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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Of course he tells people that they wouldn't be able to appreciate or enjoy "the old days" and that they need to leave their parents homes. He's must have said these things so many times they are like a religious doctrine he just can't stop himself from saying and reference.

Shame no interviewer ever asks him if any of those old days would have lasted if rather than a town only getting a show once a week and a big pay venue, it would have to be on Raw, Smackdown, Superstars, Backstage Fallout, Pre-Shows, PPVs, Post-Shows, WWE.com specials, etc. As much I enjoyed watching through the Magnum and Mr. Wrestling II, it barely had enough to last just with one taping a week.


If bigotry of any kind would make ground for being put of the HOF, it is possible they would just stop nominating people.
Vegan is harder than sXe. I used to be sXe and now I am a vegan.

If you are sXe is really easy to know what not to consume, but as a vegan you need to know way more things, like the composition of every processed food. It is also really hard to eat outside since you really never know if in a restaurant they are telling you the truth when in comes to the ingredients they use.

And Spider, if you are interested in vegan body building check this page:



just because he is vegan doesnt mean he is natural

spoiler: he isnt
I'm glad I'm not the only person who doesn't like JR'S podcast. I'm stuck of these old school guys doing podcasts and talking about how terrible wrestling is now. Cornette is the absolute worst though. He hates just about everything and had no humility at all.

Surprisingly Konnan is a decent podcaster. Even though he says some terrible things, I feel it is more about his vernacular than prejudice.


I look like TRASH. In the past, my depression has always led to lack of appetite and weight loss, but it's been non stop eating for the past 2 years. I just can't stop eating. It's terrible. Before the snow, I was doing 2-3 30 mile bike rides a week and still put on weight.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Yea, I have really no interest in getting super swole or anything. I would just like to get some muscle definiton and put some weight on while eating healthier.

Planning on going out and buying some food to start with my program and maybe some whey protein? Any brands people would recomend?

I should probably be asking these questions in the workout OT but whatever.
signed up for a free week of the wwe network. kinda like how they have something going when log in.

rewatching WM28, is this seriously this biggest wrestling PPV of all time? ughhh. why did the rock come out after a flo rida performance?


You don't know shit from apple butter.

I feel like pretty much everyone could tell the difference unless they had some really bad mental impairments or were missing a few senses. The idea of a Jim Cornette podcast sounds about as bad as a Michael Hayes podcast. Baddcast? Podstreet USA? Cunt Hour with Dok Cunt?
I look like TRASH. In the past, my depression has always led to lack of appetite and weight loss, but it's been non stop eating for the past 2 years. I just can't stop eating. It's terrible. Before the snow, I was doing 2-3 30 mile bike rides a week and still put on weight.
Weight loss is 70% diet, 30% exercise. Exercise to be healthier, eat better to lose weight.

Your body chemistry also plays a factor.


I like JR's guests.

The first part of his podcast is basically random thoughts that could be used as sound bytes. It's done in a similar rapid fire style to his blog. Sometimes it's good, other times it feels rambly. He does come across as an old dude with an old-school mentality. Sometimes, he comes across as bitter about the modern product, especially as it pertains to the Divas, but I think he still says a lot of pertinent things. Most of his negativity isn't unwarranted either.


I like listening to random Cornette shoots and interviews when I'm feeling particularly negative about the product or when I want to laugh at his turns of phrase and bitter attitude.


Weight loss is 70% diet, 30% exercise. Exercise to be healthier, eat better to lose weight.

Your body chemistry also plays a factor.

I know. When I've been in the right frame of mind and made sure to eat well and keep around 2000 cal or less, I lost weight without even exercising. I just can't stop eating and snacking even when I'm not hungry. Especially when I'm not hungry. I also have shitty genetics. My natural body shape is similar to that of a mini Tommy Dreamer, even when I was underweight. It is terrible. The best I can ever hope for is to look like a kind of in shape Tommy Dreamer. I'm just now realizing this is probably why I started drinking.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I finished watching all of WM 24 besides the main event.

I predicted the outcome of every single match except one correctly. The main event is thrown out because it's Undertaker versus Edge and I "think" I know who won this match.

Very enjoyable show. The biggest pop of the night so far went to

Don't know how I'm going to do the gifs just yet. I keep running into the hyperspeed problem.


I've only lasted through maybe two Cornette episodes, but listening to him shoot on ROH for about an hour straight was an experience. I think at one point he said "shaking like a coon hound trying to shit peach pits" which made it all worth while.


I finished watching all of WM 24 besides the main event.

I predicted the outcome of every single match except one correctly. The main event is thrown out because it's Undertaker versus Edge and I "think" I know who won this match.

Very enjoyable show. The biggest pop of the night so far went to

Don't know how I'm going to do the gifs just yet. I keep running into the hyperspeed problem.


I find that Firefox works best to not have crazy speed changes, but Chrome sometimes doesn't give it to me. IE always does. But that site is decent for quick and dirty speed changes.


I know. When I've been in the right frame of mind and made sure to eat well and keep around 2000 cal or less, I lost weight without even exercising. I just can't stop eating and snacking even when I'm not hungry. Especially when I'm not hungry. I also have shitty genetics. My natural body shape is similar to that of a mini Tommy Dreamer, even when I was underweight. It is terrible. The best I can ever hope for is to look like a kind of in shape Tommy Dreamer. I'm just now realizing this is probably why I started drinking.

Not a doctor or anything, but sounds like boredom or depression.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've only lasted through maybe two Cornette episodes, but listening to him shoot on ROH for about an hour straight was an experience. I think at one point he said "shaking like a coon hound trying to shit peach pits" which made it all worth while.

Did he mention his atheism adn that religion is dumb? Because it's a little known fact that he never brings up


I've only lasted through maybe two Cornette episodes, but listening to him shoot on ROH for about an hour straight was an experience. I think at one point he said "shaking like a coon hound trying to shit peach pits" which made it all worth while.

Him shooting on Kevin Steen and El Generico, or on Davey Richards, is always fun.
Yea, I have really no interest in getting super swole or anything. I would just like to get some muscle definiton and put some weight on while eating healthier.

Planning on going out and buying some food to start with my program and maybe some whey protein? Any brands people would recomend?

I should probably be asking these questions in the workout OT but whatever.

My vegan bodybuilders friends eat a lot enriched protein peanut butter.
No meat, no life

also no heart attacks

There's been a ton of studies lately questioning the rather weak science that supposedly linked meat fats to heart disease. The latest, most exhaustive one was published just this week.

In the new research, Dr. Chowdhury and his colleagues sought to evaluate the best evidence to date, drawing on nearly 80 studies involving more than a half million people. They looked not only at what people reportedly ate, but at more objective measures such as the composition of fatty acids in their bloodstreams and in their fat tissue. The scientists also reviewed evidence from 27 randomized controlled trials – the gold standard in scientific research – that assessed whether taking polyunsaturated fat supplements like fish oil promoted heart health.

The researchers did find a link between trans fats, the now widely maligned partially hydrogenated oils that had long been added to processed foods, and heart disease. But they found no evidence of dangers from saturated fat, or benefits from other kinds of fats.

The primary reason saturated fat has historically had a bad reputation is that it increases low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or LDL, the kind that raises the risk for heart attacks. But the relationship between saturated fat and LDL is complex, said Dr. Chowdhury. In addition to raising LDL cholesterol, saturated fat also increases high-density lipoprotein, or HDL, the so-called good cholesterol. And the LDL that it raises is a subtype of big, fluffy particles that are generally benign. Doctors refer to a preponderance of these particles as LDL pattern A.

The smallest and densest form of LDL is more dangerous. These particles are easily oxidized and are more likely to set off inflammation and contribute to the buildup of artery-narrowing plaque. An LDL profile that consists mostly of these particles, known as pattern B, usually coincides with high triglycerides and low levels of HDL, both risk factors for heart attacks and stroke.

The smaller, more artery-clogging particles are increased not by saturated fat, but by sugary foods and an excess of carbohydrates, Dr. Chowdhury said. “It’s the high carbohydrate or sugary diet that should be the focus of dietary guidelines,” he said. “If anything is driving your low-density lipoproteins in a more adverse way, it’s carbohydrates.”

While the new research showed no relationship overall between saturated or polyunsaturated fat intake and cardiac events, there are numerous unique fatty acids within these two groups, and there was some indication that they are not all equal.

When the researchers looked at fatty acids in the bloodstream, for example, they found that margaric acid, a saturated fat in milk and dairy products, was associated with lower cardiovascular risk. Two types of omega-3 fatty acids, the polyunsaturated fats found in fish, were also protective. But a number of the omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, commonly found in vegetable oils and processed foods, may pose risks, the findings suggested.

The researchers then looked at data from the randomized trials to see if taking supplements like fish oil produced any cardiovascular benefits. It did not.

But Dr. Chowdhury said there might be a good explanation for this discrepancy. The supplement trials mostly involved people who had pre-existing heart disease or were at high risk of developing it, while the other studies involved generally healthy populations.

So it is possible that the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids lie in preventing heart disease, rather than treating or reversing it. At least two large clinical trials designed to see if this is the case are currently underway.


Being here in Austin, I know plenty of vegans. I know a number of them that are overweight as well. Many go into a vegan diet thinking they'll lose weight. This works when they first start out, simply because they are on some kind of diet for the first time in their lives. But many simply reach a plateau later, or even gain some of the weight back when they transfer their former bad eating habits into bad vegan eating habits. People who have an abusive relationship with carbs and sugars can continue that abuse with relative ease in a vegan diet.


Not a doctor or anything, but sounds like boredom or depression.

Definitely depression, but a lot of boredom as well. Life long clinical depression is pretty much a birthright in the Strobogo family. Like, diagnosed as children. All of us. It's weird. My sister is legitimately the only blood relative that I'm aware of that hasn't been diagnosed with clinical depression or been on meds at some point. Someone poisoned the well somewhere along the line.


Definitely depression, but a lot of boredom as well. Life long clinical depression is pretty much a birthright in the Strobogo family. Like, diagnosed as children. All of us. It's weird. My sister is legitimately the only blood relative that I'm aware of that hasn't been diagnosed with clinical depression or been on meds at some point. Someone poisoned the well somewhere along the line.

Sorry to hear it, man. Can't imagine how tough that must be. Have you tried exercise programs as a possible way to cope and alleviate the depression?

Join the DDP Yoga revolution!


Sorry to hear it, man. Can't imagine how tough that must be. Have you tried exercise programs as a possible way to cope and alleviate the depression?

Yeah. I go through phases where all I do is exercise. Like 5 hours a day on an exercise bike, kettlebells until my arms are dead for days. I'm not in one of those phases now and it's hard to force myself into it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Definitely depression, but a lot of boredom as well. Life long clinical depression is pretty much a birthright in the Strobogo family. Like, diagnosed as children. All of us. It's weird. My sister is legitimately the only blood relative that I'm aware of that hasn't been diagnosed with clinical depression or been on meds at some point. Someone poisoned the well somewhere along the line.

Michael Hayes


Legendary at ruining my family. The cunt. The fat, hairy sack of shit. Michael Hayes is definitely someone who doesn't know the difference between shit and apple butter.


Can someone post some shitty Michael Hayes stories? I'm only familiar with trying to get Rosa Mendes to drink after coming out of rehab. And something about a blowjob?
I've only lasted through maybe two Cornette episodes, but listening to him shoot on ROH for about an hour straight was an experience. I think at one point he said "shaking like a coon hound trying to shit peach pits" which made it all worth while.

I heard he led an online petition to bring the dog character, 'Brian', back from the dead and onto Family Guy.
Can someone post some shitty Michael Hayes stories? I'm only familiar with trying to get Rosa Mendes to drink after coming out of rehab. And something about a blowjob?

A few years ago, Chris Masters did an interview or something where he implied that a current Diva only still had her job because she blows Michael Hayes. A lot of people assumed he was referring to Rosa Mendez. The alcohol story seemed to confirm it.
I think I might want Triple H to beat Daniel Bryan on some level. I got reinterested in wrestling over the controversy about the Royal Rumble, but having been checking in for a couple months now, I feel like Daniel Bryan just isn't that entertaining. Triple H as a baddie is always great.
If Triple H loses to Daniel Bryan he'll be 0-3 for the last 3 Wrestlemanias, correct?

(Excusing that whole, 'won the battle, lost the war' walking out under his own power, not a stretcher' nonsense)

Triple H's ego will not allow him to go 0-3.


The current plan is for Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose to remain a heel tag team, and for Roman Reigns to be pushed as a top baby face in WWE.

The reason why the group seemed to turn baby face on Raw this week was two-fold. One, the New Age Outlaws requested to work with The Shield prior to the group breaking up, and two, WWE wants to get The Shield over more as a baby face team to help begin getting Reigns over as a face. The plan will eventually be for Rollins and Ambrose to turn on Reigns, allowing him to work as a top singles face.

I'm not convinced that Michael P.S. Hayes is a bad person simply because that's the rhetoric Strobogo's been spamming these last few weeks. Just like he tried to change the narrative about WCW before that.

Strobogo is a manipulator, don't believe his lies.


I'm not convinced that Michael P.S. Hayes is a bad person simply because that's the rhetoric Strobogo's been spamming these last few weeks. Just like he tried to change the narrative about WCW before that.

Strobogo is a manipulator, don't believe his lies.

Hayes is garbage.


Dave Meltzer was not a fan of New Japan show last night from the update:

If anyone has an explanation for New Japan Cup booking, I would love to hear it. I guess I should ask.

Can anyone answer that question for him?
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