Queen of Hunting
Unconfirmed Member
i need more buffs guys what ya reckon

I heard arachne has a good butt
i need more buffs guys what ya reckon
Really? Some one here posted that she had good passives for Mental damage too, so I will likely buy her now.
You probably still won't find many uniques.
She won't be out for purchase for at least another month, just a heads up.
anyone know if server is down right now??
8:40pm central america
She won't be out for purchase for at least another month, just a heads up.
ive already got a zola box and a black tom since server went up lol
What a strange way to inform everyone they need to change their passwords.
My 64-bit game is broken since the update. I get a black screen after the logo splashes. I removed ini changes and everything. Any ideas?
10 more levels for cosmic ms marvel woooo
My 64-bit game is broken since the update. I get a black screen after the logo splashes. I removed ini changes and everything. Any ideas?
If you're using steam, you could always try the verify cache thing, and see if a file is corrupted. Other than that, I have no idea. Does the 32-bit still work though?
Yeah the 32-bit version works. I'll do the verify.the 32-bit version should still work, do verify files on Steam
Yeah the 32-bit version works. I'll do the verify.
My 64-bit game is broken since the update. I get a black screen after the logo splashes. I removed ini changes and everything. Any ideas?
Been on the forums for the first time in a while, where's Doomsaw? Did he quit?
Been on the forums for the first time in a while, where's Doomsaw? Did he quit?
Been on the forums for the first time in a while, where's Doomsaw? Did he quit?
you all realise the Van will most likely just be his ultimate and not be used anyware else. So you are getting hyped for a 10min cd spell >_>
you all realise the Van will most likely just be his ultimate and not be used anyware else. So you are getting hyped for a 10min cd spell >_>
who was the huge Punisher fan in this thread?? was that dra?
It was your buddy Tra actually.
Tried the Snow Flurry visual artifact on TC. It's pretty neat actually, might use it on Winter Soldier. Would probably look great on Storm as well.
you all make me sick. there are 2 characters that snowflake thing would go on, and thats Iceman, and maybe storm. Stop breaking the fcition damn it!
anyway Deadpool the Kid team up should be soon, probably around the Winter Soldier release
-100 nerd cred for having Magik avatar and not mentioning Magik.
Snowflake is great on Emma.
Just pretend they're diamonds.