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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT2| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

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Howard Stark looks to have died in 70's since the film reel Tony watched looked to be mid 60's so I don't see how a show that will take place in late 40's early 50's ending in his tragic end.


Howard Stark looks to have died in 70's since the film reel Tony watched looked to be mid 60's so I don't see how a show that will take place in late 40's early 50's ending in his tragic end.

They should get John Slattery to do Stark's death scene near "Agent Carter"s end. Would be dope.



Any word on the Winter Soldier Blu-ray having another One-Shot, and if so what it might be? The quality and world building of the last two in particular has been excellent, so I'm looking forward to more.


Any word on the Winter Soldier Blu-ray having another One-Shot, and if so what it might be? The quality and world building of the last two in particular has been excellent, so I'm looking forward to more.

There will 100% be a one-shot, but it has not yet been announced what it is.

Why not add the Netflix shows?
And Captain America 3 since we know it's release date.

There's no official logos yet, though I suspect we'll get those at comic-con.


Any word on the Winter Soldier Blu-ray having another One-Shot, and if so what it might be? The quality and world building of the last two in particular has been excellent, so I'm looking forward to more.
I hope it's Hawkeye-related.

Can explain his omission from the film and copy the current Fraction comic scene for scene. "Reinvent" him before Avengers 2.


Can anyone here clear up a question for me? I've never read any of the comics (and have missed a fair few movies as well) but am confused and intrigued by the fact that the Avengers and X-Men exist in the same universe. I understand that Fox and Sony have the rights to certain properties but would love a rundown on how these 'worlds' crossover within the comics.

The main thing that confuses me is that you have the X-Men, who are mutants, and it seems like their existence is common knowledge in the world? They also face quite a lot of prejudice from the regular humans and from what I've gathered this is why Magneto does what he does.

On the other hand, you have the Avengers, many of whom have powers and abilities that could just as easily stem from being mutants as well...yet they are typically loved by the public. Their existence also surprises the world. What is the deal here? It doesn't fit.

Also, did Professor X ever become involved with S.H.I.E.L.D? Seems like they'd want him on their side.
Mutants are hated and feared because they aren't just normal people who get powers and become heroes. To many they represent the "next step" of human evolution and that can make people very afraid. Not to mention you have someone like Magneto who spent a very long time committed to advancing the mutant cause with no regard for the well being of normal people. As much as Professor X tried to do to promote mutant-human peace during his lifetime, there's always the occasional asshat spreading violence and hate in the name of mutantkind, or regular humans in positions of power constantly fear-mongering.

Compared to the X-Men the Avengers have definitely been in a better position in the public's minds and hearts. And that's actually an important point recently. Cap admitted that the Avengers never really did enough for the mutant cause when they could have. He specifically put Havok in charge of his Avengers/X-Men "Unity Squad" in order to help paint mutants in a better light in the wake of Xavier's death and Cyclop's betrayal.
Mutants are hated and feared because they aren't just normal people who get powers and become heroes. To many they represent the "next step" of human evolution and that can make people very afraid. Not to mention you have someone like Magneto who spent a very long time committed to advancing the mutant cause with no regard for the well being of normal people. As much as Professor X tried to do to promote mutant-human peace during his lifetime, there's always the occasional asshat spreading violence and hate in the name of mutantkind, or regular humans in positions of power constantly fear-mongering.

Compared to the X-Men the Avengers have definitely been in a better position in the public's minds and hearts. And that's actually an important point recently. Cap admitted that the Avengers never really did enough for the mutant cause when they could have. He specifically put Havok in charge of his Avengers/X-Men "Unity Squad" in order to help paint mutants in a better light in the wake of Xavier's death and Cyclop's betrayal.

Which is about a good an explanation as you're going to get, but it still doesn't quite ring true - why haven't all the rampaging non-mutant supervillains had any impact on public perception of superhumans in general? Why does the genetic origin of superpowers make that much difference, when there's no superficial difference between a mutant and someone who acquires powers by other means?

The X-Men characters work fine in the broader Marvel U, but the mutants-as-oppressed-minority concept behind them has never been an easy fit. It'd be a much better fit for either a universe where mutation is the sole source of superpowers, or a more dystopian Marvel Universe where anyone with superpowers is instinctively feared and mistrusted by the general public. The latter would arguably be more realistic, but I'm not sure it's one that many people would want to read about.
Yeah, there's definitely a disconnect. But I don't think they're going to ever change the status quo for mutants to the point where they're as widely accepted as other more "normal" superhumans.


A weird thing that always bugged me about X-men being in the shared universe is Sentinels.

The Government has access to insanely powerful giant robot killing machines, and all they ever get used for is mutants.

Need to bust them out the next time aliens invade.


Online Ho Champ
Can anyone here clear up a question for me? I've never read any of the comics (and have missed a fair few movies as well) but am confused and intrigued by the fact that the Avengers and X-Men exist in the same universe. I understand that Fox and Sony have the rights to certain properties but would love a rundown on how these 'worlds' crossover within the comics.

The main thing that confuses me is that you have the X-Men, who are mutants, and it seems like their existence is common knowledge in the world? They also face quite a lot of prejudice from the regular humans and from what I've gathered this is why Magneto does what he does.

On the other hand, you have the Avengers, many of whom have powers and abilities that could just as easily stem from being mutants as well...yet they are typically loved by the public. Their existence also surprises the world. What is the deal here? It doesn't fit.

Also, did Professor X ever become involved with S.H.I.E.L.D? Seems like they'd want him on their side.

In the comics half of the xmen have worked with shield or directly with the government in the form of X factor , and right now in uncanny avengers.

In the comics the avengers are just as mistrusted as the xmen, the initial storyline/theme of the xmen was inspired by the civil rights movement. The xmen represented martin luther kings response to inequality, and magneto the malcom x response. that was like 50 years ago though, the xmen have more than just predjudice against mutants to worry about now, they are indeed full on hero's with more than just threats to mutantkind. That original theme is just cut and paste into everything every couple years, Schism, the purifiers, Stryker, fall of mutants, dofp, etc etc. Its like how Cap will forever have a loyal soldier betrayed by his country/ defamed in a plot by his enemies story every few years. When you look at the xmen strictly thru that lense then yes its weird , in general why would one superhero team be loved an another hated.

However the hulk is just as hated and unstrusted as the xmen , as is Namor, and many other avengers of questionable past like Hawkeye and Black Widow. People trust and laude Cap , until he's set up like when he became the Nomad or even in Cap2 TWS. Everyone loves Stark until he is defamed like in his past run with the Mandarin and Stane setting him up or in IM2 where certain government powers use any chance they have to prove he is too dangerous to have the technology. Often accusing him of being unfit by focusing on his failing health or drinking.

The xmen on the other hand have indeed long been government agents, unlike the avengers who hide their identities are known by their actual names. I have plenty of comicbooks where icemans father is actually racist agaisnt Bobby's asian girlfriend but is proud as could be that his son is an Xman/Xfactor. For a long time these past few years the xmen have openly lived in SF and served the city and its people. They are often in town in normal clothes, many times the antagonist in xmen books is their anxiety, their relationships and life in general. Yes writers go back to "THE WORLD HATES MUTANTS" well every couple runs and somehow people cannot judge by true principles anymore. But hey thats why you have that question , on the xmens perception now, yes after many epic issues of the xmen being heroes it gets stupid but every single superhero comic has a "go to" reset story it will tell after a few years. Xmen's is oh snaps everyone hates us for being mutants. Even the Avengers get this story though, Civil War is about this very story, as was the return of Hammer a few years later Osborn and others defamed the avengers, its a basic story format whether your protagonist(s) are trusted (avengers) or the jury is out (xmen). The only team that seems to be universally loved is FF4.

I cannot comment on the movie side, personally i could care less about xmen on film at this point maybe DoFP is going to change that I will see it , they will get my 12 dollars. But im not holding my breath. The MCU doesnt seem to have some uniform reaction to the hero's in their films. The end of avengers had some news reactions, i think thor2 had some fascinated people watching a fight, and Cap can easily blend in with normal people so who cares. Tony Stark is a playboy media darling before Iron Man. MCU seems to be restricted to people reacting to their actions for now.


Which is about a good an explanation as you're going to get, but it still doesn't quite ring true - why haven't all the rampaging non-mutant supervillains had any impact on public perception of superhumans in general? Why does the genetic origin of superpowers make that much difference, when there's no superficial difference between a mutant and someone who acquires powers by other means?

Isn't that how prejudice works, though? Human races, biologically, are a lot less concrete than the genetic split between mutants and humans, but racism obviously exists. People hate gays, people hate women, people hate all sorts of subsets of the human population for really ridiculous, inconsistent reasons.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Isn't that how prejudice works, though? Human races, biologically, are a lot less concrete than the genetic split between mutants and humans, but racism obviously exists. People hate gays, people hate women, people hate all sorts of subsets of the human population for really ridiculous, inconsistent reasons.

I seem to recall specific x-men stories in which characters remark on the fact that The Fantastic Four are seen by the public as wholesome heroes - despite the fact that the FF are in fact mutants. Mutated by cosmic power, but mutants all the same.

But the FF have great PR and are celebrities. So their inhuman abilities are "fantastic!" while a member of the x-men is a monster. Pretty realistic to how hypocritical people can be.
Yeah the Avengers have their ups and downs with public perception for sure, as a group and individually (Hulk obviously). But it's pretty much a constant with the X-Men, and that's a major theme in most of their books.

Funky Papa

Hawkeye may be the only Avenger with a good rep when you think about it. He's a cool cat that hangs with his neighbours of his building, cleans up the local creeps and generally behaves like a normal person.


Online Ho Champ
Yeah the Avengers have their ups and downs with public perception for sure, as a group and individually (Hulk obviously). But it's pretty much a constant with the X-Men, and that's a major theme in most of their books.

Dazzler is Madonna, Britney Spears, and Katy Perry at this point. Whats consistent is the going back to the well that people hate mutants EVEN those that saved the world countless times and people saw it plainly for themselves. Problem is because the Avengers is the consistently beloved team they go to the well of "OMG the worlds greatest team of superheros BETRAYED by the public they serve". Different name same story. The hated xmen was a xmen 1 - xfactor type deal , by the late 80's they were the trusted mutants, and clean up crew, magneto was full on problem causer. Shield had full liason with Xfactor, Excalibur, Xforce and Xmen Blue + Gold/


Read through The Infinity Gauntlet for the first time after buying a hardcover copy a couple of days ago. I completely understand why it is considered one of Marvel's best stories and why they're leading into a movie based on it. Only thing that seemed iffy was Silver Surfer "missing his mark" when he dived for the gauntlet considering Thanos didn't notice his presence and almost lost it as a result.

Building up Adam Warlock (I assume based on his Thor 2 cameo) and Dr. Strange is a good move for Marvel, but no Silver Surfer sucks. I'm also unsure if Marvel is going to include universal abstracts (kind of doubt it) but I think having Death would be pretty important.


Online Ho Champ
Read through The Infinity Gauntlet for the first time after buying a hardcover copy a couple of days ago. I completely understand why it is considered one of Marvel's best stories and why they're leading into a movie based on it. Only thing that seemed iffy was Silver Surfer "missing his mark" when he dived for the gauntlet considering Thanks didn't notice his presence and almost lost it as a result.

Building up Adam Warlock (I assume based on his Thor 2 cameo) and Dr. Strange is a good move for Marvel, but no Silver Surfer sucks. I'm also unsure if Marvel is going to include universal abstracts (kind of doubt it) but I think having Death would be pretty important.

read the death of captain marveil.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I'm also unsure if Marvel is going to include universal abstracts (kind of doubt it) but I think having Death would be pretty important.

Remember the final line from the post credits in Avengers:

"To challenge them, would be to court death" queue Thanos grinning.


read the death of captain marveil.

I probably should look into that sometime, I heard a lot of great things about it.

Remember the final line from the post credits in Avengers:

"To challenge them, would be to court death" queue Thanos grinning.

Thanks for the reminder, I forgot about that. Granted it might not be a literal confirmation that Death itself will appear because one could interpret that line figuratively.
I bet there's totally scenes with Death and Thanos interacting, but no other characters ever see Death or are aware of her existence as an entity. At least that's how I'd do it. Keep it ambiguous.
It seems like Fury will be playing a major role in tomorrow's season finale of Agents and that something will happen that will affect the whole MCU.

Coulson and team to be a freelance outfit that goes to take down random Hydra cells throughout the world. No rules. No regulations. Just Son of Coul doing his thing. Everyone else is along for the ride.
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