Hmm, nah. Being able to actually work a match is pretty important.Exactly.
Fat is just as bad as muscle-bound guys with no cardio IMO
Most modern wrestling is built around high work rate.
Hmm, nah. Being able to actually work a match is pretty important.Exactly.
Fat is just as bad as muscle-bound guys with no cardio IMO
Is that the same as Sugar Ray's Fly? I love that tune.
annnnnd saved.
Triple H‏ Verified account @TripleH 12m12 minutes ago
Don't need to photoshop this one... see it @WrestleMania #Axxess
All this is moot because Keith Lee has the best HOSS look in the world right now
Triple H‏ Verified account @TripleH 12m12 minutes ago
Don't need to photoshop this one... see it @WrestleMania #Axxess
Triple H‏ Verified account @TripleH 12m12 minutes ago
Don't need to photoshop this one... see it @WrestleMania #Axxess
Oh no, Triple H is self-aware.
How long before replicates this photo at the WWE Superstore?
HHH is marking out on WWE's Facebook touring the Axxess area
Nothing stops a train.NOTHING STOPS THE A-TRAIN
HHH has a lot of faults, but dude is and has always been a true wrestling fan. It's kind of cool seeing him still get excited about wrestling stuff.HHH is marking out on WWE's Facebook touring the Axxess area
All this is moot because Keith Lee has the best HOSS look in the world right now
Looks dope on posters too
FallingEdge, how many times do you listen to "Gonna Fly Now" per week?
Triple H‏ Verified account @TripleH 12m12 minutes ago
Don't need to photoshop this one... see it @WrestleMania #Axxess
Ooooh. I wanna see. I wanna see.
Fucking real talk....what are your plans for Sunday before/during WM?
JBL is not going anywhere. WWE is 100 percent cool with bullying.
Watched Jeff Cobb vs Keith Lee. Keith Lee is bigger than Cobb and has Mewtwo on his trunks and his finisher is called Spirit Bomb. I expected him to be awful but he wasn't bad at all.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Lee somewhere like Evolve with some seasoning. He interacts with the fans as well.
Oh no, Triple H is self-aware.
How long before he replicates this photo at the WWE Superstore?
I love the WWE Superstore they open up at Mania
If Triple H wants another reddit fruit basket, he'll drop by and recreate the picture.
I feel like they dropped it before that. I started watching WWE again around spring of 2013, and even then it was being phased out.I know WWE has always been a shit show behind the scenes, but I think it's pretty hilarious how they dropped the whole "don't be a bully, be a star" like a fucking rock around the time trump became a frontrunner for president.
Jeff Cobb for me right now.
At least once per workout.
Jeff Cobb vs. Riddle hasn't met its potential yet, but Cobb vs. Keith Lee is the hoss match that the indies are waiting for on a bigger stage than Limitless Wrestling, friends:
Edit: I knew I had seen gifs of this match here. Here's Data's post from October:
Is that DM waving at the camera
HHH talking about the Elimination Chamber redesign. Said the main reason they changed it was because it was really hard for arenas to accommodate for it. So while they had the chance to redesign it they improved if for TV shots, and made it easier on the workers.
I never knew of Keith Lee, dude is a hoss. Bring him, Cobb and Brian Cage into WWE.
that's it he's dead
Sure looks like it. They look pretty cool.Do they actually sell those New Day tag belts?
They should have Brock Lesnar play venom. You don't even need special effects, he's a fucking BEAST MV
Matanza is the forgotten Hoss
If I ever got one I would NEVER bring that shit to a show. I don't know how people don't realize how lame they look.Owning a replica belt is probably the most mark thing possible.
HHH is looking leaner than I think I've ever seen him look.