Pictures of Chris Evans and Scarlett Johannson on the set of Captain America: The Winter Soldier:
Looks like the Commander Rogers uniform was legit. Also, ScarJo getting a new hairdo for every MCU film confirmed.
Your pics aren't showing up for me. Weird.
Tom was such a great choice for Loki.
ScarJo's hair looks like a downgrade :/
ScarJo's hair looks like a downgrade :/
I want this look soon:I like that they're going for a different look.
I want this look soon:
I do wish she would pack on some more muscle though, Black Widow should be more athletic.
Looks like the Commander Rogers uniform was legit. Also, ScarJo getting a new hairdo for every MCU film confirmed.
Another brilliantly intriguing choice.
Is it just me, or does cap looks bulkier now. he looks great, I always think avenger cap looks a little too slim. Maybe its just the suit though.Pictures of Chris Evans and Scarlett Johannson on the set of Captain America: The Winter Soldier:
Looks like the Commander Rogers uniform was legit. Also, ScarJo getting a new hairdo for every MCU film confirmed.
EDIT: The pics should show up now.
Is it just me, or does cap looks bulkier now. he looks great, I always think avenger cap looks a little too slim. Maybe its just the suit though.
So she needs to wear full body leather, have a giant rack, giant ass, make acrobatic moves, and be totally ripped bulging out of the leather?That would work on her.
I do wish she would pack on some more muscle though, Black Widow should be more athletic.
Is it just me, or does cap looks bulkier now. he looks great, I always think avenger cap looks a little too slim. Maybe its just the suit though.
So she needs to wear full body leather, have a giant rack, giant ass, make acrobatic moves, and be totally ripped bulging out of the leather?
Or they changed the regimen. He is a big dude anyways, but how big he had to get for Cap made him ill. I am sure they found a middle ground.the training/diet routine for the first cap movie was too much for evans (he really hated it).
in some behind the scenes photos from avengers, you could see that he was not even close to the body/shape he had in cap 1.
so i wouldnt be surprised if they just gave him a big muscle suit and call it a day.
I do wish she would pack on some more muscle though, Black Widow should be more athletic
She's already a buxom actress in leather. So on top of the assets she needs to bulk up?Where did you get all that from? He said Black Widow should be more athletic. Are you suggesting that being athletic and having a body that could believably do the things the character must perform on-screen would be a bad thing?
I want this look soon:
I've been slowly going through Cosmic Marvel using that one timeline/chart guide. Currently reading the Nova parts of Annihilation: Conquest, and just got introduced to Cosmo. I dont know what it is about a super telepathic/telekenetic russian astronaut dog that works, but it just does. That damn dog is hilarious and awesome to read. I hope he makes into Guardians of the Galaxy somehow.
She's already a buxom actress in leather. So on top of the assets she needs to bulk up?
So, some twitter reactions from editors from geek sites are saying IM3 is the best of the three. Reviews are still embargoed though, but they answered questions from people who asked if it was better than the first one with a simple YES and the likes.
So, some twitter reactions from editors from geek sites are saying IM3 is the best of the three. Reviews are still embargoed though, but they answered questions from people who asked if it was better than the first one with a simple YES and the likes.
What the fuck does this have to do with her rack? That's pretty sexist of you.
I do care that she looks like a twig when she's beating up big dudes and space aliens. Black Widow as a character has no powers aside from ordinary human athleticism, which ScarJo doesn't have a shred of right now. She would sell the character better if she actually had some muscle. Imagine if Chris Evans hadn't bulked up for Captain America. It would look ridiculous.
If anything they seem to be so focused on making her look pretty that they don't care if she looks formidable or not.
So again I'm not too familiar with the Captain America lore, although I do know who the Winter Soldier is. Who are the main villains for this then? I'm assuming Winter Soldier will be one but there has to be others.
Arnim Zola is returning, plus Crossbones and Batroc.
Old age.but none of those are the Big Bad, are they? Batroc's only a soldier, and I'd think Crossbones is similar. Zola I don't see as orchestrating anything, and Bucky pretty much has to turn good by movie's end. So who does Cap & Bucky fight at the end of the movie?
Then you don't understand fighting at all. Bigger muscles don't = better fighter.
but none of those are the Big Bad, are they? Batroc's only a soldier, and I'd think Crossbones is similar. Zola I don't see as orchestrating anything, and Bucky pretty much has to turn good by movie's end. So who does Cap & Bucky fight at the end of the movie?
but none of those are the Big Bad, are they? Batroc's only a soldier, and I'd think Crossbones is similar. Zola I don't see as orchestrating anything, and Bucky pretty much has to turn good by movie's end. So who does Cap & Bucky fight at the end of the movie?