Because pairing Widow and Hawkeye was the thing that was expected and Joss felt that not every time a man and a woman have a relationship in a movie it has to be romantic.
Yea, but then why bother with her and Banner at all?
Because pairing Widow and Hawkeye was the thing that was expected and Joss felt that not every time a man and a woman have a relationship in a movie it has to be romantic.
Because Tony has Pepper and Steve is into his Job, Banner was the only avaiable.Yea, but then why bother with her and Banner at all?
Yea, but then why bother with her and Banner at all?
Yeah, why did Black Widow need to have a romantic relationship with anyone? Just because she's the only grill in the movie, so someone has to get with that?
That's what was so weird about it. It felt like it was in there just because she didn't have a love interest. And no explanation for Betty is ever offered up.
Because there's Joss' MCU, and there's the rest of the MCU. And in Joss' MCU, The Incredible Hulk and Agents of SHIELD don't exist.
Yeah, because the rest of the MCU is full lf references to Incredible Hulk and Agents of ShieldBecause there's Joss' MCU, and there's the rest of the MCU. And in Joss' MCU, The Incredible Hulk and Agents of SHIELD don't exist.
Except for him specifically referencing TIH in Avengers and AOU. It's simply another thing that doesn't need to be over explained and would just serve to cram more fluff into the movie.
Whedon was merely following up on plot threads he started in the first movie. Widow was put in charge of the lullaby process, so its possible they grew close through that.
Yeah, because the rest of the MCU is full lf references to Incredible Hulk and Agents of Shield
I would be fine with this explanation if it was hinted at in any way. But it wasn't. Literally came out of nowhere. And I don't remember the lullaby process being started in the first Avengers.
Because why not?So, I'm sure you guys have been through this time and time again but was there any reason given why the MCU out of nowhere tried to make Hulk and Widow a thing?
Even though one of Joss' movies was the only movie to reference TIH? And AoS was his idea, if I recall?Because there's Joss' MCU, and there's the rest of the MCU. And in Joss' MCU, The Incredible Hulk and Agents of SHIELD don't exist.
This was the explanation I had.There's a lot of time passed between these movies and Whedon's execution seems to infer that he doesn't want to waste any time explaining them - the audience should just accept them because we don't see what's going on with the characters 100% of the time.
I think that's acceptable when we're talking about personal relationships in the team developing but I can see where it loses people. Widow and Banner have some distinct interactions in Avengers 1 and he basically ran with it.
We can assume that once the team came back together to start breaking down Hydra bases, they developed the "code green" and lullaby strategies. Likely around the time Bruce and Tony were developing Veronica together.
I'm fine with it either way. An R rating will let them throw out a few more "fucks" and some gore, but I don't see it having gratuitous nudity or anything.Am I the only one who thinks that Wolverine doesnt depend on beeing violent as hell?
Yea, but then why bother with her and Banner at all?
They should make Widow shack up with everyone, then have the big reveal that she was working for Thanos all along, collecting weaknesses and implementing various ways to take the team down.
That's what was so weird about it. It felt like it was in there just because she didn't have a love interest. And no explanation for Betty is ever offered up.
i don't know how this is weird
girls will like who they like, it doesn't have to follow logic or reason, they're human beings
honestly it was one of the better parts of AOU
Widow and Thanos already work together.
I have to say that I love how they look like their Avengers Academy counterparts here.Cap and Widow have been together since the early 2000s
Am I the only one who thinks that Wolverine doesnt depend on beeing violent as hell?
Widow and Thanos already work together.
Am I the only one who thinks that Wolverine doesnt depend on beeing violent as hell?
Am I the only one who thinks that Wolverine doesnt depend on beeing violent as hell?
Cap and Widow have been together since the early 2000s
Yeah, I've found peoples' opinions on the Marvel movies are so varied that trying to make any definitive list is useless.
Empire cover:
According to Anthony Mackie,will appear in Captain America: Civil War.Mark Ruffalo
According to Anthony Mackie,will appear in Captain America: Civil War.Mark Ruffalo
That's good. I wonder if this means we'll get to hear from/about.Betty Ross