Queen of Hunting
Unconfirmed Member
I don't think I have Hulk. Scarlet Witch review isn't coming until the movie, is it?
as far as im aware its punnisher next, then thing then either deadpool or cable then scarlet witch.
I don't think I have Hulk. Scarlet Witch review isn't coming until the movie, is it?
Marvel Heroes 2015 Patch notes said:The Deadpool Kid has arrived! This wild west version of Deadpool features six-shooters, a unique 'gatling' gun, and some amazing voice over work by none other than Troy Baker!
So, Hulk review is bad? How could they complicate such a simple hero, lol. Those 52 reviews are so often hit-and-miss. Well, hopefuly Winter Soldier won't be fucked up.
Boss specific artifacts can now drop from Cosmic Bounty Chests.
yay now i have a reason to bother killing mobsCosmic bounty chests can now drop boss artifacts could be awesome
Cosmic bounty chests can now drop boss artifacts could be awesome
Can someone please explain this to to me? What are cosmic bounty chests and how does that all work?
Don't kill me!
Items linked in chat should no longer display Invalid Entity.
When you run cosmic terminals, there is a new quest to kill X number of mobs. Depends on the level. Once you kill that number, when you take out the boss at the end of the terminal, you will get a bonus chest as well.
Oh cool! I have not tried one of those yet. Maybe I should. how do you know how many henchman you have to kill?
Did the Holo Sim thing quest for the event. Anything else I should do today for the event?
So if you aren't into raids, don't expect much for this year. :\
Whaaat? 12 heroes, Chapter 10, Archievements, Danger Room, that "infinity gauntlet" thing just to name a few of the stuff that's on the table. There's plenty of stuff that isn't Raids!
Also FrostInferno I think you won something on that stream, mentioning here if you missed it :d.
True the heroes will keep coming out. They pay the bills after all. However if they want to do 2 more raids before anything else, there is no way Chapter 10, danger room, etc will come out this calendar year.
And to buy his alternate costume, of course. Too bad Iceman isn't in the pack or we could have dialogue of him
Hi all,
There's currently an issue with Cosmic chests in Terminals. As a result, we will be soon be turning off the Cosmic Bounty missions. We will ideally have a fix for the Cosmic Chests either later tonight, or at the latest, Monday. To make up for this, we will be doubling Cosmic boss loot, including their droprate for boss specific items. Additionally, we will be starting today's Omega boost at 48% RIF, SIF, and XP. We apologize for the inconveience.
Iceman 600 splinters?
Ryolnir says Iron Fist will be near the end of the year. FML but hey at least he's coming.
I was kind of afraid of this, guess I won't be buying a hero this month...
Meh, I'm looking forward to Winter Soldier more than Iceman anyway. Although if WS turns out really cool on TC I might end up just buying his preorder pack for the stash tab and that fucking rad movie costume.
Female Thor has unique dialogue with Angrir Thing. Sometimes I wonder how much of this game's size is just VO work.
Holy shit, are you telling me new loot items were BROKEN when a new patch hit?