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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

That makes sense. But now they have to reboot again to distance themselves from Nolan's movies if they want Justice League to have any hope of working. It's a vicious cycle.

We will have to see how Man of Steel works first to know that. If they can get a draker, more grounded Superman to work then the JL in Nolan's universe would be fine. Batman and Superman are by far the most important characters. Green Lantern is the only character that I think would be really hard to do for Nolan, but since that movie was such a flop they could just relegate him to the background and not really show off his powers.



Basically, "screw you guys, we're gonna have thunder gods and rage monsters fighting space dragons in our movie!"

Though I think Nolan's Batman had the problem of distancing itself from the last terrible Batman films, so it went "realistic" almost as a response.

That is why I always call Nolan Batman movies action-thrillers.


We will have to see how Man of Steel works first to know that. If they can get a draker, more grounded Superman to work then the JL in Nolan's universe would be fine. Batman and Superman are by far the most important characters. Green Lantern is the only character that I think would be really hard to do for Nolan, but since that movie was such a flop they could just relegate him to the background and not really show off his powers.

Batman himself still needs a bit of an overhaul regardless of how Man of Steel turns out. Tim Burton gave use Super Gadget Batman. Nolan gave us Super Ninja Batman. Justice League needs Super Genius Batman, or else he brings nothing to the table. Nolan's Batman was smart, but he wasn't genius smart, and he needs to be that if he's gonna keep company with gods. The Joseph Gordon-Levitt character wasn't set up as any kind of genius either, so neither him or BatBale would work in my opinion. Even if you power down Lantern, Flash and everybody else, the Batman we have now still has no place in the group.

I just wish DC had the foresight to set this up properly. If I were them I'd let Batman rest for a while. After Man of Steel, get another Lantern movie going, do Wonder Woman, do Flash, THEN reboot Batman.
Batman himself still needs a bit of an overhaul regardless of how Man of Steel turns out. Tim Burton gave use Super Gadget Batman. Nolan gave us Super Ninja Batman. Justice League needs Super Genius Batman, or else he brings nothing to the table. Nolan's Batman was smart, but he wasn't genius smart, and he needs to be that if he's gonna keep company with gods. The Joseph Gordon-Levitt character wasn't set up as any kind of genius either, so neither him or BatBale would work in my opinion. Even if you power down Lantern, Flash and everybody else, the Batman we have now still has no place in the group.

I just wish DC had the foresight to set this up properly. If I were them I'd let Batman rest for a while. After Man of Steel, get another Lantern movie going, do Wonder Woman, do Flash, THEN reboot Batman.

What about the scene in the Dark Knight where Batman gets the fingerprint off the shattered bullet? I think they set Batman up to be this great detective who can figure out what is going on behind the scenes, and then have him be the guy that comes up with the plan to defeat what ever threat they are fighting. I stil have hope for JL, I realize it wont be as good or big as the Avengers was, but if they are smart they can make a good movie out of it.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

Basically, "screw you guys, we're gonna have thunder gods and rage monsters fighting space dragons in our movie!"

Though I think Nolan's Batman had the problem of distancing itself from the last terrible Batman films, so it went "realistic" almost as a response.

Funny thing is, the first Iron Man film was actually more grounded in reality, with Marvel ratcheting up the crazy factor with each successive film. I was pleasantly surprised that they pulled it off with Thor, considering the fantasy elements of the source material.

What about the scene in the Dark Knight where Batman gets the fingerprint off the shattered bullet? I think they set Batman up to be this great detective who can figure out what is going on behind the scenes, and then have him be the guy that comes up with the plan to defeat what ever threat they are fighting. I stil have hope for JL, I realize it wont be as good or big as the Avengers was, but if they are smart they can make a good movie out of it.

Answer: Wayne is a fucking billionaire, he was able to buy all that sophisticated equipment to find that fingerprint. I didn't really see that as him being a "great detective".


I think they set Batman up to be this great detective who can figure out what is going on behind the scenes, and then have him be the guy that comes up with the plan to defeat what ever threat they are fighting.

In a JL movie, Batman should only be the guy behind the computer, in the HQ lab, like the side characters in series like CSI or NCIS... And besides hacking into something or enhancing blurry pictures, the only plan he should come up with would be to send someone with powers on site.
Also he'd be the JL community manager.


A Justice League movie needs Tower of Babel Batman.


All the other superheroes are merely reactionary - something happens and then they go. But Batman should already have a contingency plan for every eventuality and always be ten steps ahead of everyone else, no matter how strong. That's the kind of genius (and paranoia) I'm talking about, the kind you don't fuck with.

I should stop talking about DC characters in a Marvel thread. All this shit has probably already been said in the DC related threads anyway.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
All the other superheroes are merely reactionary - something happens and then they go. But Batman should already have a contingency plan for every eventuality and always be ten steps ahead of everyone else, no matter how strong. That's the kind of genius (and paranoia) I'm talking about, the kind you don't fuck with.

And prep time. You can't forget prep time.
A Justice League movie needs Tower of Babel Batman.


All the other superheroes are merely reactionary - something happens and then they go. But Batman should already have a contingency plan for every eventuality and always be ten steps ahead of everyone else, no matter how strong. That's the kind of genius (and paranoia) I'm talking about, the kind you don't fuck with.

I should stop talking about DC characters in a Marvel thread. All this shit has probably already been said in the DC related threads anyway.

I have no idea what that is but it looks awesome.


Find it and read it. You won't be disappointed. The wikipedia article sums it up, but there's an animated adaptation on Netflix titled Justice League: DOOM that's decent. I'd suggest reading it before you watch it.


WB confirmed recently that MoS would be the basis of their "cinematic universe" or whatever. Though, we won't get details for a while.

I think y'all are overthinking Batman. It's Batman. He's the easier character in the Justice League to get right. Put him on screen, show him with gadgets and making plans, and have a couple fights with him being all ninja, and you're done. Characters like Flash, GL, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman are going to be the challenge.

I just hope they actually give Batman a fucking personality in the movie instead of him be an emotionally flat try-hard whose a complete jackass to the other Leaguers (i.e JL Doom)
Find it and read it. You won't be disappointed. The wikipedia article sums it up, but there's an animated adaptation on Netflix titled Justice League: DOOM that's decent. I'd suggest reading it before you watch it.

I just read the wiki, that sounds awesome. I will definitely check it out.


WB confirmed recently that MoS would be the basis of their "cinematic universe" or whatever. Though, we won't get details for a while.

I think y'all are overthinking Batman. It's Batman. He's the easier character in the Justice League to get right. Put him on screen, show him with gadgets and making plans, and have a couple fights with him being all ninja, and you're done. Characters like Flash, GL, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman are going to be the challenge.

I just hope they actually give Batman a fucking personality in the movie instead of him be an emotionally flat try-hard whose a complete jackass to the other Leaguers (i.e JL Doom)

Considering the combined power levels of the rest of the group, there would have to be an enormous threat to justify them coming together in the first place. There's really no way Batman has a physical presence in whatever fight they're involved in, so there's got to be something else for him to do, or else you're gonna relegate him to sidekick errand boy status. There is no challenge in giving Wonder Woman something to beat the shit out of or coming up with a reason for Flash to run somewhere or vibrate through a wall or something. That seems like the easy part to me.

And I don't think dismissing him as being a jackass to the League is the right takeaway from that storyline.


People always get the wrong message from Tower of Babel. It's not that Batman has preptime. It's that he is so broken that his inability, to trust people put the whole Earth in jeopardy.
Considering the combined power levels of the rest of the group, there would have to be an enormous threat to justify them coming together in the first place. There's really no way Batman has a physical presence in whatever fight they're involved in, so there's got to be something else for him to do, or else you're gonna relegate him to sidekick errand boy status. There is no challenge in giving Wonder Woman something to beat the shit out of or coming up with a reason for Flash to run somewhere or vibrate through a wall or something. That seems like the easy part to me.

Batman's gadgets could certainly have a use. He's not too dissimilar from Tony Stark/Iron Man in that regard, and Iron Man played an awfully important role in repelling the Chitauri invasion in Avengers. Just replace the Iron Man suit with a Batwing.

Clearly, if the villain is Darkseid or someone similar, they're gonna have problems making Batman relevant. But then again, in the New 52 reboot, he was given an important role in the fight against Darkseid. They just need some competent writers to work Batman in to the script naturally.


People always get the wrong message from Tower of Babel. It's not that Batman has preptime. It's that he is so broken that his inability, to trust people put the whole Earth in jeopardy.

Agreed. The wonderful irony of the story is that he's so worried that someday someone like Superman is gonna go off the deep end and destroy the world, his planning for that eventuality puts the world at risk just the same. Batman's paranoia is just as big a threat as Superman's strength.


Considering the combined power levels of the rest of the group, there would have to be an enormous threat to justify them coming together in the first place. There's really no way Batman has a physical presence in whatever fight they're involved in, so there's got to be something else for him to do, or else you're gonna relegate him to sidekick errand boy status. There is no challenge in giving Wonder Woman something to beat the shit out of or coming up with a reason for Flash to run somewhere or vibrate through a wall or something. That seems like the easy part to me.

And I don't think dismissing him as being a jackass to the League is the right takeaway from that storyline.
Batman is rarely involved the large scale fights with the Justice League. Usually, he's off on some other, equally important part of the mission. I don't see how audiences would have a problem with a scenario where Superman and the other tanks on the team or fighting the big bad, while Batman and a few others are off working on something else. You can have him involved in fights using his vehicles like the Batwing.

Traditionally, writers have problems understanding Wonder Woman's character. She's just a harder character to write than Batman. The Flash is tough because super speed is difficult to get to work in live action. The other members of the team have similar problems.

And Batman was a jackass. His mistrust and secrecy put his teammates lives in danger and how does he respond? By getting on his high horse and acting like they were in the wrong for questioning him. He storms out before they are allowed to even argue their cases. The comic handled it better I will admit (Batman doesn't apologize, but in ToB he at least gets that the team felt betrayed and respects. JLD's Batman is an asshole by comparison).

People always get the wrong message from Tower of Babel. It's not that Batman has preptime. It's that he is so broken that his inability, to trust people put the whole Earth in jeopardy.

This too.
I really like that they're going with the Commander Rogers/Super Soldier suit. I hoped they would and it from the artwork alone it seems like it will look a lot better than both previous suits.


Online Ho Champ
Ugh, the helmet has always been the problem, not the rest of the suit. It's just so angular in all the wrong places so it looks like its receding into his skull.

yeah the helmet is touchy when kirby first drew him again in the avengers book he did have that funky looking headpiece it just kinda covered the top of his head looks funny to me period.


but when cap got a solo book it was more of a cover so it made that pentagon like shape of exposed face from like the nose the two cheekbones and then went down covering parts of the cheeks and jaw. Most people are used to this look it endured for like 35 years



then theres the ultimate variants which is what the movie looks like the first movie is a helmet with goggles i like it very much.


here is the ultimate mask , as you can see it exposes more of the face to kinda mirror him having on a helm and just a strap , cant say i like it in comic or movie form.


and of course theres the commander rogers look, one of the best alt suits ...ever hope they use it more in caps side adventures. No head piece works just fine!


and now theres the marvel NOW which has cues of the ultimate WWII that i love so much and some new elements like the strap /chin guard is diagonal so even though theres less mask the combo works well strap and top half. rest of the suit is pretty cool too has a combat armor look too it but still caps look.


I hope they get it right in Cap 2 there are some options out there to make it look better than avengers did, it was alright but his solo movie suit was better.


About Marvel's upcoming comic event Infinity:

One of the goals of Infinity will be to bring the Inhumans to the same level of prominence as Nova and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Couple that with this rumor and it seems like Marvel may be actually be laying the groundwork for an Inhumans movie.


The Inhumans are the ones who live on the Moon, right? Anything worth reading?

I've only seen them on a couple of crossovers like WWH.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Yeah, it's from Latino Review, but they have details on a cameo appearance in the Iron Man 3 post credits:


It starts with a close shot of Tony Stark on a couch talking about his various traumas, obviously he’s talking to someone, as if he was seeing a shrink, the tone of the scene is light and supposedly funny. Then we discover that the person he’s talking to is Bruce Banner/Mark Ruffalo, who fell asleep because of Tony’s boring story. Tony remarks that Banner has been sleeping during the most part of his story and yells at him, and Banner just mumbles and says “You know, I’m not that kind of doctor!” Then Tony recalls another memory and resumes his monologue, and then we see Banner starting to fall asleep again.
Yeah, it's from Latino Review, but they have details on a cameo appearance in the Iron Man 3 post credits:


It starts with a close shot of Tony Stark on a couch talking about his various traumas, obviously he’s talking to someone, as if he was seeing a shrink, the tone of the scene is light and supposedly funny. Then we discover that the person he’s talking to is Bruce Banner/Mark Ruffalo, who fell asleep because of Tony’s boring story. Tony remarks that Banner has been sleeping during the most part of his story and yells at him, and Banner just mumbles and says “You know, I’m not that kind of doctor!” Then Tony recalls another memory and resumes his monologue, and then we see Banner starting to fall asleep again.



The Inhumans are the ones who live on the Moon, right? Anything worth reading?

I've only seen them on a couple of crossovers like WWH.

The crossover with Secret Invasion and War of Kings is good. I'm about to start Realm of Kings soon. All this cosmic shit is a lot to keep track of lately.
Yeah, it's from Latino Review, but they have details on a cameo appearance in the Iron Man 3 post credits:


It starts with a close shot of Tony Stark on a couch talking about his various traumas, obviously he’s talking to someone, as if he was seeing a shrink, the tone of the scene is light and supposedly funny. Then we discover that the person he’s talking to is Bruce Banner/Mark Ruffalo, who fell asleep because of Tony’s boring story. Tony remarks that Banner has been sleeping during the most part of his story and yells at him, and Banner just mumbles and says “You know, I’m not that kind of doctor!” Then Tony recalls another memory and resumes his monologue, and then we see Banner starting to fall asleep again.
I'm starting to wonder if I'll even see Iron Man 3.

Will wait for reviews and impressions I guess.
Yeah, it's from Latino Review, but they have details on a cameo appearance in the Iron Man 3 post credits:


It starts with a close shot of Tony Stark on a couch talking about his various traumas, obviously he’s talking to someone, as if he was seeing a shrink, the tone of the scene is light and supposedly funny. Then we discover that the person he’s talking to is Bruce Banner/Mark Ruffalo, who fell asleep because of Tony’s boring story. Tony remarks that Banner has been sleeping during the most part of his story and yells at him, and Banner just mumbles and says “You know, I’m not that kind of doctor!” Then Tony recalls another memory and resumes his monologue, and then we see Banner starting to fall asleep again.

It's probably after all of the credits, there might be two separate endings, kinda like the Thanos scene and the Shawarma scene in the Avengers.

rumored Wakandan/Space Armor/distress signal ending is probably before or after the Banner ending.

I like this ending, it sounds pretty funny.


Yeah, it's from Latino Review, but they have details on a cameo appearance in the Iron Man 3 post credits:


It starts with a close shot of Tony Stark on a couch talking about his various traumas, obviously he’s talking to someone, as if he was seeing a shrink, the tone of the scene is light and supposedly funny. Then we discover that the person he’s talking to is Bruce Banner/Mark Ruffalo, who fell asleep because of Tony’s boring story. Tony remarks that Banner has been sleeping during the most part of his story and yells at him, and Banner just mumbles and says “You know, I’m not that kind of doctor!” Then Tony recalls another memory and resumes his monologue, and then we see Banner starting to fall asleep again.

wtf they better have the
Wakadan ambassador giving him vibranium for the space armor


I haven't read those spoilers but judging by the reaction in here there must not be any connections to
Guardians of the Galaxy
. Hopefully there are two after credits scenes...


Yeah, it's from Latino Review, but they have details on a cameo appearance in the Iron Man 3 post credits:


It starts with a close shot of Tony Stark on a couch talking about his various traumas, obviously he’s talking to someone, as if he was seeing a shrink, the tone of the scene is light and supposedly funny. Then we discover that the person he’s talking to is Bruce Banner/Mark Ruffalo, who fell asleep because of Tony’s boring story. Tony remarks that Banner has been sleeping during the most part of his story and yells at him, and Banner just mumbles and says “You know, I’m not that kind of doctor!” Then Tony recalls another memory and resumes his monologue, and then we see Banner starting to fall asleep again.

Post credits? That seems like something that would be in the beginning of the film to recall the Avengers. Still, nice little surprise.
Yeah, it's from Latino Review, but they have details on a cameo appearance in the Iron Man 3 post credits:


It starts with a close shot of Tony Stark on a couch talking about his various traumas, obviously he’s talking to someone, as if he was seeing a shrink, the tone of the scene is light and supposedly funny. Then we discover that the person he’s talking to is Bruce Banner/Mark Ruffalo, who fell asleep because of Tony’s boring story. Tony remarks that Banner has been sleeping during the most part of his story and yells at him, and Banner just mumbles and says “You know, I’m not that kind of doctor!” Then Tony recalls another memory and resumes his monologue, and then we see Banner starting to fall asleep again.

Doesn't sound that bad.


It's probably after all of the credits, there might be two separate endings, kinda like the Thanos scene and the Shawarma scene in the Avengers.

rumored Wakandan/Space Armor/distress signal ending is probably before or after the Banner ending.

I like this ending, it sounds pretty funny.

Bingo IMO.
It's probably after all of the credits, there might be two separate endings, kinda like the Thanos scene and the Shawarma scene in the Avengers.

rumored Wakandan/Space Armor/distress signal ending is probably before or after the Banner ending.

I like this ending, it sounds pretty funny.

They will probably use the Avengers method from here on out. The teaser for upcoming stuff in the middle of the credits, then one lil silly fun bonus at the end of the credits.


They will probably use the Avengers method from here on out. The teaser for upcoming stuff in the middle of the credits, then one lil silly fun bonus at the end of the credits.

It's a lot better that way to be honest. This way you aren't keeping everyone in the theatre to see the cool/somewhat important scene and instead only the diehard fans are sticking around for that one last little taste.
That scene sounds cute.
Wish they'd clear up Banner's official status though- is the Army still looking for him? Is he working for Stark? What's the dealio


That scene sounds cute.
Wish they'd clear up Banner's official status though- is the Army still looking for him? Is he working for Stark? What's the dealio

The Army is still looking for him. When Natasha found him in India she said that SHIELD had been keeping "other interested parties" off his trail.
The Army is still looking for him. When Natasha found him in India she said that SHIELD had been keeping "other interested parties" off his trail.

Well, now that the entire world has seen the Hulk help shut down an alien invasion...

They probably are still on the hunt for him, though. If Thunderbolt Ross lives, Banner ain't safe.
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