WrassleGAF Court now in Session
Guys, this Rouse guy is over and under my protection. No one is to harm him.
WrassleGAF Court dismissed
It'll depend on whether or not Rouse will follow imBask's advice.
WrassleGAF Court now in Session
Guys, this Rouse guy is over and under my protection. No one is to harm him.
WrassleGAF Court dismissed
WrassleGAF Court now in Session
Guys, this Rouse guy is over and under my protection. No one is to harm him.
WrassleGAF Court dismissed
SomewhatGrumpy is trustworthy
Pictured: Stephzilla vs Ronda Rouse-y
What are the chances that those are plants?
WrassleGAF Court now in Session
Guys, this Rouse guy is over and under my protection. No one is to harm him.
WrassleGAF Court dismissed
Rousey vs Steph will be at next years Mania
a tiny man protecting an even tinier man
That goes without saying.I bet Flair took all of that jewelry to the pawn shop immediately after filming ended.
If I was making that much for as few dates as he's working, I'd brag about it too.Brock loves talking about money and the size of his check
the cena match should end with cena dumping nikki, maryse kicking miz and in the balls and hooking up with cena. swerve city x2 baby.
the cena match should end with cena dumping nikki, maryse kicking miz and in the balls and hooking up with cena. swerve city x2 baby.
Na Miz and Cena should kiss.
nah, mr russo would also have cena get on the mic and tell daniel bryan that he's actually the father of bries baby.Found Russo's GAF account
Ima just keep dumping in old and new GIFs to get the convo off of Steph/Haitch/Vince and Roman
[quote="bishoptl, post: 30514296"]alright.
[b]each poster gets one (ONE) post with a gif per page, NeoGAF-gold style.
Should you provide more than one gif per 100 posts, or do a bunch of stupid image quotes of someone else's post with the SAME FRIGGING GIF OVER AND OVER and I will do horrible things to your account privileges.[/b]
Thought the midnight wrestle-gaf nonsense would have sorted things out in a way everyone could understand going forward, I gave you folks too much credit :(
if you're sitting at your computer going "hmmmmm I wonder if quoting this particular image one more time is going to get me whacked? that is a mystery" then err on the side of caution and assume that yes, it will backfire mercilessly upon you and your colleagues will gather and laugh about how you got banned for double quoting that cool animated gif of HBK pantomiming playing the skin flute while some fan takes a swing from behind the fence.
one gif per one hundred posts per person, please give me an opportunity to make an example of somebody. I'm begging you.[/QUOTE]
You're breaking the rules.
I'll help, TarpitCarnivore.
You're breaking the rules.
That was from 1935. Bye.You're breaking the rules.
Dana Brooke and R-Truth partnered with Hefty to help clean up Orlando's parks during WWE WrestleMania Week!
While Karen Pence makes them a sandwich and some chocolate milk.
Hefty? Even WWE bodyshames Dana Brooke.