Hugo looking at all those Marvel receipts since The First Avenger:
Ryan Coogler will be heading up the solo Black Panther film, but that doesn’t mean the Russo Brothers aren’t keeping up with the project. Anthony Russo may be busy with Avengers: Infinity War at the moment, leaving him booked for the foreseeable future. However, he did take some time to hit the Internet and tease fans that Black Panther might be getting some new powers soon.
The director answered a fan’s question on Quora that asked whether the hero’s ring had any magical powers or abilities. Anthony said, “Black Panther’s ring is special to him because it was worn by his father, the king.”
“When he puts it on for the first time in Civil War, it’s symbolic of him taking on his father’s role. As for it’s powers, we will all have to wait for the Black Panther movie."
Spidey and Panther just chillin:
I'd love for Red Skull to return and for Weaving to play the role again. Bringing back all the villains killed(?) by Infinity Stones would be a pretty neat twist on the Black Order.
I think it's a much much better option than heroes fighting mind-controlled heroes or Thanos summoning an army of disposable mooks/thanos energy clones/whatever (no more trash armies in Avengers films plz). And it'd be a great setup for Phase 4.
I would love to see the Red Skull in the present day losing his mind at the sight of Jews walking around freely, interracial couples holding hands, HYDRA destroyed, Captain America still alive.
I would love to see the Red Skull in the present day losing his mind at the sight of Jews walking around freely, interracial couples holding hands, HYDRA destroyed, Captain America still alive.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is scheduled to film in Astoria, Queens.
Pls Brubaker Run designIf the Red Skull were to come back, should they make his design more monstrous? No lips so it's just his teeth chattering, that sort of thing, or has Ghost Rider cornered that design element?
I dunno why nobody else is talking about this.
Pls Brubaker Run design
Best Red Skull design right here. It can work easily with CGI, I think Marvel should go that route instead of makeup next time.
If Weaving comes back I hope Marvel make RS scarier and more of a horrible fascist. He was too much of a generic "take over the world" villain in TFA.
Old news, knew about it a month ago.
How so?
It's my first time hearing about it right now, and I googled to see if there are any news or articles about him having a role in Thor 3 a month ago. I wouldn't able to find any news that are a month old. Can you source me on that news please?
Sam Neill & Jeff Goldblum reunion?
He confirmed it in Empire.
its just a cameo
I have some questions, not completely related with the MCU, but maybe some of the Ironman fans could help me.
It's about Ironman and its armour. The first thing is why Tony didn't use vibranium (or adamantium, but the vibranium seems better for an armour)?, and the second: Has been any situation (in the comics) where the armour/Tony ran out of energy?, because seems to have limitless energy always
Sam Neill in Thor Ragnarok
Is this fake? I dunno why nobody else is talking about this.
Didn't Marvel want to have a director for Captain Marvel by the end of the summer? Don't think we've heard anything conclusive since the last batch of rumors (e.g. the THR article), have we?
Citi Field scene?![]()
Spider-Man: Homecoming is scheduled to film in Astoria, Queens.
Last I heard Marvel were in no rush and that a decision could be made after Labor Day(which is now guaranteed after).
It seems like the people up for the spot are going through the same process as the Russo's did for Winter Soldier. They said by the time Marvel picked them they had the film pretty much entirely planned out.
I have some questions, not completely related with the MCU, but maybe some of the Ironman fans could help me.
It's about Ironman and its armour. The first thing is why Tony didn't use vibranium (or adamantium, but the vibranium seems better for an armour)?, and the second: Has been any situation (in the comics) where the armour/Tony ran out of energy?, because seems to have limitless energy always
I have some questions, not completely related with the MCU, but maybe some of the Ironman fans could help me.
It's about Ironman and its armour. The first thing is why Tony didn't use vibranium (or adamantium, but the vibranium seems better for an armour)?, and the second: Has been any situation (in the comics) where the armour/Tony ran out of energy?, because seems to have limitless energy always
The questions have already been answered a bunch, but here goes:I have some questions, not completely related with the MCU, but maybe some of the Ironman fans could help me.
It's about Ironman and its armour. The first thing is why Tony didn't use vibranium (or adamantium, but the vibranium seems better for an armour)?, and the second: Has been any situation (in the comics) where the armour/Tony ran out of energy?, because seems to have limitless energy always
I'm expecting loads of really trippy visuals that they want to keep a surprise for when you're watching the film.Marvel has been real tight lipped with footage of Doctor Strange. All the TV spots barely show a smidgen of new footage or anything.... Even the promotional posters are ambiguous.
I figure that too. I expect at least one more trailer in October and that be it. I'm really anxious to see proper magic in the MCU that isn't ambiguous.I'm expecting loads of really trippy visuals that they want to keep a surprise for when you're watching the film.
It bears repeating, but it's become fairly standard practice for Marvel to lock down a director for about six months of pre-production, which means just under 2 years before release. Gunn was hired in September 2012 for a July 2014 release, Waititi was hired late last year for Ragnarok, which launches in November, and as people have mentioned above, Coogler was hired earlier this year for BP, which is in early 2018.Didn't Marvel want to have a director for Captain Marvel by the end of the summer? Don't think we've heard anything conclusive since the last batch of rumors (e.g. the THR article), have we?
To the surprise of nobody, Doctor Strange is confirmed to appear in Infinity War.