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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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Can't you be a heel who is over? :p
I mean, the audience is not uniform, let me put this philosophical question to you: isn't the status of someone as a face or as a heel relative to the particular fan who cheers or not for him?

I just think we hit a point where the heel and babyface thing is losing its value. People seem now to love work rate and characters. All the new people that are over are good workers or have great characters like Bray.

A good part of the fanbase are getting sick of the same old people like Orton, Cena and Batista pushed to the top or people with crap characters like Del Rio and Sheamus.

Also is confirmed that Devitt match is a loser leaves town match because on New Japan website all I see is that its called a special singles match?

His schedule has him doing a match at PCW April 25, a Training seminar on the 20th and another match on the 26th for Southside.

So if he goes to the WWE it won't be till May.


WWE Legends Roundtable on Important Moments. It's so bad. Flair and JR suck ALL the fun out of it. A funny moment is when Flair is burying WCW for signing "guys that WWF didn't even want" such as Hall and Nash, he says something like "and where are they now? TNA? What's TNA?! Pfft!"


I don't have a device to play it on my TV.

The thought of watching Wrestlemania on my phone, inside my car, parked in a McDonald's parking lot, leeching off their wifi, sounds appealing just because it pairs so nicely with the subject matter but alas...

Maybe someday... you can get a ps3 for like $100!


But if that's true, why does he go on to bury them on the mic

he even did it to bray a couple of weeks ago, before I guess someone told him "Uh, most our mania card sucks so we actually need people to be interested in this match", and he went rather abruptly into over the top fear mode with "I CAN'T BEAT THIS GUY WHO I NEVER FOUGHT BEFORE MAN".

A few posters in this thread have said it already but I'm shocked Cena hasn't gone to the well yet and flat out said to Wyatt: "...hey man, you lookin' a bit 'husky', tonight."

Man, he is not burying Bray by saying he looks homeless and drunk. Like poking fun at someone's gimmick isn't something Austin does, or The Rock, or Chris Jericho, or CM Punk, etc.

Cena is just damned if he do and damned if he don't.


Man, the crowd is gonna so hype when Bryan beats Triple H. That's gonna be a Wrestlemania moment in itself.




Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I asked about that in here and someone told me it wasn't supported and browser mirroring was choppy.

Thats me, and it currently is not supported. Choppy depending on your connection. I wouldn't recommend it.


Welp Meltzer just confirmed it:

The match on 4/6 at Tokyo Sumo Hall with Prince Devitt vs. Ryusuke Taguchi is a loser leaves town match. That would seem to indicate something about Devitt's future.

Who is ready for some Prince Devitt at NXT in May? I wonder in his contract he gets to keep the rights to his name so he will come to the WWE as Prince Devitt.


Welp Meltzer just confirmed it:

Who is ready for some Prince Devitt at NXT in May? I wonder in his contract he gets to keep the rights to his name so he will come to the WWE as Prince Devitt.

Prince Valiant
Derek Jameson
James Prince
Jack Finnigan
Marty Keegan


Welp Meltzer just confirmed it:

Who is ready for some Prince Devitt at NXT in May? I wonder in his contract he gets to keep the rights to his name so he will come to the WWE as Prince Devitt.

Nah he will be on RAW feuding with Sheamus in June - Sheamus will embrace the hate and feud with Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Title at Survivor Series...
Interested to see if this can do a damn thing for Taguchi - not a fan of him as a singles wrestler, but perhaps a good match with Devitt and a feud with someone like Desperado or Ibushi could change my mind.
That reminds me some dicks last night thought it was hilarious to keep changing 'Feeeergal' in the tone of 'Daaaaaryl'

Thankfully it was only one or two smark cunts


I doubt he going to the mid card for the amount of money they are probably paying him to bail out form New Japan where he is a star.

If he did sign they had to give him some of his demands to leave. I bet he gets a quick stay in NXT and keeps his name rights as well. He is basically there first big star not from America they got after trying to get Okada and the whole Sin Cara debacle.
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