Here's Devin Faraci, a guy who doesn't just copy and paste other people's shit all day between typing up completely fabricated rumors,
interviewing Kevin Feige about The Inhumans:
I asked him how the relationship between TV and movies works on stuff like this. The two are generally independent (ie, the Daredevil show has little to do with Feige and his team), but obviously sometimes they need to work more closely. "There have been discussions between myself and Eric Buckley and Dan Carroll, who is the conduit between Jeph Loeb and the runners, in terms of them saying, ‘We’re thinking of doing this, this and this - does that gibe with what you’re doing in the movies?’ And in some cases, like with the Avengers movies, it’s very close. We have to say, ‘This is happening, so you have to do this.’
"In the case of The Inhumans, they’re blazing new ground. As we get down the road towards that one, we’ll see what the pieces are."
So that means the shows will lay down the foundation for what we'll see in The inhumans?
"Certainly, in terms of those backstories on some of those things. Knowing the comics, you can guess the kind of things you wouldn’t see on a TV show."
So I would assume no Attilan, no Lockjaw (a giant teleporting dog) and, most likely, none of the actual royal family until they get cast for the movies.