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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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I'm saying, if he likes his skullet, why mask it with a bandana 24/7? The only time we actually see the skullet is when he wrestles. He wears the bandana in conjunction with the skullet to give the illusion of a full head of hair.

And don't give me that, "he's regulating his body temperature" business.

...you are starting to get into insane territory, brother.

If you don't think Hulk Hogan is recognizable for those features, then I don't know what else to tell you.
Of the Divas to go after because they can't work, Alicia is basically the last one on the list I would think of.

She's weird: could've easily left like Kelly, was off the road for a while, but now is back on and probably is next heel champ after AJ's run ends
That's unlikely. Unless by Divas you mean a couple of them like Cameron or Aksana.

Can't expect these women to be on the level of the top wrestlers in WWE who have been training and working for years.

What a mark.

Pro wrestling's about making money, brother. Is there any doubt that a faction led by Ronda Rousey would make more money than any diva in the WWE now?

Rousey's recent Main Event PPV drew more buys than any WWE PPV in the last year not called Mania or Royal Rumble. 45,000 more buys than Summerslam. And that was with a relative "no-name" opponent (the "Olympian v. Olympian" angle never gelled) who basically refused to promote the fight and with Ronda not talking trash. Rousey's previous main event with an opponent who actually promoted, Liz Carmouche, missed the Royal Rumble number by approx. the same 45k. Rousey's co-main with Tate, (a match that actually had a good angle, build, and a ton of heat, (even though pretty much anybody with a brain knew it would be a glorified squash) did a staggering 1.1M buys.

What diva could draw similar numbers in a co-main at a major WWE PPV right now? There isn't anybody close.

If it is generating mainstream interest in your product and putting money in your pocket, there would be nothing in the divas division that could accomplish that as quickly and easily as a Ronda Rousey and Friends appearance.


But even if you want to throw the reality of the business and the purpose of pro wrestling--to make $$$--out the window, I still think you're wrong.

You can talk about "work" all you want, (which is a joke, because as Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, and others have proven, when you take a truly ELITE-level athlete and the road agent is smart, the wrasslin' learning curve is thrown out the window.) and I suspect all of these girls could run the ropes and throw credible wrasslin' strikes NOW better than many ever could. And I'm not even talking about the Kelly Kelly-level train wrecks. I'm talking about the girls who are in the "good" camp.

I don't see anyone with the kind of athleticism as a real martial artist in the entire group. Give the "4 Horsewomen" a single week with SDR and Regal to work on techniques specific to the TV appearances, and they'd be four of the best physical talents on the divas roster, no doubt. These girls are simply levels and levels higher in athleticism than WWE divas. I'll bet there isn't a single diva in the division that could make it through an entire day of their MMA training. Hell, I'll bet there isn't a single diva that could survive the 10 minute ball portion of the core stability training workout that's only a fraction of the S&C routine at that gym.

Them being fans is an advantage because at least they'd be familiar with the entertainment./psychology aspect.
...you are starting to get into insane territory, brother.

If you don't think Hulk Hogan is recognizable for those features, then I don't know what else to tell you.

I'm insane? Using hair treatments to maintain a bald look isn't insane?

My original thinking was that that part of your hair grows indefinitely, which I guess was proven wrong because someone avatar quoted me. The Hulk Hogan Brand would survive with just the bandana + mustache look, in my opinion.


I'm insane? Using hair treatments to maintain a bald look isn't insane?

My original thinking was that that part of your hair grows indefinitely, which I guess was proven wrong because someone avatar quoted me. The Hulk Hogan Brand would survive with just the bandana + mustache look, in my opinion.

Obviously it would survive, but again that is what he is recognizable for, brother.


I have a friend with spina bifida and she occasionally gets pressure sores on her feet from the brace she wears. It got me thinking, why hasn't anyone invented some kind of fabric or apparatus that goes on under a brace to prevent pressure sores? Like something similar to a blood pressure cuff that would occasionally squeeze and move to stimulate blood flow and prevent friction in the same place.
Just saw Alicia last week here in Austin at a house show. She was tagging with Eva Marie, so she got plenty of ring time. She was absolutely atrocious, which surprised me, 'cause I've thought she was getting better. Maybe they edit her shit a lot.


So not worth it
Nah. Your fake GF AJ barely draws pennies to Ronda's dollars, and you know it, Aiii. That's why you can't read further.

You can't handle the truth.
When has AJ ever been pushed on PPV like Ronda so that a fair comparison can be made?

Money discussion aside, we were talking about work, and nobody that came from any legit fighting background was able to properly learn how to wrestle in a few weeks time. what makes you think Ronda is suddenly so different?
She is willing to learn maneuvers that she can perform on maybe one or two individuals. Good for her. There isn't much of a ceiling in that division.

I like when people say Alicia Fox can wrestle they're only able to post the same two .gifs to prove a point.

Posting gif responses really isn't helping an the argument in this case.

The gifs aren't really to prove a point. If you actually have watched Alicia Fox in the last year or so and have somehow concluded she can't work, then there's no reason to argue because you won't be convinced otherwise.
Alright, let's do this. Again, sorry guys, no gifs for the moment, my PC just crashed and I only watched it off my PS3.

Live from Chicago, Raw Smackdown and Snickers presents WRESTLEMANIA 22!

We kick off the show with America the Beautiful performed by Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child. interspersed with clips from Tribute from the Troops.

Immediately after we get to see a really cool montage of various Wrestlemania moments to the tune of Shinedown's I Dare You (which is one of this Wrestlemania's theme songs).

Next up, we get a rundown of the major matches! Undertaker vs Mark Henry in a Casket Match! Shawn Michaels vs Mr. McMahon in a no-holds barred match! Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton vs Kurt Angle for the World Heavyweight Championship! John Cena vs Triple H for the WWE title!


Kicking off the event, we have Carlito coming down the ramp for this World Tag title match. Next up is the Masterpiece, with what could be the most stoked-up version of his entrance I've seen. And finally we have the champs Kane and Big Show with a remix of ther music. God I miss Slow Chemical. Match starts with Kane and Masters. Shoulder block by Masters brings Kane down. Next exchange shows Kane with a dropkick to Masters. I think this is the period where Kane suddenly added the dropkick to his regular set. Show with a cheap shot to Masters. Show tags in. Slap to Masters' pecs. And another. Headbutt. Scoop slam. Eye Rake by Masters lets him to tag in Carlito, who immediately tries to do a wristlock to Show. Which is futile and just leads to Carlito riding the top rope. Masters comes in to a Show boot. Another slam to Masters. And finally Show throws Carlito outside to Masters. Kane goes high-risk with his flying clothesline which REALLY looked short. Even in the following replay it looked like Kane just barely reached Masters. Back in the ring, Carlito with a dropkick to a charging Big Show's knee. Double flapjack to Show. Near-fall by Carlito. Double-suplex attempt reversed by Show. Kane with the hot tag. Usual Kane sequence ending with a sidewalk slam to Carlito. Flying clothesline to Masters countered into a Masterlock. I dont recall any crowd popping for the Masterlock before. Shows breaks the hold with his boot to Master's face. Carlito with a Backstabber to Kane. Show tries to choke slam Carlito only to fall by the slowest chop block ever seen. Kane sit-up. Double choke slam attempt thwarted by the heels. Throat Uppercut to Carlito. Kane sets Carlito up fr the ride but Masters goes for a axe handle which hits Carlito instead! Boot to Masters sends him out of the ring. Carlito goes for the ride, 1, 2, 3. Kane and Show retain.

WINNERS: KANE & BIG SHOW (still champs)

REACTION: Quite a decent opener for the PPV. It's a pretty average match, but the Chicago crowd's invested a bit in the said match.

POST-MATCH: Carlito and Masters bicker at each other after the loss.

Coach gets to interview a very emotional HBK. Not really one of HBK's best but gets the job done in putting over their match later tonight.


FIrst thing that went to my mind is "wtf is Flair doing in this match?" Anyway, the other 5 gang up on Lashley at the start. Big Lashley clothesline to Finlay in the corner transitions in a very weak-looking Lashley press slam to Naitch, which ends with a Benjamin roundhouse kick to the side of the head. Fatt Hardy tries to bring in a ladder only to be met with a RDV baseball slide. RDV with a body press to Hardy and his ladder on the outside. Benjamin brings in a ladder and whacks Finlay with it multiple times. Benjamin leans the ladder on the top rope and pulls the running senton through the leaning ladder spot to Hardy, RDV, and Lashley on the outside. Finlay tries to take advantage by setting up the ladder only to be stopped by Flair. Flar climbs, met by Hardy at the top. Hardy with a suplex to Flair from the top of the ladder, with Flair landing on his tailbone. Refs throw the X symbol after the spot as Flair continues to writhe in pain. Trainers help Flair out, who's holding his left leg. Back in the ring, RDV with a drop toe hold to Benjamin to a laid ladder. RDV attempts Rolling Thunder but Benjamin moves out of the way. Lashley sets up anoter ladder and stats to climb. Benjamin gives chase. Benjamin attempts to flip powerbomb Lashley but fails. Hardy and Finlay complete the triple powerbomb sequence. Benjamin and Finlay square off in the corner which ends up with Finlay smashing Benjamin's face to a laid ladder. Now Hardy wants a piece of the Irish Bastard. After a few right hands, Hardy sets the ladder up against Finlay. Hardy charges but Finlay throws the ladder to Hardy. Ladder shots to Lashley and RDV. GOD DAMN IT Naitch is back! Knife edge chops to Finlay, Hardy and Benjamin. WOOs from the Chicago crowd! Benjamin is sent flying over the top rope. Flair climbs and has a hand on the briefcase, only to eat a shillelagh shot from the Irish Bastard. Benjamin and Finlay exchange blows at the top of the ladder. Lashley knocks them both down with a ladder. Dominator to Benjamin. Lashley climbs but gets stopped by a springboard VanDaminator. Hardy with a leg drop to Lashley from the ladder. Hardy climbs, with Finlay chasing. Side Effect from the side of the ladder by Hardy to Finlay. RDV with a Five Star Frog Splash from the top of the ladder to Finlay. RDV climbs the ladder, Benjamin springboards to the other side and Hardy brings another ladder and climbs it. Benjamin moves to Hardy's ladder, and RDV cleverly pushes their ladder and throws off Hardy and Banjamin to the outside. RDV unhooks the briefcase and gets to be Mr. Money in the Bank.


REACTION: Now that I’ve seen this match again, it felt a bit constrained compared to the other MitB matches. Still a very entertaining match though. And it's hard to watch Flair doing those spots at that age :(

TO THE JOSH MATHEWS: MEAN GENE! BORETON! BOOTEASTER! It's like this segment was just here to remind folks that Batista's around (I recall he was injured around this time)

TO THE FINK: The HoF class of 2006 gets introduced. EDDIE chants. Vickie looks so much different here. Classy of the Blackjacks and Sherri to acknowledge Vickie during the Eddie chants.

John "Bradshaw" Layfield (w/ Jillian Hall) vs Chris Benoit (c)

JBL's limo comes out under the ramp. Neat. Massive pop for Benoit. JBL with the strength advantage early on. Drop toe hold transitions to a crossface attempt but JBL fights it. Benoit with headbutts to the back of JBL's head. JBL reaches back for the rope break. More Benoit headbutts. After the break, JBL lunges to a mount and a headlock. Benoit counters it with a submission attempt. They stand up, and Benoit unloads with chops. Irish whip countered to an armdrag. Sharpshooter attempt countered. Heel tactics by JBL lets him regain control outside the ring. JBL with stiff looking rights. A missed JBL running splash gets countered to the rolling Germans. Benoit tries to fly but gets crotched by JBL. JBL mocks Eddie's dance, then proceeds to kick Benoit in the face. Superplex by JBL leads to a nearfall. JBL this time mocks Benoit's throat slash and does the Three Amigos. JBL's version is WAY BETTER than Chavo's. Third of the Amigos gets blocked and countered by Benoit. Benoit tries to rally but eats a big boot and JBL gets a near fall out of it. Nerve pinch submission (I think) by JBL. Benoit breaks the hold with a back drop. Both men maximize the 10 count and exchange blows. Benoit ends the sequence with a THree Amigos of his own. Flying Headbutt only gets a nearfall. Benoit ducks the Clothesline from Hell and attempts to German Suplex but JBL grabs the ref and then the ropes. Cheap shot from JBL turns to another Clothesline from Hell which Benoit turns into a Crippler Crossface. As soon as Benoit locks in the the Crossface JBL flips him over and uses the ropes for leverage. NEW CHAMP!


REACTION: A really slow match with a few meh sequences. Considering who was in the match, it could’ve been better. Also, seeing all those Benoit headbutts, and then recalling what would happen months after this... ugh, so uncomfortable.

POST-MATCH: JBL continues to mock Benoit while walking back the ramp.

EDGE (w/ Lita) vs MICK FOLEY

So we get this match after Edge felt that he was screwed out of the WWE title by Foley. Edge and Lita are out first, then Foley. DAYUM LITA. Edge starts the match with a baseball bat but loses it amidst a series of Foley strikes. Running bulldog to Edge. Is Foley slower here than in the Evolution match? Edge in the Tree. Foley with an elbow drop. While Edge is running the camera weirdly switches to Lita. Next thing we see is Edge with a clothesline to Foley. Lita shoves a bunch of signs to Edge and whacks them to Foley's head. Dropkick to FOley's head with a sign in between. Edge with a spear to Foley... but why is Edge the one acting hurt? Mick removes his sweater to reveal BARBED WIRE WRAPPED AROUND HIS GUT! Edge now has a gash on his arm. Mick now proceeds to whip Edge with the barbed wire targets his arm. Lita watches with worry as Mick gets Edge wrapped between the ropes. Mick then brings out
/Barbie but Lita jumps in to put a sleeper. Mick then suddenly decides to clothsline Edge to the outside, bringing all 3 of them down outside. BANG! BANG! Foley with a 2 count on the outside. Swinging Neckbreaker gets another 2 count. Edge then counters a running mick with a hip toss to the steel steps. Edge Irish Whips Mick towards the steel steps. Baseball slide to Mick. Edge brings out some wood next. Mick moves out of the way but Edge gives chase and slams Mick's head to the metal ramp. 2 count for Edge. Lita now gives Edge some lighter fluid and douses Mick with it. Mick fights back though and spikes Edge with a piledriver for another 2 cuont. Mick's thinking Con-Chair-To but Lita distracts him, causing Edge to spike Mick with a DDT. I think they intended to do the DDT on that metal pplate but Edge simply missed the target. Heh. Another 2 count and Edge gets frustrated. Now Edge has Barbie and starts hitting Mick with it. Mick gets busted with a Barbie shot to the head. Edge continues to target Foley's head, even doing a bulldog with Barbie lying around. Another nearfall. Edge brings out the tacks but he's the one that gets back-dropped to it. BARBED WIRE SOCKO TO EDGE AND LITA! Now it's Foley's turn to do damage with Barbie, and gets Edge busted in the process. Foley then douses the table with lighter fluid but Lita smacks him with Barbie! Lita goes on to light fire to the table, and Edge uses the oppurtunity to spear Foley through the burning table! Joey Styles with his trademark “Oh My God!” remark after the spot. Edge covers Mick for the win.


REACTION: My early candidate for Match of the Night. Crowd was hot for the most part, and that last spear really did look like it hurt. Even Lita got involved!

POST-MATCH: Edge and Lita walk back up the ramp, but not without the battle scars. Foley gets up on his own and walks back up the ramp. Ironic to see kids smiling after that match.

BACKSTAGE: Snitsky licking Mae Young’s foot. That is all.

TO THE TODD GRISHAM: Snickers promo winners eating Snickers.

BOOKER T and SHARMELL vs THE BOOGEYMAN (2-on-1 Handicap Match)

Booker and Sharmell are so scared, they get legit shook by Booker’s usual pyro lol. And Booker’s so scared, he let’s Sharmell go firstl. Which turns out to be a tactic as Booker cheapshots Bogeyman once his back is turned. Sharmell tags in Booker and he proceeds on kicking Boogeyman’s ass. Boogyeman tries to fight back but Sharmell’s distraction allows Booker to hit a superkick towards Boogeyman’s face. 2 count for Booker. Boogeyman no sells a couple of Booker strikes, but falls to a Book End. Another 2 count for Booker. Ugly strike exchange between Booker and Boogeyman. Didn’t Boogeyman train under Booker’s school? It surely didn’t show in that exchange. Boogeyman gains the upper hand with a strike to the neck and he shoves Booker to the ring post. WORMS! Sharmell tries to hit Boogeyman with his staff but gets kissed with a mouthful of worms instead. Sharmell runs for her life, Booker tries to take advantage but falls to the Chokebomb and the 3-count.


REACTION: What’s the point of this again?


The video package before this match made me wonder: can’t creative do a Divas storyline like this anymore? And it made me realize psycho Mickie = best Mickie. Mickie starts with taunting Trish, Trish fights back with a Lou Thesz Press. Mudhole stomps and chops from Trish. Mickie attempts a side kick which Trish catches and pulls, making Mickie do a split. Dropkick to Mickie while she’s sitting in the apron. On the outside, Trish misses the Chick Kick, hitting the ring post instead. Mickie takes advantage of this the rest of the match, even putting Trish in a single leg crab. Chicago chanting “Let’s go Mickie”, ha. Trish starts to make her comeback with a nice leg scissors. Trish continues to sell her bad leg in a strike exchange. Spinebuster by Trish gets a nearfall. Mickie goes on top, Trish attempts Stratusphere only to get countered by Mickie. It only gets a 2-count though. MIckie tries another single leg crab but gets rolled up by Trish for 2. Trish with a running powerbomb counter for 2. Crowd is so hot for this match. Ma-Trish! Stratusfaction attempt thwarted when Mickie grabs Trish’s pussy. Hard shot to the face of Mickie, however Mickie retaliates by kicking the bad leg, making Trish land face first to Mickie’s knee. Mickie attempts Stratusfaction and botches it badly (JR covering it by saying Trish’s leg buckled), but instead of repeating the spot, I think they just ad libbed by Mickie hitting the Chick Kick on Trish. 1, 2, 3.


REACTIONS: Well we don’t see a match of this quality in the main roster Divas division these days. It’s a pretty good match despite the botched ending. The storytelling was great too, especially the emphasis on selling the affected limb (which doesn't seem to be present anymore in recent times)

BACKSTAGE: The McMahon family prayer. Stephanie’s QUITE FAT during this period compared to Authority!Steph imho.


What’s a modern Taker match without druids! Mizark with the head start, attacking Taker while giving his cloak to the PA. Taker tries to get some offense in but Mizark doesn’t budge. LARIATO by Mizark. On the outside, Mizark no sells a shot to the steel steps and instead bashes Taker’s head into it. Back in the ring, Mizark still with more offense. Taker tries to mount some offense to go Old School but Mizark counters. Mizark tries to bring Taker to the casket but fails. Taker finally gets a chance for Old School but Mizark is still standing. Mizark finally counters Taker with a vicious takedown. Casket’s open. Mizark tries that move where he slides through the middle rope but ends up inside the casket instead. Taker tries to take advantage but gets drawn inside the casket as well. Taker ends up choking Mizark, forcing Mizark to go back inside the ring. Taker tries for his flying lariato but gets countered into the World’s Strongest Slam. Pin attempt by Mizark. Tazz thinks it’s by instinct. Mizark tries to roll Taker into the casket but fails again. Taker agan tries to mount some offense but eats another lariato from Mizark. Mizark tries to 10-punch Taker on the corner but gets countered into a Last Ride that looked like a basic powerbomb instead. Taker throws Mizark to the outside but the casket is closed. Taker then does his suicide dive! Taker brings Mizark back on the ring for a Tombstone Piledriver, then asks for the lid to be opened. Taker rolls Mizark in and closes the lid for the win.


REACTION: It’s such a meh quality match, this certainly isn’t even on the top 15 of the Streak matches. So unremarkable.

They air a Divas Do New York ad (where apparently the Divas of that time go around New York in a gravure like shoot.) Wonder if that’s going to be on the Network?


THOSE STRIATIONS! Match starts at the outside right after Vince unveils the Muscle and Fitness cover. At one point Shawn throws Vince over the Raw announce table and chokes Vince with a cable. Then HBK clocks Vince with a mic and throws him back in the ring. Shawn then smacks the enlarged magazine cover over Vince’s head. As HBK taunts Vince, the Spirit Squad runs in and gang up on HBK. Kenny misses a leg drop though, and Shawn evades Mitch. Shawn then proceeds to hit the rest of the squad with that cheerleader horn. HBK proceeds to throw Kenny to the rest of the Squad languishing outside the ring. HBK spits at the squad, but Vince lariatos him after. JR namedropping Ted Turner as Vince smacks Shawn with his belt. Vice choles Shawn with the belt but HBK fights back. Vince cuts the comeback short with a throat shot. Vince mocks Shawn and starts to tune up the band. Shawn blocks the lick though. Chops, then the flying forearm. Kip-up. HBK then uses the belt to punish Vince. Scoop slam. Diving elbow. But as HBK tunes the band Shane shows up from under the ring to hit HBK with a kendo stick. Shane then proceeds to bring out the handcuffs, but Vince decides to do Kiss My Ass club induction ceremony instead. Shawn fights back and inducts Shane instead. Vince turns around to a low blow, and HBK clotheslines Shane over the top rope. Shawn then handcuffs Shane to the middle rope. Shane desperately tries to get himself free with the key but Shawn throws the key to the crowd. HBK with the Shane shuffe before hitting Shane with the kendo stck multiple times. HBK then smacks a chair into Vince’s head. Sweet Chin Mu-- nope. Shawn pulls out a ladder (JR fumbles and calls him Shawn McMichaels) and smacks Vince with it, getting blood in the process. Sweet Chin Mu-- nope, not yet. Trash cans and a table now in play. Another smack in the head of Vince, this time with a trash can. HBK then lays Vince to the table, then climbs the ladder. Shawn changes his mind though and gets a TALLER ladder. HBK then makes Vince wear a trash can and lays him back on the table. Crotch chops from the top of the ladder, then the diving elbow from 30 ft. Ref calls in the medical staff, but HBK gets up, threatens the docs, crotch chops Shane and spits on him. Shawn then proceeds to deliver Sweet Chin Music for the pin and the win.


REACTION: One of those matches where the comeuppance of the heel felt really satisfying. Considering that it came after the Edge-Foley match, it felt quite tame comparatively. Still a solid entertaining match. PS: Nicky aka Dolph Ziggler looked like a turd here lol.

Vince with the finger while being stretchered out.

Post limit about to be breached :D


The gifs aren't really to prove a point. If you actually have watched Alicia Fox in the last year or so and have somehow concluded she can't work, then there's no reason to argue because you won't be convinced otherwise.

I've seen her on RAW. She is awful. /end

If she is on NXT performing or learning stuff, that's great, but it isn't going to be widely noticed and hasn't carried over in a meaningful manner.

Video package showing recapping how Rey dedicated his Rumble win to Eddie Guerrero, and how he lost it to Randy Orton at No Way Out. Segue to P.O.D. performing a live version of Booyaka 619. Now I’ve been to a couple of their concerts here in Manila and they’re great live, but here they seemed to half-ass the perf. Sonny (the long-haired vocalist) certainly looked like he just wants to get it done. Next out was Randy, then finally Kurt. Randy snatches the belt off Little Naitch and smacks Kurt with it. Bell didn't ring yet so Orton didn't get DQ'd.Mysterio with a cross-body countered into an Orton dropkick. Nearfall by Orton. Kurt runs back in and tries to pull the rolling Germans, but Orton blocks the 2nd. They do a spot where Kurt German suplexes Orton along with Mysterio. Nearfall by Kurt. Backbreaker by Randy gets a 2 count. Belly to Belly by Kurt. Mysterio crotches Orton using Kurt’s bald head. They then do a spot where Kurt launches Mysterio to a top-rope hurricanrana (to the crotched Orton). Another nearfall by Kurt. Consecutive nearfalls by Kurt. Mysterio counters a Kurt sunset flip with a kick to the temple. That gets him a 2 count. Tilt a whirl headscissors. Angle then baits the 619 so he can put the Anklelock. Orton distracts the ref as Rey’s tapping to save the match. Another Anklelock, this time broken by Orton himself. Kurt then just starts throwing people around. Anklelock to Orton, Rey returns the favor and distracts the ref as Orton is tapping. Another Anklelock attempt, this time broken with a springboard legdrop by Rey. Nearfall by Rey. Angle then spikes Rey to the steel post. Angle Slam countered to a RKO, but Kurt kicks out! Orton climbs to the top but Kurt just throws him off the top rope. Rey then botches a 619 off the ring post but does the seated senton anyway. This has been high octane, man. Orton with a gutwrench slam variation to Rey. Angle Slam to a stalking Viper for a nearfall. Armdrag counter by Rey to an Angle Slam sends Kurt to the outside, and Randy gets the 619. Springboard rana to the pin, 1, 2, 3.


REACTION: This match has a lot of action in such a short time, you won’t even notice how short it really is. Another possible Match of the Night contender for me. Also, the Rey from this period is far more enjoyable than the current one.

POST-MATCH: Vickie and Chavo congratulates Rey on the ramp.


Ha, one match we’ll certainly not see in the PG era. Lillian botches Candice’s ring intro by messing up her billed hometown. Match starts with a catfight. Torrie with a suplex to Candice. Candice gets a stinkface from Torrie’s dog. Torrie rips Candice’s dress, but Candice gets the upper hand after her signature figure-4 headlock on the ropes. Crowd chanting “boring”. Now both of them are down to their undies. Torrie wins with the Ultimate Super Art of the Divas division: the roll-up.


REACTION: Looks like this is one of those matches that started the Divas = Bathroom Break trend. Thanks for the tits ladies.


How many variations of the “king’s throne” entrance have they done over the years? Next out are some gangsters straight out of the 1930s. Hey, there’s Phil Brooks! BTW, if they’re supposed to be mafia henchmen, shouldn’t they have gunned down Trips on the spot? Cena comes out next and fires his Tommy gun. Lillian with the special ring intros for both champ and challenger. CHICAGO REALLY HATES CENA. Haitch with the early advantage with chain wrestling. Everytime Cena gets hits the crowd pops, lol. Cena with right hands to a body drop for a 2 count. Cena’s fisherman suplex nets another nearfall. Cena now with a resthold. Cena with an Irish whip with Trips doing his “tumble to the outside” spot. Eye poke temp gets HHH control but Cena regains with a body drop to the ramp. LOL FUCK YOU CENA CHANTS. Trips with the Harley Race knee. Trips rish whips Cena to the steel steps. Trips rolls Cena back to the ring but only gets 2. Knee drop to the head again only gets 2. Cena tries to rally but eats a Trips facebuster and a lariato. Pin after a Trips neckbreaker just gets 2. Trips now with a resthold. Trips transitions it to a sleeperhold. Resthold #2 from Trips. The hell is with this match's pacing? After an exchange, Cena gets to clothesline HHH. Strike exchange ends in a Cena power slam. Spinning powerbomb to Trips. 5-knuckle shuffle countered by a HHH spinebuster. Nearfall for HHH. Shoulderblocks by Cena to start his comeback sequence to the 5-Knuckle Shuffle. Cena pumps his kicks then puts HHH in the STFU. HHH gets to crawl to the ropes though. FU gets countered into a ref bump with an extra serving of a low blow to both Cena and the ref. Trips mocks Cena with the “U Can’t C me” taunt, then a crotch chop. SLEDGEHAMMER TIME! Trips gets stopped initially but prevails with the hammer shot. Slow count to a nearfall. Another pin attempt and another nearfall. Pedigree countered, FU to Trips for 2. Cena showing disbelief, then goes to the top. Cross body(?!) by Cena and he eats mat canvas, but Cena was able to counter the Pedigree to the STFU. HHH passes out a bit, regains consciousness before the third count, struggles a bit more and eventually TAPS OUT. One of the many dumb Cena finishing sequences, ladies and gents.

WINNER: JOHN CENA (still champ)

This was actually quite a decent match, and the whole crowd is in it. The finish is really dumb though, even if HHH is the heel. The tap out made the "revival" unnecessary imho, and somewhat deflated the crowd. If Cena was able to inflict another FU/AA then it would've been a more convincing win.

RECAP: Wrestlemania 22 overall was quite a decent PPV despite the last match's finish and the Chicago crowd certainly made things interesting from start to finish. I'd grade it a 3.5 out of 5.

Doing this review thingy certainly made me appreciate all of stro's reviews, too. And he did all those nasty WCW PPVs too.

Thanks for reading these walls of post. :D


Kizarny made his in-ring televised WWE debut on the January 2, 2009 episode of SmackDown, defeating Montel Vontavious Porter.[18] Kizarny later reappeared in an Elimination Chamber qualifying battle royal but was eliminated early in the match.[19]
On March 9, 2009, WWE announced that Kizarny had been released from his contract.[20]

At least I got the one Smackdown show right lol
I've seen her on RAW. She is awful. /end

If she is on NXT performing or learning stuff, that's great, but it isn't going to be widely noticed and hasn't carried over in a meaningful manner.

Nice to see you can come to a valid conclusion by watching a severely limited 3 to 4 minute match.
...I need to watch another program to base an opinion on a character's body of work from another?

Not how it works.

No, you need to judge a character's body of work on their entire body of work, especially in this case as it's undeniable that the Divas are not given the time to show what they can or can't do on Raw. The reason the Nattie/AJ match a few weeks ago was so good was because it was given time to be. If Daniel Bryan was getting squashed in two minutes every week, but you had seen all his ROH work, you wouldn't say he's terrible, you'd just say he's not given opportunity to show what he can do. Same logic applies to Fox. When given the opportunity to really work a match, she can. When sent out to be fodder for Bellas for 3 minutes, she can only do so much.


Emma doesn't have a large body of work to really gauge an opinion. If the question was, does Emma awkwardly put the crowd to sleep? The answer would be yes.
People said the same thing when the Wyatts debuted. People who watched NXT knew better.

Plus we'll just forget the match at Arrival that everyone was talking about for weeks.


No, you need to judge a character's body of work on their entire body of work, especially in this case as it's undeniable that the Divas are not given the time to show what they can or can't do on Raw. The reason the Nattie/AJ match a few weeks ago was so good was because it was given time to be. If Daniel Bryan was getting squashed in two minutes every week, but you had seen all his ROH work, you wouldn't say he's terrible, you'd just say he's not given opportunity to show what he can do. Same logic applies to Fox. When given the opportunity to really work a match, she can. When sent out to be fodder for Bellas for 3 minutes, she can only do so much.

That's my point. It doesn't really matter because the overall talent of the divas is trash.

For Bryan, I don't care about his other work because it's highly irrelevant to me or the target audience of Raw. Luckily, he puts on a good performance and the crowd likes him.

People said the same thing when the Wyatts debuted. People who watched NXT knew better.

Plus we'll just forget the match at Arrival that everyone was talking about for weeks.

I never had an issue with the Bray Wyatt. His partners are largely transparent, but they look good surrounding him.
That's my point. It doesn't really matter because the overall talent of the divas is trash.

For Bryan, I don't care about his other work because it's highly irrelevant to me or the target audience of Raw. Luckily, he puts on a good performance and the crowd likes him.

Then you aren't adequately judging if she can work. Judging a performer by what they do only in one place or in front of one audience is stupid. You don't judge actors by one role. You don't judge musicians by one song. You judge artists and performers by their entire body of work, irrelevant of where or when it occurred.


So not worth it
That's my point. It doesn't really matter because the overall talent of the divas is trash.

For Bryan, I don't care about his other work because it's highly irrelevant to me or the target audience of Raw. Luckily, he puts on a good performance and the crowd likes him.
Really though, only a handful are trash, a few are lower midcard and the rest are just fine to work longer matches and have them be entertaining.

Requirement is that they get time to work, that they get storylines so the crowd cares about the match and that they get told ahead of time that their having a match.

Often the women get told less than an hour ahead of time they have a match, they get three minutes and they get a shitty finish booked so they can pretend there is a feud or a reason for a title match at the next PPV.

Imagine any of the good workers on the male side having to do that for years on end and see how much the crowd will tune in for them.
When has AJ ever been pushed on PPV like Ronda so that a fair comparison can be made?

Money discussion aside, we were talking about work, and nobody that came from any legit fighting background was able to properly learn how to wrestle in a few weeks time. what makes you think Ronda is suddenly so different?

This is an absolute untruth. There are plenty of guys who have made the transition in Japan to have one-off matches or even more in pro wrestling, with minimum training.

Bas Rutten had fun matches in BattlArts and NJPW and said his total training was less than a week. He even did some good selling and had high spots.

Don Fry also became a major star. Don't think he had any training.

Josh Barnett wrestled some pretty awesome pro wrestling matches and received ZERO pro wrestling training. He became as big a star in puro as he was in MMA in Japan. His first match ever with with Yuji Nagata for the title.

Here's a Barnett match he did for a joke a few years back with another MMA guy:


(That's pretty damn good for someone who never trained pro wrestling, yes?)

Backstory: Barnett and Shayna Bazsler both trained catch wressling (which is the foundation for all pro wrestling) under the legendary Billy Robinson. Bazsler actually spent more time with Robinson than Barnett did. Barnett was already a UFC champ before he met Robinson, while Bazsler's MMA base is in Robinson-style catch. She's the only Robinson-certified female catch wrestler on the planet. And while Ronda is the star, she's obviously driving this "4 Horsewoman" bus, as she was the one who brought pro wrestling into the house.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have a friend with spina bifida and she occasionally gets pressure sores on her feet from the brace she wears. It got me thinking, why hasn't anyone invented some kind of fabric or apparatus that goes on under a brace to prevent pressure sores? Like something similar to a blood pressure cuff that would occasionally squeeze and move to stimulate blood flow and prevent friction in the same place.

Million dollar idea, brother.

It can join the rank with my Pool Clothes, Pool Net, Lighting Pool and more.


"the overall talent is not shitty!"
"That's my point! The overall talent is shitty! "

Basically. :jnc

Really though, only a handful are trash, a few are lower midcard and the rest are just fine to work longer matches and have them be entertaining.

Requirement is that they get time to work, that they get storylines so the crowd cares about the match and that they get told ahead of time that their having a match.

Often the women get told less than an hour ahead of time they have a match, they get three minutes and they get a shitty finish booked so they can pretend there is a feud or a reason for a title match at the next PPV.

Imagine any of the good workers on the male side having to do that for years on end and see how much the crowd will tune in for them.

I'm well aware of the scenario. It's not ideal and I don't see it improving anytime soon.
Also, Aiii...

What kind of training do you think Ronda actually needs to make a match in the WWE?

Here's how you book a match in the WWE for Ronda Rousey:

-Tease Ronda tagging in...crowd goes nuts.

-Tag in Ronda.

-Ronda locks up.

-Ronda does breathtakingly-beautiful, lightning-fast judo throw that no one else on the roster could do.

-Ronda does some fake G&P while going for the armbar.

-Ronda doesn't get it and tags out.

-Tease Ronda tagging in...crowd goes nuts again.

-Tag in Ronda.

-Ronda locks up.

-Ronda does breathtakingly-beautiful, lightning-fast judo throw #2.

-Ronda goes for the armbar.

-Ronda tags out

-Tease Ronda tagging in...crowd goes nuts again.

-Tag in Ronda.

-Ronda locks up.

-Ronda does breathtakingly-beautiful, lightning-fast judo throw #3.

-Ronda gets the armbar and wins by submission.​

That's it. That's all you have to do as the road agent. It's the easiest thing in the fucking world.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Emma doesn't have a large body of work to really gauge an opinion. If the question was, does Emma awkwardly put the crowd to sleep? The answer would be yes.

Outside of the year + of NXT, Emma doesn't. However Tenille Dashwood does starting with PWA, numerous appearences on Shimmer as Tenille starting in 2009 (some rather great matches against Amber O'Neal and Portia Perez), plenty of matches in ECCW such as the whole SuperGirls Championship, time with Prairie Wrestling, and more independent shows in Melbourne, Toronto, Boston, and new York.

It's not quite Paige's amount of time travelling and wrestling from a young age, but seven years competing internationally has produced a lot of matches you can watch to gauge her talent. As Emma, portraying someone who is not supposed to be very good at wrestling, it actually takes a lot of skill to make that believable when she is one of Lance Storm's best students and can pull herself up on the ropes from the floor smoothly every time (which is difficult enough) and yet still makes it look awkward and slightly dangerous when it's really not.

Edit: Ah I see you don't care about anyone's work outside of WWEs main shows. Well that's a shame and your loss, but I understand that. Just remember that if they wanted to, they can make every wrestler you do like look like they know absolutely nothing. Male or female.

I do wish Shimmer was easier for people to see though. Dedicated, but respectful fan base. Wrestlers in it who honestly love wrestling. International travellers exposed to various styles and can use it in their own move sets. Commentary where they don't talk down the audience. Good to great matches. No "this is indy clap clap clap clap" nonsense or superkicks constantly. Fun stuff for any fan of the wrestling, though it lacks the soap opera stories beyond general antagonism and basic rivalries.


So not worth it
Jesus Christ, I hope Ronda comes in to work a match, that would be great exposure for WWE and the women's division in general.

But that wasn't the discussion, the post bean made was in reference to people in general saying the current women are shit and a new person coming in would wrestle circles around them. Which are the same people that think wrestling is just learning moves and there isn't an art to working a fake fight.

Why are you even trying to make a huge discussion out of this? It doesn't matter. You act like I took a shit in Rousey's bag.


Bam Bam should have been given a medal for getting a passable match from LT. He deseved better than the shit WWF gave him afterwards


Outside of the year + of NXT, Emma doesn't. However Tenille Dashwood does starting with PWA, numerous appearences on Shimmer as Tenille starting in 2009 (some rather great matches against Amber O'Neal and Portia Perez), plenty of matches in ECCW such as the whole SuperGirls Championship, time with Prairie Wrestling, and more independent shows in Melbourne, Toronto, Boston, and new York.

It's not quite Paige's amount of time travelling and wrestling from a young age, but seven years competing internationally has produced a lot of matches you can watch to gauge her talent. As Emma, portraying someone who is not supposed to be very good at wrestling, it actually takes a lot of skill to make that believable when she is one of Lance Storm's best students and can pull herself up on the ropes from the floor smoothly every time (which is difficult enough) and yet still makes it look awkward and slightly dangerous when it's really not.

Edit: Ah I see you don't care about anyone's work outside of WWEs main shows. Well that's a shame and your loss, but I understand that. Just remember that if they wanted to, they can make every wrestler you do like look like absolutely know nothing.

I don't actively shit on the divas (lolbathroombreak) like more people, I just judge what I see. I watch Raw and the PPV events and have a good grasp on how the industry works. So, you won't find me constructing foolish arguments based on a product that myself or the majority of others don't absorb.

I think Emma is cute and looks okay in the ring, but just see nothing that can translate to anything else right now. Her entrance theme is disastrous as well. It's like a bluedot.mp4


Bam Bam should have been given a medal for getting a passable match from LT. He deseved better than the shit WWF gave him afterwards

Bam Bam should be given a medal for all the people who saw a fat guy and assumed he couldn't work. Guy was a fantastic performer.


Million dollar idea, brother.

It can join the rank with my Pool Clothes, Pool Net, Lighting Pool and more.

Legit Shook needs to expand. Imagine Legit Shook branded pool clothes and friction free braces. We need to get to the patent office before someone like Bean steals our ideas.


So not worth it
Bam Bam should have been given a medal for getting a passable match from LT. He deseved better than the shit WWF gave him afterwards
LT was well prepared actually, have to give the guy some credit, he only did a few moves, but he was adequate. Not nearly good enough to get that main event match, but would have made a decent midcard match.
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