Vince - "Are you... on the card? No, you'll be in the local park picking up crap with the kids! I'd send Lawler, but his court history causes complications HA HA HA. HA HA HA HA HA"
Did this dude say he worked his ass off? He's complaining about working one day a week lolso glad you're back bean
Goldberg on his current run, in case you're still deluding yourself that the match will be anything other than the drizzling shits
Ill be honest, Im miserable. Im absolutely miserable. But my familys having fun, man. And so, every single thing, every training session, every ART massage that makes me cry, every muay thai session, its all worth it, man. Its just worth it. And, hey, at the end of the day, if I want to smile, Ill buy a car. Thats how Im happy. I did, I bought one on the way back from [Survivor Series in] Toronto because I worked my ass off.
Nobody get me wrong when I say Ive been miserable throughout this, but I am. Im miserable. Im bloated 24 hours a day. Im stressed 24 hours a day. I dont sleep, but its a small price to pay.
I feel sick.
Agreed. Why did he think red lipstick was a good idea? Idiot.
Proposal practice
I really don't think it will be a working roller coaster. That seems too crazy.I'd love to see the behind the scenes stuff on them building a working roller coaster into the Wrestlemania set. That can't be legit....I mean, don't these things require testing and stuff that can't typically be done inside of a week?
I'd love to see the behind the scenes stuff on them building a working roller coaster into the Wrestlemania set. That can't be legit....I mean, don't these things require testing and stuff that can't typically be done inside of a week?
Fucking real talk....what are your plans for Sunday before/during WM?
My tentative schedule (on dat Central timezone):
2pm - my wife/kids don't care about WM whatsoever so I invited a few buddies; will start to show up around this time....I've been on a Corona kick so I'll be sticking with those all afternoon
4pm - start up the grill, probably burgers and sausage (easy to make while buzzed)
6pm - WM starts, not sure if this is the "preshow" or the actual event though
I do plan on performing at least one wrestling move (AA?) on a buddy into the pool at some point during the evening. Even though we're in Texas and it's warming up outside, water is still cold as shit.
Just going to have a small gathering. .
I still feel bad about my girlfriend sitting through Mania last year, pre-show and all.Fucking real talk....what are your plans for Sunday before/during WM?
Extreme Rules Match
Syder vs Kornflayx
GWF3: MarkaMania Card
Date, time, and event name are currently undecided. Final card subject to change.
Singles Match
FlammableD vs ShadowSwordmaster
Singles Match
SomewhatGroovy vs Mahonay
GWF B+ Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal
BewareTheBatsie vs OwensIsNow vs Caderfix vs The Strokes vs BronsonLee vs RBH
GWF B+ Championship Match
Tall4Life vs Korly [c]
Singles Match
Sephzilla vs imBask
GWF Tag Team Championship Match
The New Japan Express (klonere & Heroman) vs The Just Friends (Bronx-Man & Ithil) [c]
20 Minute Iron Man "Loser Loses Catchphrase" Match - Winner becomes Tag Team #1 Contenders
Menome (w/ Browny) vs Zach (w/ Biggest-Geek-Ever)
Extreme Rules Match
Syder vs Kornflayx
MAIN EVENT - GWF World Championship Match
FallingEdge vs Beefy [c]
GWF3: MarkaMania Card
Date, time, and event name are currently undecided. Final card subject to change.
Singles Match
FlammableD vs ShadowSwordmaster
Singles Match
SomewhatGroovy vs Mahonay
GWF B+ Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal
BewareTheBatsie vs OwensIsNow vs Caderfix vs The Strokes vs BronsonLee vs RBH
GWF B+ Championship Match
Tall4Life vs Korly [c]
Singles Match
Sephzilla vs imBask
GWF Tag Team Championship Match
The New Japan Express (klonere & Heroman) vs The Just Friends (Bronx-Man & Ithil) [c]
20 Minute Iron Man "Loser Loses Catchphrase" Match - Winner becomes Tag Team #1 Contenders
Menome (w/ Browny) vs Zach (w/ Biggest-Geek-Ever)
Extreme Rules Match
Syder vs Kornflayx
MAIN EVENT - GWF World Championship Match
FallingEdge vs Beefy [c]
GWF3: MarkaMania Card
Date, time, and event name are currently undecided. Final card subject to change.
Singles Match
FlammableD vs ShadowSwordmaster
Singles Match
SomewhatGroovy vs Mahonay
GWF B+ Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal
BewareTheBatsie vs OwensIsNow vs Caderfix vs The Strokes vs BronsonLee vs RBH
GWF B+ Championship Match
Tall4Life vs Korly [c]
Singles Match
Sephzilla vs imBask
GWF Tag Team Championship Match
The New Japan Express (klonere & Heroman) vs The Just Friends (Bronx-Man & Ithil) [c]
20 Minute Iron Man "Loser Loses Catchphrase" Match - Winner becomes Tag Team #1 Contenders
Menome (w/ Browny) vs Zach (w/ Biggest-Geek-Ever)
Extreme Rules Match
Syder vs Kornflayx
MAIN EVENT - GWF World Championship Match
FallingEdge vs Beefy [c]
I'm in the mid-card now??!?
I'm not booked ?!
Fuck anyone and everyone going.WWE just released a bunch of tickets near the stage after they've been cleared from the production area. They're in the $80 range too which is the sweet spot.
No. You're part of the QUADRUPLE MAIN EVENT!I'm in the mid-card now??!?
I've enjoyed what I've seen of Akira Hokuto, I say go for it![]()
Should I check out these Akira Hokuto matches or what?
You know what that means.I'm a part timer why am I not in the main event?
I'm in the mid-card now??!?
Singles Match
SomewhatGroovy vs Mahonay
Are these your guests?
Welcome, friend! Of the last year in WWE I would recommend.alright guys, long time lurker, occasional poster.
Taking up the three month network offer. Any suggestions for 5* matches from the last few years?
Don't worry, the book has some stuff penciled in for you that isn't public knowledge.
GWF3: MarkaMania Card
Date, time, and event name are currently undecided. Final card subject to change.
Singles Match
FlammableD vs ShadowSwordmaster
Singles Match
SomewhatGroovy vs Mahonay
GWF B+ Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal
BewareTheBatsie vs OwensIsNow vs Caderfix vs The Strokes vs BronsonLee vs RBH
GWF B+ Championship Match
Tall4Life vs Korly [c]
Singles Match
Sephzilla vs imBask
GWF Tag Team Championship Match
The New Japan Express (klonere & Heroman) vs The Just Friends (Bronx-Man & Ithil) [c]
20 Minute Iron Man "Loser Loses Catchphrase" Match - Winner becomes Tag Team #1 Contenders
Menome (w/ Browny) vs Zach (w/ Biggest-Geek-Ever)
Extreme Rules Match
Syder vs Kornflayx
MAIN EVENT - GWF World Championship Match
FallingEdge vs Beefy [c]
Wow i'm getting a match against the guy in charge?
thanks boss i'm just happy to be here you know, jobbing to you is an honor really
Seth vs HHH will be most fuckery match of the night. They probably need it to be.
$$$$$$$$$$Shane is gonna come out and grab the mic.
"You signed the contract AJ, but you didnt read it. I was never your opponent.. it was always.. this man..."
I've got everything that I ever wanted. . . . .