There are some horrible people in the replies.
Your first mistake was reading the replies. When it comes to any Tweet from even a mildly famous person, I don't even glance at the replies. It just kills brain cells.There are some horrible people in the replies.
Your first mistake was reading the replies. When it comes to any Tweet from even a mildly famous person, I don't even glance at the replies. It just kills brain cells.
What was it like working in an environment with constant change?
Id do Monday Night Raw and go on the air many times without a script because they would rewrite the show while it was happening. I couldnt prepare and it was hard to ask questions and not many people had answers. Even if you did ask questions upper management were not too keen. So I was left out of the loop and left to sink or swim. This was live TV. On social media people love to jump on you when you make a mistake, and there were so many times where I just didnt know what I was supposed to do and hope that was I making the best guess. Otherwise youd hear about it.
Why was that happening?
Well the writers would put the show together, then Vince would approve it, once it got to show day he would decide that he didnt like it and certain things had to change. Youd be at the arena all day and the hours would go by, wed be about to go live on TV and wed have heard nothing. Sometimes Id get the script right before I went out there, sometimes while I was at ringside, sometimes Id only get the few two segments, even after the show had already started. As the show went on youd get updates.
In the book you talk about Vince not caring what the fans think?
When you do a live wrestling show you have a live audience telling you what they like and what they hate. Instead of appeasing the fans and writing the show the fans like, and believe me they have some of the greatest minds and talent in wrestling, they could put on a Wrestlemania every week. Like the attitude era. You watch it now and its really flat for three hours and once in while the crowd kind of like some of it. Its not the talents fault. As an example, say the crowd really like Cesaro but the company wants you to like Sheamus so they are going to give you Sheamus until you like him in the same way you like Cesaro. Look at Roman Reigns, the company wants you to accept him, but if you like someone else, no you have to like who the company wants you to like. The fans arent getting a show that is catered for them, its catered to running with the guys who they want to push.
if the fucking belly to bailey can be a finisher
a superplex sure as fuck can be a finisher
shit, a chop is more devastating than a belly to bailey
My friend as a kid.
Friend "A punch hurts more than a stupid atomic drop"
Me "So"
I'll definitely take the AJ Styles and Sami Zayns of today over the Hogan era wrestling, but yeah, fucking stop destroying the entire point of having finishers. It's just stupid and helps absolutely no one.
I think it's one of the reasons I love Smackdown. They have finishers do their actual job a lot more often, and they'll pin people with non-finishing moves as well (Alexa's DDT in her cage match with Becky, Usos super kick to Jordan for the Tag Championship).
The comments. Man people are brutal.
It was an amazing time.Part of the reason I liked NXT during the Sami Zayn era was because finishers were protected as fuck down there. Kicking out of a finisher was fairly rare.
Owen had a delightful everything.You know who had a delightful belly-to-belly? Owen Hart.
Because the writing on RAW is fucking trash garbage, and everything exists in it's own individual bubble that makes everything feel extra staged and disconnected.So..
If Joe was meant to be TripleH soldier. Why he'snt he helping him with Rollins, rather than help Owens without any reason, even when Owens is not champ anymore so trip has no reason to support him anymore anyway..
Looks like the Andre the Giant Battle Royal has officially joined the kickoff show, according to Hoping the Alphas and Usos get added to it tonight as well. Also, they still have Wyatt and Orton at the top of the card, which is good. With that all being said, I'd expect the Raw tag title match to go on first to get the crowd going with Enzo. Making it a ladder match would make even more sense to me.
Any predictions for Smackdown tonight? I'd expect AJ/Shane to get changed to a no DQ match, since it's just a regular match as it stands right now. I'd also hope for some sort of clarification on what the women's match is exactly, but not holding my breath.
The WWE would be insane not to debut the Hardys as #broken on the Raw After Mania unless their lawyers really think there is an actual legal issue. The entire crowd is full of smarks at that show and they are going to be chanting DELETE.
Of course, this is the WWE so they will fuck it up.
So Smackdown Tag Titles will not even be defended at Mania right?
Twitter continues to be filled with some horrible people.
Count me in as someone who wants finishers to matter. It's why NJPW is so good. Finishers end matches
They have dates already booked in April. I wouldn't hold your breath.
Find out tonight, but I'm guessing that it'll be Usos V AA 2 out of 3 falls. Would make the most sense.
Probably be a quick single fall match though so some shitty pop act can sing.
Guess what, Seph?! I'm in the wrasslin' business!
Wait, how many Rainmakers did Omega take?
Here's a quick glimpse into your future
If I could DELETE two things from the internet and they'd never return, it would be Reddit and Twitter
It was an amazing time.
Now that same writer/booker is in charge of Smackdown.
And BOY has NXT ever dropped in quality since he was moved out of there.
If I could DELETE two things from the internet and they'd never return, it would be Reddit and Twitter
Wait, how many Rainmakers did Omega take?
Wait, how many Rainmakers did Omega take?
Guess what, Seph?! I'm in the wrasslin' business!
If I could DELETE two things from the internet and they'd never return, it would be Reddit and Twitter
Can I finally get a fookin' contract?
Kicking out of finisher isn't a bad thing, it the reason why they exist. WWE just does kick outs of finisher to much
I was legit shook when HBK kicked out of the tombstone. At least until that point, I only believed Hogan and Warrior were capable of that bullshit on a consistent basis. Well, maybe Cena. But the list was small.
I honestly miss old 80s and 90s style wrestling. Yeah, it was slower and to some it might be more boring, but to me it felt like that style still carried enough suspension of disbelief in order to pass off professional wrestling as a sport (which from a presentation standpoint, is what it was meant to be). Sure, you still had your bullshit like Hogan hulking up or Undertaker no selling chair shots. But you didn't see finishing moves used as goddamn transition spots like you see today.
I'll definitely take the AJ Styles and Sami Zayns of today over the Hogan era wrestling, but yeah, fucking stop destroying the entire point of having finishers. It's just stupid and helps absolutely no one.
I think it's one of the reasons I love Smackdown. They have finishers do their actual job a lot more often, and they'll pin people with non-finishing moves as well (Alexa's DDT in her cage match with Becky, Usos super kick to Jordan for the Tag Championship).