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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)


I don't agree with what Bob says, although I totally agree with where he's coming from. Marvel Studios does give creative freedom to their directors, but it is creative freedom in a framework which Marvel controls tightly.

They approach it much like how they approach comics, where individual artists and writers are free to come up with good ideas and to inject their own personal styles into the designs and the narrative flow they're working on, but at the same time they have to stay consistent to the overall Marvel Universe, and there are specific requests made include or exclude certain elements as Marvel sees fit for the given story of a movie.

What this means is that some directors who are more familiar with working within frameworks like this will be more capable of flexing their creative muscles than others who are not. It's also possible that some directors sign on to such projects without wanting to do anything particular creative of their own on the movie, just cashing a paycheck.

I do not agree for a moment that if a director has something creative to contribute to a project in a good way, that Marvel Studios will actually work against him and just want him to "follow instructions" instead. A lot of it is about how you collaborate, and some people are better at doing it than others. If Marvel really wants nothing but yes-man directors, there are a lot more choices for them. Instead they have been more actively looking for directors who in fact fit the tone of the movies they are looking to make.

Thor and Captain America are actually great examples where the directors they picked were selected to bring a specific creative style to the movies which both directors had done before, but within the framework of the Marvel Universe.
Can I hug you.
I don't know, Alan Taylor and the Russo brothers seem like cheap yes-man choices to me; I'm not sure what creative talent the You, Me and Dupree directors are going to bring to Captain America 2.

I'd love to be proven wrong, but I'm not holding out any hope for Thor 2 and Captain America 2 with those three behind them.


Maybe they're seeking a more comedic edge to the next Captain America film? A fish out of water story has a lot of mileage for jokes, and Chris can sell a joke if need be.
I'm currently planning to condense all of the current Marvel movies into one 2 hour editing project. This will be done as part of my MA Post Production Editing course and so it won't be seen outside of the school.

One of my ideas is to link them all in chronological order, but that proves to be difficult given that Captain America takes place before all of them and working out the correct pacing is a huge issue.

If I were to pick the essential scenes from Captain America which ones would they be? I'd really appreciate people's ideas as to what they think best shows the events of the movie and best exemplifies Captain America's persona. I thought about building up his desire to join the army (I'd have to introduce Howard Stark for the Iron Man segments - possibly at the Expo) -> the injection of the serum -> then cutting to his adventures -> which would culminate in his fight with the red skull at the end.

All of that would lead to the modern day where his shield is found in the ice. That would act as the segue into the bulk of the edit. I'd love to include more of it but my instincts tell me the balance of the edit (with the bulk of it being set in the modern day) would be compromised.

What do people think?
Maybe they're seeking a more comedic edge to the next Captain America film? A fish out of water story has a lot of mileage for jokes, and Chris can sell a joke if need be.
Felt like I've already had enough fish out of water Capt jokes from The Avengers to last me a lifetime. I'd like if CA2 put some focus on the actual struggles of him being displaced and not just silly Wizard of Oz jokes.

I have no problem with the Russo brothers, Dupree was shit but I really like Community; I just don't think they should be directing Captain America 2. I'm sure they'll do a competent enough job but it certainly won't be anything above your typical Marvel Studios mediocre safe fest.


Looks like AIM are going to have some sort of presence in Iron Man 3 going by the latest set photo


Why doesn't Tony ever get armor made out of admantium or vibranium? Or does he? I don't follow the comics at all but that seems like the logical choice for indestructibility.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Scarcity is apparently still an issue for evil robots though.

A later Ultron model developed hive-mind technology, allowing it to animate and control hundreds of alternate Ultron bodies simultaneously,[37] although only the 'prime' Ultron was composed of adamantium while others were made of steel or secondary adamantium due to the lack of resources to give all the Ultrons adamantium bodies
What's stronger, vibraniun or adamantium?

Um vibranium can be weaponised better, Black Panther uses it loads. Adamantium is more used for defences- except, you know, for Wolverine's bones, but once you can make metal claws come out of your hands the type of metal isn't really important.

EDIT: Oh I'm wrong but I'll leave my post here because I still think it's kinda relevant, sorta? :p


Meh they would probably just use unobtanium armor if Stark lost his adamantium suit. He can just make another element or Thor could give him something from Asgard.
Zachary Levi (Chuck) to play Frandral in Thor 2:



Zachary Levi is going from the Buy More to Asgard. The star of the cult TV show Chuck is in negotiations to join the cast of Alan Taylor‘s Thor 2 as Frandral, one of the Warriors Three. But wait, you say. Wasn’t that part was played by Josh Dallas in the first film? Correct. However, Dallas now stars on ABC’s hit show Once Upon a Time and had to bow out of the Marvel sequel for that, leaving the door open for Levi. Oddly enough, Levi was reportedly first cast as Frandral in Kenneth Branagh’s Thor but his show Chuck got picked up for another season and he had to do that. Now the roles are reversed. Read more after the jump.

Old Frandral dude:

There's a robotic villain with full adamantium armor in the comics.


Do not tease me with Ultron. Please, don't. Ultron is top of my list for villains I want in an Avengers movie (that will realistically happen that is).

Zachary Levi (Chuck) to play Frandral in Thor 2:



Old Frandral dude:


Score! Anxious to see Levi branch out from Chuck.


Unconfirmed Member
That's actually kinda cool that they went back to Levi. I was kinda sad to hear the original guy wasn't going to return, but hearing the circumstances and knowing Levi was originally supposed to play the guy, is cool with me.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Why doesn't Tony ever get armor made out of admantium or vibranium? Or does he? I don't follow the comics at all but that seems like the logical choice for indestructibility.

As a villain of Tony Stark the first thing i do is get a super magnet or call my buddy Magneto to come fuck shit up.
As Tony Stark one of the smartest men on earth i make my suit out of a material that isnt magnetic but is still strong as fuck(win/win).

P.S Cost and the difficulty of working with these materials makes them less than perfect for Iron Man armor.
Ultron is just a badass. Adamantium armor, vibranium core. Nobody got shit on that killer robot.
Hank Pym?

If they recast Sif, I will fucking end them.

I will join you in equalizing them.
Lady Sif was perfect in Thor, i beg she is still cast.


Once they dye his hair blonde and stick a goatee on him, nobody will be able to tell the difference. :)

I need some story leaks on Thor 2. When do they start shooting?
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