Morton 4 lyfe
All non-Mortons shall be annihilated.
All non-Mortons shall be annihilated.
I was DCed so you got your wishMortons please...stahp.
Can join in about half an hour, hopefully some of you are still around then.
I think ffdgh was waiting wiht that horn just to hit me on Excite track. :|
Lol thanks.Enforced yur god
Lol, ffdgh probably slowed down for that blue, but it was too far away to hit XD
Just watched Azure J's video on the part when I beat Azure J on the last second on Hyrule Circuit.
starting 2:37:20 mark.
So...I assume it's full?
Anybody up for kart in an hour? I'll be able to play on an actual TV for once!
Nah I'll decline. Chats have never been my thing.
Turn that hate into love...I HATE EVERYBODY ON KARTGAF
although it's much better with the audio that came with it haha