How is Strange to use? Easy or hard to learn?
Been a while since I've used him, but he is one of those that requires a little bit more management than most. Additionally, for full benefit builds you need to be utilising two toolbars (or extra key bindings) which personally, I find really hard to keep up for max benefit (and usually end up mashing after a while lol).
Aren't you the guy who likes flashy characters?
Hawkeye. Who did you buy?
I'd probably mash too haha
I'm torn between buying Hulk or Venom to take advantage of the BOGO offer
Do we know when the BOGO offer ends in store?
EDIT: Damn. I want both those and Spidey.
How is Strange to use? Easy or hard to learn?
How is Strange to use? Easy or hard to learn?
Why didn't you raid with us?
I find his abilities fun to use and don't clap over particles. Fun is, you know, pretty subjective, so you don't have to be so condescending.
I find his abilities fun to use and don't clap over particles. Fun is, you know, pretty subjective, so you don't have to be so condescending.
What ability is fun to use?
His ult... do more damage on your normal abilities!
His sig... an eyeball appears and plinks away at things randomly with the player having no control!
That leaves his core kit in terms of being interesting and I don't see it. Which of his incantations are fun in a mechanical way?
Edit: I'm also not saying that finding Dr. Strange fun is incorrect. There are abilities in this game that you use and feel great, they are responsive and impactful when you use them and you look forward to it. All I said is that his depth is overstated, not that he isn't fun even if I don't personally play him.
X-52 or whatever her name is.
dang was just leaving work, but then when I got home I fell asleep on the couch for a nap
Quite hard to learn, in my opinion. He's got a LOT of options, and he's one of the few characters whose build can easily make or break him. He's also pretty rotation-dependent with his incantation system, so you have to have a sense for knowing which ability to use when etc.
But he looks extremely flashy, is super fun to play regardless of the learning curve, and easily one of the best characters in the game, and one of the few who have proper support abilities.
Love Strange, he is my main, but he is hard to use.
Depth is the wrong word to be using regarding Strange (or any character in this game to be honest, as everyone is purely rotational). I don't think anyone specifically stated that. Involved is the best word to describe him. He's on the complete opposite side of the spectrum from characters like Spidey, Deadpool, or Hawkeye where you find yourself just holding a single attack button down for extended periods of time. And they have lackluster visuals to boot on top of that.
As far as fun, I think that comes in with Strange in that you can so quickly litter the screen with spells. He has much more moment to moment gameplay than anyone else in the cast, keeping you active. So it's more as a whole that his kit makes him fun as opposed to any single super cool power. And I think the Eye has some pretty satisfying powerful blast attacks.
This, in essence.
Plus, some of his spells work really well together, e.g. Flames of the Faltine -> Crimson Bands. To me it's incredibly fun to pull in a pile of trash mobs with Flames and then hold them there with Bands, it's very satisfying. :V
Is the Mask of Doom artifact any good?
Depth is the wrong word to be using regarding Strange (or any character in this game to be honest, as everyone is purely rotational). I don't think anyone specifically stated that. Involved is the best word to describe him. He's on the complete opposite side of the spectrum from characters like Spidey, Deadpool, or Hawkeye where you find yourself just holding a single attack button down for extended periods of time. And they have lackluster visuals to boot on top of that.
As far as fun, I think that comes in with Strange in that you can so quickly litter the screen with spells. He has much more moment to moment gameplay than anyone else in the cast, keeping you active. So it's more as a whole that his kit makes him fun as opposed to any single super cool power. And I think the Eye has some pretty satisfying powerful blast attacks.
No. Doesn't do anything really. Unless you like to throw out some drones for fun.
Might use for the visual effect then
how do I equip my costume core? cant see it anywhere on crafter
What rank is your crafter? Not sure what rank it opens up (some websites say rank 10), but it should be under the costume tab.
I hope people can understand why he isn't an objectively better made character than others, when some of us want a play style with powers from all of the tiers I listed.
Patch probably tomorrow, right?
Patch probably tomorrow, right?
When I say best, it is actually best because I am the paradigm.
wats paradigm mean??
People in the Captain America forum aren't happy with him either.
people are never happy with the heroes what else is new
Well, you know, I always thought people played captain america wrong (ignoring his signature, using his basics on endgame instead of vibranium bash, not putting even one point in two of the shouts even if the power aura is one of the most common to have in a group, using airborne assault as a single target damage spike instead of just an AoE) and reading the feedback, it looks to me people are still playing him wrong. Still using airborne assault in every situation (even when both his sig and his execute now have an AoE component); using cooldown and AoE heavy rotations without spamming vibranium bash or shield strike to keep the damage up.
I mean, I don't have the TC, so I could be speaking out of my ass, but I played enough Captain America that I can kind of see what people are trying to do when they say this or that sucks, or that his rotation doesn't have a smooth flow and I keep thinking the problem are the builds, not the rotation.
I think a lot of cap's powers are either/or; torque shield and airborne assault are unecessary, choose one or the other; also, choose one of the shield throws, trying to use both is just spending a lot of points on something you can't never use in a rotation that makes sense (since the problem isn't the cooldown, but the time it takes for the shield to travel back to you). I mean, I could go on, and in my head I will, forever and ever, but I think that the disconect between Gaz and the captain america fanbase is that they want to play him as a shield throwing AoE machine and he's more of a brawler.
My build is literally the exact same as the one you posted a few days ago, just because I chose the powers I wanted to use and I guess ended up in the same place as you.
He's still very bad on live. Though I do find him fun to play and don't agree with the claims that he plays badly. His damage is just awful.
Yeah, I got him to 60 today and tried to do a cosmic terminal and found out that, yep, his damage is really lower than what I am used to these days, but still, dang, I love so much to play as him. I don't know, he has a kind of weight and flow that just keeps me hooked.
Yeah, I got him to 60 today and tried to do a cosmic terminal and found out that, yep, his damage is really lower than what I am used to these days, but still, dang, I love so much to play as him. I don't know, he has a kind of weight and flow that just keeps me hooked.
I think a lot of cap's powers are either/or; both torque shield and airborne assault are unecessary, choose one or the other;
What's the logic in this? Without having dots or ground aoes to layer, having multiple hard hitting cooldowns makes all the more sense.