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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I just wanna let you know I'm undefeated in ban bets for Wrestlemania.

Who's gonna try to break the streak?


Wow lots of tickets still left for Wrestlemania.

It's all Daniel Bryans fault.
Wrestlemania 28 tickets got discounted(and probably got papered) too but that was also Bryans fault, He shouldn't have even got 17 seconds


Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
WrestleMania IV - C
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Survivor Series '88 - D
Starrcade '88: True Gritt - B
Royal Rumble '89 - F
WrestleMania V - B-
WrestleWar '89 - C
The Great American Bash '89 - B+
SummerSlam '89 - C

Surprisingly, I had an alright time watching that. Better than expected.
That's right, and unless his kidnappers have been feeding him his required amount of BBQ ribs, the real JR is long gone.

RIP in peace Jim Ross. We'll greatly miss your hyperbolic rants and love of fruity fruity delicious fruity delicious delicious skittles.

Indeed, farewell JR, he's in the hall of pain now.



I consider myself auto-signed for every "Daniel Bryan will win the belt and keep it through the raw after mania" bet. I'm not even keeping track anymore, you weasels change the rules every day.
I'm shocked people are pissed about Jim Ross, lol. He knows who he's talking to. Lita fucking got naked and had sex with Edge in the middle of the ring on Raw. He knows she's cool with all the perv talk.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm shocked people are pissed about Jim Ross, lol. He knows who he's talking to. Lita fucking got naked and had sex with Edge in the middle of the ring on Raw. He knows she's cool with all the perv talk.

He's a creep. I don't believe someone's actions at their job for their character should define how others treat them.

Sunny, did you get a chance to watch Beach Blast 1992 yet?

Not yet. Went to sleep now work! I plan on it though. Fucking HYPED for it after your review, goddamn goddamn. Might hit the iron man match only during my 1hr lunch. Perfect timing.


He's a creep. I don't believe someone's actions at their job for their character should define how others treat them.

Not yet. Went to sleep now work! I plan on it though. Fucking HYPED for it after your review, goddamn goddamn. Might hit the iron man match only during my 1hr lunch. Perfect timing.

You could watch the iron man and Steiners/MVC as both are 30 minutes.


You're getting to the good shit!

I'm looking forward to watching Warrior/Hogan again. I don't care what anyone says!

And one of you guys said a long while ago that I was getting close to A territory. Out of curiosity, what shows that I've watched do you guys think deserves an A?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm looking forward to watching Warrior/Hogan again. I don't care what anyone says!

And one of you guys said a long while ago that I was getting close to A territory. Out of curiosity, what shows that I've watched do you guys think deserves an A?

From Stro's review yesterday it sure sounds like Beach Blast 92 is an A show. Great American Bash 92 would be as well. earlier 90s were fun for WWF, (like 90 and 91) but that's around when WCW -really- hit its stride, right after. So you're in for a good time.
Nakamura vs. Tanahashi already? That long form story telling...

Three Tanahashi vs Nakamura matches in four months is a bit much, so I think this is the last one we'll see for a while, but they're kinda stuck for challengers at the moment. They can't do Okada vs Tanahashi, because Tana isn't allowed to challenge for the main title as long as Okada still holds the belt, and they're giving Okada vs Nakamura the slow-boil treatment, so I'm guessing Nakamrua wins back the IC title and then they build to Okada vs Nakamura over the course of the year, maybe as a champion vs champion match, although I doubt Okada will still have the belt by WK9.

Also, I haven't really thought about it until now, but the G1 is going to be very interesting this year. My money's on Okada winning the tournament after losing the title at the Yokohama show in May or Dominion June.


I'm looking forward to watching Warrior/Hogan again. I don't care what anyone says!

And one of you guys said a long while ago that I was getting close to A territory. Out of curiosity, what shows that I've watched do you guys think deserves an A?

If you liked GAB89 you'll like WCW 1992. I'm not sure I'd give any Golden Era WWE shows As, but I really enjoy WM6 and 7. And Royal Rumble 1991. Rockers/Orient Express, a fun Barb/Boss Man, the Rumble itself. It's a good show.

There is wayyyy too much footage of Vince crying or being teary eyed in the last few years. I can't handle it.
If you liked GAB89 you'll like WCW 1992. I'm not sure I'd give any Golden Era WWE shows As, but I really enjoy WM6 and 7. And Royal Rumble 1991. Rockers/Orient Express, a fun Barb/Boss Man, the Rumble itself. It's a good show.

There is wayyyy too much footage of Vince crying or being teary eyed in the last few years. I can't handle it.

Vince's passion for what he does is probably the single thing that keeps me from not respecting him.

Watching the Von Erich Hall of Fame induction: Kevin should've taken the title from Flair that day. I never really knew much about WCCW (That's gonna change with the Network) but was Kerry more over than Kevin? They could've easily turned Kerry and pull an Owen Hart and have a program with Kevin for the title.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Kerry was pretty much all that was left when the WWF came calling, if my memory serves. Don't get me wrong, Kerry was a friggin stud and a half but there also wasn't much to choose from. David died in 84, Mike in 87, Chris is 91. Chris wasn't as gifted as his brothers and battled that kind of depression.


Yup found it, finished it a few minutes ago. I'm all weirded out still.

He said lots of really weird shit during their conversation, and I feel like parts of it even made Lita uncomfortable, but I could be reading that incorrectly. I know she doesn't let a lot of stuff phase her, so who knows. Regardless, all of the pervy shit annoyed me.
JR at the start of his Lita interview:

Lita: You're making me nervous! I thought I was catching up with an old friend! And you told me I was in the hands of the fans.

JR: Yeah, you are. You've been in the hands of a lot of fans. You just didn't know it. All those young 14-year-old boys back in the day. But nonetheless, we digress.

What a perv.

Jericho was very respectful when he had her on and talked about interesting topics. JR seems more interested in slobbering over her.

He followed this up with his unfunny recurring joke about foreplay and instant gratification as it pertains to wrestling, which is where I had to pause it and listen to music on my commute home instead.

I get the feeling that Lita was sort of thrusted onto JR by the PodcastOne people because of the Hall of Fame (She's been on Jericho's and Renee Young's podcast) and he really isn't into it. I don't think I'll listen to it all the way through, unless one of you tell me it gets better.

At this point, I've heard Lita on Colt Cabana and Jericho's podcast. Colt is dumber than dirt but he's respectful and the best thing about his podcast is that he's face to face with his guest. I'd imagine if Lita was in the same room as JR, we'd have a much different show. Jericho's show with Lita was great, he asked a lot of interesting questions and even broached the subject of the live sex celebration in a non-cringe worthy way.

I downloaded Renee Young's show with Lita just to cleanse myself of JR, it'll probably sound like state sponsored news but Rafa tells me she has an angelic voice.


He said lots of really weird shit during their conversation, and I feel like parts of it even made Lita uncomfortable, but I could be reading that incorrectly. I know she doesn't let a lot of stuff phase her, so who knows. Regardless, all of the pervy shit annoyed me.

Me as well. This was the first episode of JR's podcast I listened to and this totally turned me off. I also don#t think JR is a particularly great interviewer.


Wait, what's this about JR and Lita?

Interview on JR's podcast. I'm paraphrasing and adding some drama to it, but...

-JR talked about how young 14 year old boy's jerked off to Lita
-Lita said she had been to Nicaragua (where she keeps a second home,) and JR started talking about imagining Lita in a hammock with her thong sticking out
-Lita was talking about her moonsault, and JR said "You hear that, guys? You just have to lay there and she'll do the rest," and then referenced the moonsault.
-After the interview, JR said that he feels like he's somehow vicariously living through Lita's body.


I don't know. Just listen to it and form your own opinions. It was weird, creepy, and juvenile at points to me.
Kerry was pretty much all that was left when the WWF came calling, if my memory serves. Don't get me wrong, Kerry was a friggin stud and a half but there also wasn't much to choose from. David died in 84, Mike in 87, Chris is 91. Chris wasn't as gifted as his brothers and battled that kind of depression.

I dunno, reading The Squared Circle and I just read the part where Kerry was basically the dumb jock (Which SHOWS when he cuts a promo) and the fact that he had his foot amputated because he prematurely put weight on it, seemed like a more dodgier investment since you know he has to work with a prosthetic foot. Thus the intense pain Kerry went through and his addiction to painkillers and other shit also.

Kevin just seemed like the more articulate, better looking (accept for the bare feet, fuck dude really?) star in my opinion. Especially with that heavy Texan accent. Now I'm reading it was decided through a coin toss? Geeze talk about how such a little thing could've changed wrestling history.
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