Escape Goat

dat traps
great, now we start filling this universe with fucking WWE stars who cant act for shit
thanks Hulk Hogan
Is Drax a very dramatic character in the comics? If not, I'm sure Bautista will do fine.
Is Drax a very dramatic character in the comics? If not, I'm sure Bautista will do fine.
Yeah, all he has to do is look like a force of nature and say the odd one liner. He can handle it.I'm not saying Batista can act worth a shit, but I think he has enough "acting chops" to do Drax. It shouldn't be that demanding of a role, and he can be somewhat clever, as seen in his last run in WWE before he quit.
Lynn Colins for Gamora please![]()
Yay, got 3 more hero movies, X-Men 2 and Ghost Rider 2! So now I got:
- The Dark Knight
- Thr Amazing Spider-Man
- The Avengers
- X-Men
- X-Men 2
- Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Yay, got 3 more hero movies, X-Men 2 and Ghost Rider 2! So now I got:
- The Dark Knight
- Thr Amazing Spider-Man
- The Avengers
- X-Men
- X-Men 2
- Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Yay, got 3 more hero movies, X-Men 2 and Ghost Rider 2! So now I got:
- The Dark Knight
- Thr Amazing Spider-Man
- The Avengers
- X-Men
- X-Men 2
- Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Okay so to get into this universe I ONLY have to watch the movies in the OP, right? I won't have to suffer through Ghost Rider or Dare Devil (again) right?
Okay so to get into this universe I ONLY have to watch the movies in the OP, right? I won't have to suffer through Ghost Rider or Dare Devil (again) right?
How was Bautista in The Man With the Iron Fists?
MahvelGAF. You're a bit slow today:
Just finished Greg Rucka's run on Punisher with issue 5 of Punisher: War Zone (the mini-series after the main series). God, it's good.
Kevin Feige, read this now. Put Frank Castle in the MCU and use Rucka's run as inspiration. Seriously Kevin Please!
I wanna see Frank take on the Avengers on screen like here. I really, really do.
If there was ever a Marvel character that would make an excellent non-neutered TV series, The Punisher would be it. Forget SHIELD, forget the awful Hulk series -- make a fucking Punisher film that's not some awful undercover procedural like Fox was cooking up. Stick that on FX with a decent budget and plenty of gore and watch the ratings roll in.
There's an entire thread on it. On the first page. Four threads below this one now.
If there was ever a Marvel character that would make an excellent non-neutered TV series, The Punisher would be it. Forget SHIELD, forget the awful Hulk series -- make a fucking Punisher film that's not some awful undercover procedural like Fox was cooking up. Stick that on FX with a decent budget and plenty of gore and watch the ratings roll in.
I know. But i get most of my MARVELVERSE movies from this thread so![]()
If there was ever a Marvel character that would make an excellent non-neutered TV series, The Punisher would be it. Forget SHIELD, forget the awful Hulk series -- make a fucking Punisher film that's not some awful undercover procedural like Fox was cooking up. Stick that on FX with a decent budget and plenty of gore and watch the ratings roll in.
This would make too much sense therefore it won't happenIt'll never happen. I dunno why, but it won't. I've been imagining an HBO Punisher series for years. I've devised entire plot lines and arcs and shit, episode break-downs. But it'll never happen.
Okay hold up.
I thought Iron Man 3 was getting an early release for IMAX only (April 25?). My theatre still says May 3. What's the deal?
US gets it May 3rd. Think April 25 is UK.
I just don't think it would catch on because the Punisher isn't a sympathetic enough character. He's 'good' after a fashion but very much inhuman and immune to the normal desires and wants that we all share.
Me, I'd just like a good Daredevil series, and ol' Punisher could guest star occasionally.
Batista's face is PERFECT for Drax. It'll be an issue if he's not that tall though. Movie magic will be required.
Most of the top cable shows in the past decade have had main characters that were bad and not particularly likable. Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Walking Dead, Dexter, and so forth. I don't think a non-sympathetic main character is much of an issue anymore.