Google-Fu tells me it's apparently supposed to premiere on Good Morning America instead of now.Anyone know when/where the trailer is supposed to appear?
Anyone know when/where the trailer is supposed to appear?
12 PM Est
Google-Fu tells me it's apparently supposed to premiere on Good Morning America instead of now.
That's upsetting, I stayed up waiting for it! Thanks for the heads up though.
Edit: Yeah just checked Yahoo, and it says that it should be live by now but I can't find it anywhere.
Holy shit Bautista is Drax, just shave his head!!! The only question is if he can act. I doubt Drax is a demanding role so he probably fits perfectly!
He was awesome as Drago. Everything else he had done? Not so much.![]()
Momoa is so good in interviews, it's too bad it doesn't translate to acting.
Momoa is so good in interviews, it's too bad it doesn't translate to acting.
He was awesome as Drago. Everything else he had done? Not so much.
They'll cast a big guy who can't act. Drax and Groot will be severely underwritten while Starlord and Gamora get the real meat. Raccoon will be the comedic wisecracking sidekick incessantly quipping at every inappropriate moment. Tony Stark will be there just to go WTF a talking raccoon.
Groot will be more comic relief in my opinion. And it will be the same line at all the inappropriate moments. "I AM GROOT!" And I will love that.
And you left you an important thing about Raccoon: blowing shit up.
It's amazing how enamored people are with him off of that one role which was fairly minor. It's kind of annoying but they'll move onto someone else after his next couple of movies flop and he goes back to being Mr. Bonet (Which is a dope job within itself.).
But I would have loved to see him as Drax. oh, well.
I think Drax will be tough to pull off. Someone who is pretty much one of the most vicious and indestructible assassins in the universe, who can still break character to contemplate his existence or show he has a sense of humor. I don't think you can just put any ridiculously muscular actor dude in that role, I don't know who I would cast though. That guy rumoured to be cast before at least looked the part though.
c'mon what else are they gonna do?
c'mon what else are they gonna do?
I haven't read it but at least its sounds like something different from the past 2 Hulk films.Something better!
I feel like planet hulk would just be a boring CGI fest.
Ultron, of course.c'mon what else are they gonna do?
Or Masters of EvilUltron, of course.
Something better!
I feel like planet hulk would just be a boring CGI fest.
Ultron, of course.
c'mon what else are they gonna do?
Mark Waid's Indestructible Hulk, which just kicked off, seems like it could be good source material. Bruce Banner finally decides to stop running, teams with SHIELD as long as they give him the technology, staffing, and equipment to make lasting contributions to humanity.
For SHIELD, Banner just lets them aim him like a cannon and drop him into tricky situations that need "smashing".
Or Masters of Evil
(Not a big spoiler for those that are curious. Will probably be given away within the first two trailers if true.)
Not a huge surprise but Aint It Cool is saying thatis definitely in Guardians of the Galaxy. Didn't specify whether it was justNova Corpsthough.the Corps or specifically Richard Rider Nova
(Not a big spoiler for those that are curious. Will probably be given away within the first two trailers if true.)
Joss Whedon said:"I've got the next story, and it's a corker," Whedon revealed to the latest issue of Time Out London. "I haven't even been thinking in terms of superhero movies. The films I've been thinking about are 'The Godfather Part II' and 'The Empire Strikes Back'. Those are the stars by which I chart my course."
28 minute interview with Shane Black and Kevin Feigie on the topic of Iron Man 3. Great stuff. The interviewer presses them a bit on connects to other phase 2 movies and they give some hints.
Screw Momoa and Batista, just get Conan Stevens.
Dr.Doom would be the ultimate badass for an avengers movie. Arg.
Ive always wondered who Marvel would cast as him if they ever got the character back.
Jeremy Irons. Benedict Cumberbatch.
I really don't know who could honestly live up to the ultimate awesomeness that is Doom. The greatest comic book villain of all time. Yeah, I went there.