New Doctor Strange images:
Someone from the comics explain picture #2.
I'm assuming it's parallel dimension shit.
New Doctor Strange images:
Doctor Strange actually has the Time Stone.Soul Gem is the green one right?
So, the only one left is Time so that'll be interesting to see how Thor 3 is using that one.
I appreciate that you took the time to make this lol
Doctor Strange actually has the Time Stone.
Does he, or is that just suspected?
Didn't the description of the Eye imply that it held the Time Stone?Nothing is confirmed, The Eye might not even be an Infinity Stone. Neoxon is just jumping to conclusions for a change.
Strange is also helped by an amulet known as The Eye of Agamotto. The Cloak of Levitation [and] the Eye of Agamotto are his two signature pieces, says Feige. In this film, the Eye is a very important relic that can be quite dangerous if used in the wrong hands, because it has the ability to do any number of things, the most dangerous of which is, it can sort of manipulate probabilities. Which is also another way of saying, screw around with time which is part of our story.
Just talked to my good friend who saw a very early screening of Dr. Strange and he said it was "Breathtaking!" #PoorDC
Sounds good, but a lot can change in 3 months in the editing booth. While I have little reason to doubt Marvel, I'm just saying that we shouldn't get too hype by that tweet.
Sounds good, but a lot can change in 3 months in the editing booth. While I have little reason to doubt Marvel, I'm just saying that we shouldn't get too hyper by that tweet.
Nothing is confirmed, The Eye might not even be an Infinity Stone. Neoxon is just jumping to conclusions for a change.
That isn't a confirmation that it's an Infinity stone. Just that it can manipulate, among other things, time. You do this kind of thing all the time with pretty much everything--take inconclusive statements and act like they are pure, written in stone, facts.
I think it's pretty obviously a stone
I think it's an IF stone too, but more based on the logic of the timeline until Infinity War.
I agree, it probably is a stone...but only because they seem to be setting up for Infinity War and thus they have to put the stones in these films.
In the comics the Eye of Agamotto is not an Infinity Gem. It might be in the MCU, but I wouldn't say that it's a foregone conclusion or absolute certainty at this point. It's a very powerful artifact and it would be able to do all of this reality and time bending stuff without being an Infinity Stone.
I agree, it probably is a stone...but only because they seem to be setting up for Infinity War and thus they have to put the stones in these films.
In the comics the Eye of Agamotto is not an Infinity Gem. It might be in the MCU, but I wouldn't say that it's a foregone conclusion or absolute certainty at this point. It's a very powerful artifact and it would be able to do all of this reality and time bending stuff without being an Infinity Stone.
In the comics the Eye of Agamotto is not an Infinity Gem. It might be in the MCU, but I wouldn't say that it's a foregone conclusion or absolute certainty at this point. It's a very powerful artifact and it would be able to do all of this reality and time bending stuff without being an Infinity Stone.
Since they changed Vision's Solar Jewel to an IS, why not the Eye as well?
Yeah they did the Cosmic Cube as well. I agree it's possible, and perhaps even probable, considering we know they're trying to lead to this. But I can see it not being the case as well.
Strange is meant to be in the real introduction of pure magic in the MCU. Not a science experiment or alien artifacts, but straight up Magic. Feige could have been lying about that, but if he's not then Strange will need the Eye of Agamotto and its magical powers during and after Infinity War. If it's an Infinity Stone then it's hard to make that work. Does he get it back after Thanos? In the comics he actually uses it to transport everyone -to- combat Thanos, which is a fairly significant part of the event.
Anyways, I'm not saying it isn't a stone. But it certainly hasn't been confirmed as a stone at this point. And while it being a stone would explain its powers, it makes just as much sense not being one.
I want them to explain how four stones pop up in the middle of earth-based conflicts all around the same time. The universe is too vast for that to be a coincidence. They should be more scattered.
I want them to explain how four stones pop up in the middle of earth-based conflicts all around the same time. The universe is too vast for that to be a coincidence. They should be more scattered.
I thought part of the point was that these things are so rare and scattered, that the very fact so many of them are popping up was a huge problem and dangerous.
I thought part of the point was that these things are so rare and scattered, that the very fact so many of them are popping up was a huge problem and dangerous.
I dunno, I dont see them strip Strange of his most powerful artifact for at least one movie
I dunno, I dont see them strip Strange of his most powerful artifact for at least one movie
Yes. I want the explanation as to why it's happening mostly on Earth.
This was my takeaway from it.
"The mind stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us." - Thor in Age of Ultron.
Well the mind stone originally belonged to Thanos, who gave it to Loki (do we know if he or Thanos knew there was an Infinity Stone in the staff?), who then left it on Earth.
The power stone was on Morag, now with the Nova Corp.
The space stone was originally with Asgard until it was placed on Earth.
I can't recal where the hell the reality stone (Aether) was stored technically. Jane just sorts of finds it on Earth, IIRC, but it spans across into Asgard too? (Okay I don't remember much about Thor 2)
Other two are still up for debate. I wouldn't say it's too focused on Earth.
I dunno, I dont see them strip Strange of his most powerful artifact for at least one movie
I'd like to see another Hulk solo film. I want to see Joe Fixit and Merged/Professor Hulk.
In regards of this Introduction of the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse stuff, I am curious if they gonna hopp through random older Cinematic Universes. Would be cool they fight, jump through a portal and are for a couple of seconds in the Raimiverse or something
Most likely wont happen, but would be damn cool and could be made with CGI.
New ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey outlined her vision for the broadcast networks programming future on Thursday one that includes more procedurals, more Marvel and a possible Star Wars television series.
More series from another Disney sibling, Marvel Entertainment, also appear to be in the works. Earlier this year ABC canceled one of its two Marvel series, Agent Carter, and decided not to pick up another, Marvels Most Wanted, which had long been in development. Both shows had ties to ABCs original Marvel series, Agents of SHIELD, which has seen its rating sag as it heads into a fourth season. Dungey hinted that a new strategy for Marvel on ABC may be in the works.
We all came to an agreement that the next show that we want to do together is something that is as creatively strong as it can be, Dungey said of discussions with Marvel. Asked whether ABC would want to carve out narrative niche for a family of Marvel shows as Netflix has done with series such as Daredevil, Jessica Jones and the upcoming Luke Cage, Dungey said, Thats an interesting question, and we have talked a little bit about that, yes.
If they can do 13 or fewer episode seasons. I hate the slog of standard network 22-26 episode seasons with all the fat and filler.Super exciting to see what ABC will do.
With the exception of musical or flashback episodes, I've never agreed with what people consider to be "filler". There doesn't need to be nonstop action or even things that move the main story forward for an episode to be meaningful/worthwhile.If they can do 13 or fewer episode seasons. I hate the slog of standard network 22-26 episode seasons with all the fat and filler.