Looks better from a side angle:That design is dog shit.
Roman inspiration he says but without the artistry and class.
Yeah does looks better from the side. Just the pool of sludge beneath her feet makes it look a bit messy!Looks better from a side angle:
Thats idolatry. Self flagellation and 100 hail Marys should absolve you.Why is it green? Is it supposed to be copper oxidized or is it just painted stone. Is it plaster?
I want a Marble bust of myself. Zuck get that for me please.
Too bad his wife is 5/10 by modern standards and probably 2/10 by Asian ones.Looks better from a side angle:
More like Mark Cuckerberg.
2/10 by modern standards 5/10 by Asian standards.Too bad his wife is 5/10 by modern standards and probably 2/10 by Asian ones.
Money can't buy taste.That design is dog shit.
Roman inspiration he says but without the artistry and class.
I wouldn't be faithful being penniless as I am. She's not good looking.I admire him. I don’t think I’d be faithful if I had all that money.
pro playboy billionaires don't get caught.I admire him. I don’t think I’d be faithful if I had all that money.
Awww, he totally should have let slip that he was "smoking some pig....uhh long pig", and that it tasted like chicken
Oh come on this has a pussy on the pedestal vibe. I wouldn't be surprised if it was her idea. Zuck needs some tips from Bezo's he too can have a plastic Barbiepro playboy billionaires don't get caught.
2/10 by modern standards 5/10 by Asian standards.
He’s not a human.I told you all that humans were a mistake.
Well yeah but she's still a person, you shouldn't call her an it.It's kind of ugly.
That's what I was wondering and what's up with his wife? in the comforter drinking coffee by the statue looking casual.Why is his neighbor so close? If I had fuck you money I'd be miles from anyone