Ugh, the helmet has always been the problem, not the rest of the suit. It's just so angular in all the wrong places so it looks like its receding into his skull.
yeah the helmet is touchy when kirby first drew him again in the avengers book he did have that funky looking headpiece it just kinda covered the top of his head looks funny to me period.
but when cap got a solo book it was more of a cover so it made that pentagon like shape of exposed face from like the nose the two cheekbones and then went down covering parts of the cheeks and jaw. Most people are used to this look it endured for like 35 years
then theres the ultimate variants which is what the movie looks like the first movie is a helmet with goggles i like it very much.
here is the ultimate mask , as you can see it exposes more of the face to kinda mirror him having on a helm and just a strap , cant say i like it in comic or movie form.
and of course theres the commander rogers look, one of the best alt suits ...ever hope they use it more in caps side adventures. No head piece works just fine!
and now theres the marvel NOW which has cues of the ultimate WWII that i love so much and some new elements like the strap /chin guard is diagonal so even though theres less mask the combo works well strap and top half. rest of the suit is pretty cool too has a combat armor look too it but still caps look.
I hope they get it right in Cap 2 there are some options out there to make it look better than avengers did, it was alright but his solo movie suit was better.