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Mark Zuckerberg unveils 7ft statue of wife Priscilla Chan in back yard


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
That design is dog shit.

Roman inspiration he says but without the artistry and class.
Looks better from a side angle:



Gold Member
I think that’s awesome and lovely. Why not. Wish my partner had money to order statues of my beautiful physique.


Gold Member
Hang on, how does he have neighbors that close? Or does he have a multi-structure compound?

And I wonder how "intimate" the artist got when making molds and sculpts of her body, if yah know what I mean.

Though if I could make a Reald....err statue of my wife when she was like 23 before kids....YES PLEASE :p


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
This is odd, but Zuck is currently on a redemption arc in my book.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Tinfoil hat time. Zoom in on her face she's shape shifting either that or zuck needs to get a phone that takes better pictures.
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