But the Falcon sucks...
I'm reading through the entire avengers run and got to the point where he gained membership.
Not only did he suck, but he was only there through a blatant affirmative action program, knew it, and whined about it the whole time until he bailed.
maybe the character gets better later but man, that was just awful
I saw Tom Hiddleston in central London near Leicester Square. I asked him if what films he would be in he said he knows nothing about Avengers 2 but he will be in Thor 2.
Marvel files a bunch of Guardians of the Galaxy trademarks for various merchandise. Considering the rumored movie in development, this would be a big step.
Marvel files a bunch of Guardians of the Galaxy trademarks for various merchandise. Considering the rumored movie in development, this would be a big step.
Marvel files a bunch of Guardians of the Galaxy trademarks for various merchandise. Considering the rumored movie in development, this would be a big step.
Marvel files a bunch of Guardians of the Galaxy trademarks for various merchandise. Considering the rumored movie in development, this would be a big step.
Incoming Batman voice for Peter Quinn. Wonder who they'll get to play him. Bryan Cranston!
Greg Ellis should do Rocket's voice again.
Welp. I thought they would do Runaways instead for sure. I'm guessing this will tie into the MCU/Thanos/Chitauri etc, but it should be interesting to see how they make it work and not be shit on the big screen.Marvel files a bunch of Guardians of the Galaxy trademarks for various merchandise. Considering the rumored movie in development, this would be a big step.
Can anyone recommend some good Guardians of the Galaxy comic book story arc? I know very little about that team.
Can anyone recommend some good Guardians of the Galaxy comic book story arc? I know very little about that team.
Guardians of the Galaxy? I had to google that.
The guy who does MC's voice in halo did a pretty good job in EMH, as long as they never show petes face they could reuse him, dude has a great voice.
Though still not sure a GoTG movie is a good idea.
The whole comical run is great.
EDIT: the 1969 run isn't great however.
That's how you know it's awesome.
Yeah, Steve Downes gave Star-Lord a fantastic voice. Never realised it was Master Chief's voice actor, that's damn clever of them- the casting on EMH was pretty much flawless.
Quinn is where GotG lives or dies, I think. He'll be the character that grounds the film- well, unless they upgrade Nova from honourary member to full-on Guardian- so doing him justice is super important. Warlock too, but for different reasons. It's a fantastic opportunity to flesh out all those characters, really, make them bigger and better than ever.
Or they could fail. We'll see. I'm betting on success.
I disgree, if they nail Starlord and Rocket, the movie will be golden. Kids will love Rocket.
Yeah they're two different things entirely.
Anyway, I kinda hope it's popular enough to spawn an animated series as we've never had such an in-depth look into Cosmic Marvel since the brilliant, but woefully short-lived Silver Surfer cartoon.
How would they pull off the myriad different backstories in a GotG movie, though? Even if they trim down the more convoluted ones you've got to set up a whole bunch of characters, most of whom, unlike the Avengers, aren't really known to the general public, and then pull off whatever cosmic event makes up the main plot.
Unless they just go "Here's a talking raccoon with a gun, deal with it."
Have the team form up because of Thanos maybe? He's a galactic conqueror, so they could set it up where he destroys their planets and they end up banding together to take him down. Then you could have the movie lead up to the Avengers 2.
I nominated Count Abyss as the main villain. I love how zany he was.
Agreed.I just want Groot.
I know almost nothing about Groot beyond the EMH episode and a couple comic panels I've seen on the internet.
But he's a big tree and says nothing but, "I AM GROOT!" and that's enough to make him one of my favorite characters.
Yeah, I see this being a way to tie in a potential Infinity Gauntlet adaptation. I can even see them using the same story and replace Doom with Loki (as the untrustworthy ally that's really out for himself)and Wolverine with Rocket (as the fierce little guy that's "not afraid to do what needs to be done").
Can anyone recommend some good Guardians of the Galaxy comic book story arc? I know very little about that team.
Edgar Wright does not want Simon Pegg as Ant-Man. I know it's a "rumour", but that's clearly a falsehood.
Did he say that? I know Pegg said he didn't want the role. Or maybe I have that backwards.
Subtitles are much cooler than numbers.
Not Marvel Studios, not part of the MCU.