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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Rollercoaster to WrestleMania XXXIII!

Why are we wasting so many pages rehashing the same old shit about Reigns, Cena, Punk, McMahon's and bryan?

This thread can sometimes spend so much time on this stuff rather than discussing some of the other stuff going on in other feds or discussing some stuff in history.
Roman's over.

Biggest heel and babyface in the business at the same time. Flair can't even touch him.


Roman's a heel, so long as you ignore all of the stuff WWE clearly does to paint him as a hero character and ignore the decades worth of face booking that makes it obvious that they're intending Roman to be a hero


Roman's over.

Biggest heel and babyface in the business at the same time. Flair can't even touch him.

Fucking. This total bellas bullshit is the greatest. The parody of Bryan was too much lol!

The juicebox bit killed me.

Also Luke Harper looks great right now. I guess being able to focus entirely on rehab and working out really helped him a ton there. Not that he looked bad before, but he's looking pretty cut.


Why are we wasting so many pages rehashing the same old shit about Reigns, Cena, Punk, McMahon's and bryan?

This thread can sometimes spend so much time on this stuff rather than discussing some of the other stuff going on in other feds or discussing some stuff in history.

You know that Kofi clock we like to post often?

There is an IWC clock too. I hear there is even a WrassleGaf specific version of it.


I love Luke's in ring presence too. He straight up makes the crowd cheer by brute force, even if it's only a part of it.

Dude is great.


You will never cheer him, and they know that.

Do you guys think GAF represents the actual wrestling audience? Do you guys think you're not in a bubble here? Anyone here watch with kids? Did you think Total Divas was for us? Anyone ever read Twitter or Instagram comments? We're not all the same, and they know it.

I don't watch kids, aint my thing.
Roman's a heel, so long as you ignore all of the stuff WWE clearly does to paint him as a hero character and ignore the decades worth of face booking that makes it obvious that they're intending Roman to be a hero
If you had to describe your feelings about him, would you say he's a heel or a face to you? When they do these things to make him more irritating to you, would you say that's them making him more of a heel or a face to you?

That's all that matters anymore. I don't know why you guys think we're expected to follow the face vs heel rules set by the fucking George Hackenschmidt and Toots Mondt in the 1920s. We broke those two decades ago with the NWO and Austin and DX, and we've been waiting for a new dynamic or attitude to interest us like those did. No one follows face vs heel anymore, as is obvious when Roman comes out to the purposeful, loud mixed reactions he gets.



I love that the origin of Hollywood Hogan and potentially the nWo is from a goddamn Dungeon of Doom feud

If you had to describe your feelings about him, would you say he's a heel or a face to you? When they do these things to make him more irritating to you, would you say that's them making him more of a heel or a face to you?

That's all that matters anymore. I don't know why you guys think we're expected to follow the face vs heel rules set by the fucking George Hackenschmidt and Toots Mondt in the 1920s. We broke those two decades ago with the NWO and Austin and DX, and we've been waiting for a new dynamic or attitude to interest us like those did. No one follows face vs heel anymore, as is obvious when Roman comes out to the purposeful, loud mixed reactions he gets.

He's a face, because that's how he's intended to be viewed in their stories and products.
Luke's gear now is basically Ambrose's (since Ambrose has been sticking to only black tank tops for quite some time now) but it looks twenty times better on him then it does on Ambrose since Luke is in great shape for it.
He's a face, because that's how he's intended to be viewed in their stories and products.
I can't believe you're actually arguing the power of Raw kayfabe as being above all. Even if we were to take your word here as truth, then what does it mean when Braun Strowman two weeks ago says "Roman, these fans don't like you, and neither do I"?

How many interviews from top guys does it take for them to tell you the wrestling world is moving on from the old ways?


I can't believe you're actually arguing the power of Raw kayfabe as being above all. Even if we were to take your word here as truth, then what does it mean when Braun Strowman two weeks ago says "Roman, these fans don't like you, and neither do I"?

How many interviews from top guys does it take for them to tell you the wrestling world is moving on from the old ways?

I'm not arguing the power of Raw kayfabe. I'm arguing the simple basics of storytelling and presentation.


I saw Roman Reigns at a grocery store in Tampa yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence, ahhyessir,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by shouting "ooh-ahh!" really loudly.

What is the origin of this? Seen it multiple times now.


If you had to describe your feelings about him, would you say he's a heel or a face to you? When they do these things to make him more irritating to you, would you say that's them making him more of a heel or a face to you?

That's all that matters anymore. I don't know why you guys think we're expected to follow the face vs heel rules set by the fucking George Hackenschmidt and Toots Mondt in the 1920s. We broke those two decades ago with the NWO and Austin and DX, and we've been waiting for a new dynamic or attitude to interest us like those did. No one follows face vs heel anymore, as is obvious when Roman comes out to the purposeful, loud mixed reactions he gets.

When people say they want Roman to turn heel, they're less saying "He's a boring good guy, I want him to be a bad guy!" and more "His character needs to change."

WWE gives far more freedom to their heels than their faces when it comes to... being entertaining. Look no further than the Usos face run vs heel run.

Roman is clearly a babyface and scripted like a babyface. It needs to stop.
Why are we wasting so many pages rehashing the same old shit about Reigns, Cena, Punk, McMahon's and bryan?

This thread can sometimes spend so much time on this stuff rather than discussing some of the other stuff going on in other feds or discussing some stuff in history.

Because it's too early to talk about Champion Carnival 2017, friend.


Make up your own mind instead of listening to Michael Cole, man.

WWE isn't practicing some 4th dimensional choose your own adventure shit with Roman Reigns. If you seriously believe that then you're giving WWE's creative way more credit than they rightfully deserve and you're simply buying into their PR talk. When you look at the how he's portrayed in storylines and in presentation and all of the other shit WWE does to market Roman Reigns as the babyface hero of the company, it's very clear that he's intended to be a hero character.

I've made up my mind that I simply do not like that character or the story he's put in. Just like I do with any character from any other media.
Why are we wasting so many pages rehashing the same old shit about Reigns, Cena, Punk, McMahon's and bryan?

This thread can sometimes spend so much time on this stuff rather than discussing some of the other stuff going on in other feds or discussing some stuff in history.
Omega hasn't won the belt in the US yet
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