I'm of the opinion that it's near impossible for anything other than singles or tag matches to be 'amazing', but I still think they can be great. This was pretty good all parties considered. It was booked well in the sense that everybody looked strong. Maybe the challengers(Doering and Suwama) looked a little bit stronger which is good as it makes the title hunter all the more interesting, but the champions(Akebono and Yutaka) got the victory cleanly, so it helps keep them looking strong as well. The juniors definitely felt like padding to the match though. They weren't really there for any reason other than, 'Well, we can't give away the 2 v 2 match again.' BUT they served their purpose and both guys looked really good.

Fun little six man. I was most surprised by how Yutaka didn't seem to show any signs of slowing down 15 minutes in unlike Akebono who was looking rough towards the end. That said, I thought the match also did a good job of making Akebono look unstoppable. He took some hits, but by the end of that match, I felt like there's no way anyone's gonna keep Akebono down for a three count.


Latest Powerbombcast bummed me out. The guest talked about a lot of the upcoming NXT girls will follow more the typical WWE mold of being models and shit. I am already not looking forward to this Brooke girl. Yeah great a bodybuilder. She is sure going to be great...

Jamie OD

NXT show just finished. The crowd was insane! I've never seen anything like it.

After seeing all the clips online this is the first time I regret not doing the trip this year. The EVOLVE and King of Indies shows sounded dull and I haven't heard anything about ROH. But it sounds like everyone loved the NXT show. I really hope one will be held on Summerslam weekend since I'll be there.
Latest Powerbombcast bummed me out. The guest talked about a lot of the upcoming NXT girls will follow more the typical WWE mold of being models and shit. I am already not looking forward to this Brooke girl. Yeah great a bodybuilder. She is sure going to be great...

Latest Powerbombcast bummed me out. The guest talked about a lot of the upcoming NXT girls will follow more the typical WWE mold of being models and shit. I am already not looking forward to this Brooke girl. Yeah great a bodybuilder. She is sure going to be great...

Is it wrong to feel like Alexa Bliss might turn out okay? I know she's still green but one would hope that she can improve...
Yeah I think Alexa Bliss will turn into a solid wrestler if she keeps busting her ass the next year. She has moments now where she looks good so it's only a matter of time.


I just saw it. They dragged her to the pits. #nomercy

yo that bella promo was brutal, aj's done

You can't come back when someone spills the tea on your hypocrisy

Right? That shit was cold blooded and delivered with the perfect blend of smugness matter of fact ness and anger to fit the heel character.

Nikki is so clearly the best diva on the main roster it's not funny. Let the NXT live crowd keep pushing their AJ and Paige's.


Latest Powerbombcast bummed me out. The guest talked about a lot of the upcoming NXT girls will follow more the typical WWE mold of being models and shit. I am already not looking forward to this Brooke girl. Yeah great a bodybuilder. She is sure going to be great...

Eh, as long as they're actually committed to working hard, it'll be fine. Alexa Bliss was a fitness model and her greeness is melting away every match. Kaitlyn had a similar background and turned out great.
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