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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Rollercoaster to WrestleMania XXXIII!

A Candid Q&A With John Cena: WWE's Polarizing Company Man

When are you turning heel?
Okay, this is where your inside baseball mind gets put to an abrupt stop. What is the job of a heel?

To make people boo.
Is that what I do?

Most of the time.
Okay, so that happened in 2005.
It's really this simple.

Can you guys name moments in the last year we were supposed to like Roman Reigns if we already hated him? Now how many moments can you name where it seemed like him and his character were antagonizing you as his fans cheered harder?

We saw the 2016 election: no one agrees on anything, and using that to fuel emotions is way over now.


WWE will never be able to find a massive generation-defining face that can get entire arenas chanting for them! Fans don't do that anymore!

Oh wait a minute



That Daniel Bryan GIF is something else, man. It's on a different level.


I wonder if Punk and AJ Lee will have kids. Punk seems to me like someone who hates children.

But hey maybe the man can change.
WWE will never be able to find a massive generation-defining face that can get entire arenas chanting for them! Fans don't do that anymore!

Oh wait a minute


If you think about it, they actually weren't "over", you just thought they were because the fans cheered them!

That's the beauty of it! Literally everyone wins! People just don't get it!
I saw Roman Reigns at a grocery store in Tampa yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence, ahhyessir,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by shouting "ooh-ahh!" really loudly.


WWE will never be able to find a massive generation-defining face that can get entire arenas chanting for them! Fans don't do that anymore!

Oh wait a minute




but they didn't make ratings go up instantly

but they didn't increase ppv buyrate/network subs

but they didn't sell enough merch/get loud enough house show reactions from 980 fans in Dickblood, Louisiana

but that was just one night/handful of nights with hardcore fans not representative of the real fanbase

Ok I think that's all of them.


WWE will never be able to find a massive generation-defining face that can get entire arenas chanting for them! Fans don't do that anymore!

Oh wait a minute

weird how one of them is disgusted of wrestling for life because of Vince and the other is injured for life because of Vince... and they both needed months of protesting + a lot of luck, injuries and other external elements to convince Vince to give them something good

what if

bare with me here

what if there were plenty of others like those who never made it because the luck wasn't on their side the way it did for Bryan and Punk? 2 in 7 years sounds like a really UNLIKELY average at bat


People were very into his feud with AJ last year. We wanted to see AJ win. It's the same thing that happens whenever someone gets into a feud with Cena. It's coincidentally somehow nearly always guys anyone who hates Cena would love, battling an obstacle they talk about few overcoming. Weird!

No one said it's smart booking, which is why it's all the funnier it's so hard for some to understand. Like people think they're immune to works now, but they'll still believe the legends about how much Andre drank or how otherworldly strong he was.

You have people like Cena, Reigns, Triple H, Owens, Austin, etc all talking about how the mixed reactions are part of the work, explicitly telling you how wrestling is working, and everyone's like "nah, you just suck at making wrestling good. But I still watch and talk about you all the time."

Im sorry dude its nearly 5 am here and I need to sleep.

Im not buying it at all. If its a work that makes them no money they are idiots. And I still dont buy it.

WWE would fucking love it if everyone was behind Reigns and loved him.


Man Cena really went on on Maryse with that Botox dig, but Miz and Maryse have hit HARD. I just figure Miz doens't give a fuck because he going to get squashed so he might as well go all out. Get those hits in now because you won't be doing shit in the match.

Or Maybe Cena and Miz are really, really good friends!
WWE would fucking love it if everyone was behind Reigns and loved him.
First: this isn't possible with him. He's odious on the mic. He could fuck everyone's girlfriend. You can't generate a pure babyface out of this, as we all are well aware since 2014.

Second: when has the WWE ever said they would prefer everyone to cheer? I don't know where you guys get this idea. All they've ever said is they want noise.

Like it or not, John Cena and Roman Reigns can do anything they want, and they will get the biggest reaction every night, because people already know if they love or hate them. It's awesome. It's like sports rivalries instead of Disney, finally. Another guy who could do this that's completely different than them and changed wrestling in his short era? Kurt Angle.

What the fuck is this?
Being in touch.



but they didn't make ratings go up instantly

but they didn't increase ppv buyrate/network subs

but they didn't sell enough merch/get loud enough house show reactions from 980 fans in Dickblood, Louisiana

but that was just one night/handful of nights with hardcore fans not representative of the real fanbase

Ok I think that's all of them.

you forgot one: Bryan wasn't over, the YES chant was


First: this isn't possible with him. He's odious on the mic. He could fuck everyone's girlfriend. You can't generate a pure babyface out of this, as we all are well aware since 2014.

I don't know, Reigns' was actually pretty likable in some back stage stuff and regular interviews. I honestly believe that if they gave him a character he identified with, he would actually do great. I've always assumed the problem with his promos is the scripted stuff and restraints.

I remember reading he got yelled at back stage for sitting on a steel chair before attacking his opponent with it. It's impossible to show character in such environment and it's impossible to get actually over without a character.
It's fun to me how the people who think they're smarter than wrestling just straight up tell the world they're malleable and mercurial enough to become a Roman fan if WWE would just go back to an old turn idea and use it on a person who doesn't have anywhere near the talking ability of the Rock. We're that easy: "just give me what I think I want and I'll do what you dictate this time!"
First: this isn't possible with him. He's odious on the mic. He could fuck everyone's girlfriend. You can't generate a pure babyface out of this, as we all are well aware since 2014.

Second: when has the WWE ever said they would prefer everyone to cheer? I don't know where you guys get this idea. All they've ever said is they want noise.

Like it or not, John Cena and Roman Reigns can do anything they want, and they will get the biggest reaction every night, because people already know if they love or hate them. It's awesome. It's like sports rivalries instead of Disney, finally. Another guy who could do this that's completely different than them and changed wrestling in his short era? Kurt Angle.

Being in touch.
Hey genius,

Last year building to Wrestlemania you had Triple H beat down Roman until he "bled" with the audience on their feet cheering. Then the next week he came out and cut a promo on the crowd about how they relate to Roman Reigns and that's why they cheer for him. While the crowd booed Roman Reigns.

The night after Wrestlemania they had commentary go up front before anything saying "this crowd boos people they normally cheer for, and cheer for people they normally boo! It's so much fun!" When Roman comes out we are once again reminded that "they're booing people they normally cheer, but everyone here is having fun, and we love that"

No one even acknowledged the boos on TV until his suspension

All recaps are recut to only show supporters to build him as a babyface

Don't be a mark


Remember that one time during the John Cena vs Bray Wyatt feud where the announce team tried to say that Bray Wyatt had brainwashed the crowd into supporting him because otherwise they'd be 100% for John Cena?

Yeah, that happened. They tried to turn the crowd heel for not cheering who Vince wanted them to cheer for


Remember that one time during the John Cena vs Bray Wyatt feud where the announce team tried to say that Bray Wyatt had brainwashed the crowd into supporting him because otherwise they'd be 100% for John Cena?

Yeah, that happened. They tried to turn the crowd heel for not cheering who Vince wanted them to cheer for

They just love singing "he's got the whole world in his hands" Maggle!
Hey genius,

Last year building to Wrestlemania you had Triple H beat down Roman until he "bled" with the audience on their feet cheering. Then the next week he came out and cut a promo on the crowd about how they relate to Roman Reigns and that's why they cheer for him. While the crowd booed Roman Reigns.

The night after Wrestlemania they had commentary go up front before anything saying "this crowd boos people they normally cheer for, and cheer for people they normally boo! It's so much fun!" When Roman comes out we are once again reminded that "they're booing people they normally cheer, but everyone here is having fun, and we love that"

No one even acknowledged the boos on TV until his suspension

All recaps are recut to only show supporters to build him as a babyface

Don't be a mark
He is a babyface. He's also a heel to different demographics. Like literally every sports team.

It's hilarious you think these moves you described were all generated to make you in particular like Roman. Like the WWE thinks hardcore fans love what Michael Cole says and are happy to follow his lead.
"WWE don't even want you to cheer their top babyface, so shut up idiots!"
You will never cheer him, and they know that.

Do you guys think GAF represents the actual wrestling audience? Do you guys think you're not in a bubble here? Anyone here watch with kids? Did you think Total Divas was for us? Anyone ever read Twitter or Instagram comments? We're not all the same, and they know it.
Why are we wasting so many pages rehashing the same old shit about Reigns, Cena, Punk, McMahon's and bryan?

This thread can sometimes spend so much time on this stuff rather than discussing some of the other stuff going on in other feds or discussing some stuff in history.
First: this isn't possible with him. He's odious on the mic. He could fuck everyone's girlfriend. You can't generate a pure babyface out of this, as we all are well aware since 2014.

Second: when has the WWE ever said they would prefer everyone to cheer? I don't know where you guys get this idea. All they've ever said is they want noise.

Like it or not, John Cena and Roman Reigns can do anything they want, and they will get the biggest reaction every night, because people already know if they love or hate them. It's awesome. It's like sports rivalries instead of Disney, finally. Another guy who could do this that's completely different than them and changed wrestling in his short era? Kurt Angle.

Being in touch.

Vinces whole thing is "we make movies" not wrestling.

Look at NJPW. Some people go to cheer 'heels' like LIJ or Bullet Club, people bring Suzuki Gun banners etc. Some people go and support Okada and Chaos or Tanahashi or whoever. Sometimes who people are cheering changes because of the story being told in the ring too. To me this is more like sports rivalries and the things you say.

It isnt muting crowd microphones, editing fan reactions and all the other shit they carry on with.

And also some of this doesnt make sense. Your first point for example ignores history of the Rock, HBK etc being over as fuck.
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