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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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what a stud


Best Panel:

How hot is Steph?

Triple H
Randy Savage
Jerry Lawler

Hosted by: Vince McMahon

Obviously would need to be a seance for some of it

Every diva hired under his tenure of VP of talent was out of a model catalogue

Think I read that it was his idea to do the Diva Search too.
If I thought about it... Didn't Ace's hires turn out pretty well, especially in terms of the Diva Search?

They got some good characters out of it, and some are even still there now


Panel on Charisma in Professional Wrestling:

Dean Malenko
Bret Hart
Lance Storm
Shelton Benjamin

With Host at his Convention Booth: Virgil


The Smoking Hot Daughters of Pro Wrestling:

Hulk Hogan
Vince McMahon
Ric Flair
Jim Neidhart (or Bret Hart if they can't find Jim)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If I thought about it... Didn't Ace's hires turn out pretty well, especially in terms of the Diva Search?

They got some good characters out of it, and some are even still there now

He had over a hundred women and we got a couple that stood the test of time.
I really, honestly hope that's a character Summer Rae is playing on Total Divas because otherwise good god... talk about a train wreck.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Why was Jimmy Hart with the Natural Disasters. He added absolutely nothing.

Especially considering Quake was a hell of a promo guy. His intensity was way up there. I never appreciated Quake like he deserved until my grown years. He was special and awesome. Natural Disasters was an unfortunate time, I loved heel singles Quake.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Especially considering Quake was a hell of a promo guy. His intensity was way up there. I never appreciated Quake like he deserved until my grown years. He was special and awesome. Natural Disasters was an unfortunate time, I loved heel singles Quake.
Nothing wrong with Typhoon. He could cut some decent promos too.
WWE, "WRESTLEMANIA XXVIII", 2012.04.01 ~ part 2 of 3
Sun Life Stadium, Miami, FL
78,363 Fans

Part 1


Matt Striker's interviewing HBK backstage, he puts over that this is the END OF AN ERA and teases having the power to end either man's career in the palm of his hand.

We go to ringside, where JR makes his way down to the announce table. Cole grudgingly accepts a handshake from the man, I guess this was in the midst of that heel Cole storyline? The special guest referee enters;

"I think I'm cute. I know I'm sexy. I've got the looks, that drive the girls wild...

5. The Undertaker vs HHH - Hell in a Cell, w/ HBK as Special Guest Referee

"It's time to play the game....TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!"

*BONG*....*BONG*...*BONG*..., etc

JR puts over this match in 30 seconds better than Cole & King have spent the entire evening doing. Taker makes his entrance, the real bathroom break. I come back and he's just squaring up to H's. They look up at the Hell in a Cell, which starts to descend...lol, I forgot the cell has it's own theme song;

"Fortune, fame. Mirror, vain. Gone insane, but the memoryyyyyyy remaiiiiiiiiinssss!!"

They get things started. No lock up here, as both guys start trading punches. Taker gains the early advantage. His strikes still look half decent when he isn't knackered. He whips Taker into the corner, but H's hits a big back elbow and then goes to work. Taker catches him charging into the corner and just throws him out to the floor. Taker follows and slams Trips into the ring steps. Headbutt from Taker and H's runs away. Taker follows and H's slams his head into the cell. Irish whip, but Taker reverses it. H's bounces off the cage into a big back bodydrop on the floor! Taker throws Trips into the cell wall then chokes him out against the ring apron. HBK checks on Trips and Taker shoves him out of the way. Taker throws H's into the ring steps before rolling him in the ring. Irish whip, but Trips reverses it and hits a knee. Irish whip from H's, but Taker reverses it. Knee lift from H's coming off the ropes, but it has no effect. Short-arm shoulderblocks from the Deadman, before he goes up top for Old School. Trips retreats to the floor, but Taker hits him in the face with the ring steps. Taker pushes the steps in the ring and drapes H's over the ring apron, before hitting a nasty legdrop over H's neck. Snap DDT out of nowhere in the ring gives H's some breathing room. He slams Taker's head into the steps a few times and goes for the Pedigree, but Taker elevates him into a back bodydrop. Taker hits the ropes and gets caught in an Arn Anderson spine-buster on the steps!! H's moves in for the kill, but Taker catches him in the Hell's Gate, however, Trips manages to power out and slam Taker to the mat! That was pretty great.

Chair shot to the back from H's. Trips sets up the ring steps in the corner and slams Taker head first. Another bunch of chair shots across the back. Shawn tries to stop him, urging him to make the cover, but Trips ignores him. HBK tries to get Taker to forfeit, but Taker orders him not to stop it. Chair shot to the head from Trips. He finally goes for the cover, but Taker kicks out at 2. Lots of stalling. H's gets the sledgehammer. Shot to the face for another near-fall. H's goes to bust open Taker's head like a watermelon, but Shawn grabs the hammer and throws it out of the ring. H's orders him to end it, but Taker grabs Hell's Gate on Michaels! H's hits Taker with the hammer to break the hold and goes for another shot, but Taker low blow's him and locks in Hell's Gate on Trips! H's tries to power out of it again, but no longer has the strength. He grabs the hammer, but fades as Taker wrenches in the hold. HBK's still out of it, so Lil' Naitch makes his way down to the ring. Chokeslam from Taker, but Trips kicks out at 2.9!! Taker chokeslams the ref for not counting fast enough, lol! Trips gets back to his feet and Taker goes for a Tombstone, but H floats over it and Taker gets a Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere! Crowd goes fucking nuts. Trips makes the cover. One, two...he kicks out! Trips wants to use the sledgehammer, but Shawn stops him, so H's throws him out of the ring.

The Undertaker sits bolt upright and Trips is Legit Shook! Big boot, haymaker, haymaker, haymaker, Irish whip, clothesline in the corner, snake eyes, big boot, leg drop, TOMBSTONE!!! H's kicks out. Bullshit. They get to their knees and trade punches. H's kicks Taker low and hits a Pedigree. Kick out. Taker sits up and grabs a chair, hitting Trips a whole bunch of times over the back. HBK pleads with Taker to stop, so Taker goes for the cover. Kick out. H's grabs the sledgehammer and struggles to his feet. He tries to hit Taker, but the Deadman stops him easily and shoves him back into the corner. Crotch chop from H's. Taker hits him with the sledgehammer. Tombstone from The Undertaker. One, two, three. The Undertaker is 20-0. Shawn helps Taker to his feet and then both men help H's from the ring. Great show of respect for The End of an Era. Now, as far as storytelling goes, that was a pretty great match, but my main issue was with the pacing. The meandering start lets everyone know the match is going long and, honestly, you could cut everything they did on the floor for the first 8 or so minutes and it wouldn't change things one bit. Also, everything after the first Tombstone took an age to accomplish. It felt plodding at the time and re-watching it two years down the line hasn't improved matters. However, there were some great moments throughout and both guys sold the hell out of the beating they were taking. This is probably going to go down as a classic and I won't dispute that, but it wasn't really to my taste.


I'll work on the rest here and there this evening, should be up either before or during RAW.
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