're going to be livestreaming this tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3rd, at 2pm PST on our Twitch channel.
@Ryolnir will be joining me for this fiasco and we'll be showing off Winter Soldier, amongst other things. We may have some special guests drop in as well to say goodbye to me before I die of hot dog poisoning.
For every dog I manage to get down, we'll be donating money to the Second Harvest Food Bank in San Mateo, CA. $10 buys roughly 20 meals and Second Harvest is a great organization all around. They accept donations on their website if you'd like to contribute.
We'll also be raising the server-side RIF/SIF by 5% for every hot dog I manage to get down, so it's in your best interest if I don't die too quickly. We'll be giving away the Fred Dawson's Hot Dog Cart unique to random viewers of the stream as well, so definitely stop by if you can!
There actually is some controversy on that guy's post on the official forums about "wiggling" to get more hits in, but that's without the ultimate.
Cyclopse's ability shown is wiggled all the time by most I assumed. It's like the old wiggle abilities a lot of characters used, but Gazillion fixed those to not hit twice when wiggling, I suppose this ability is bugged allowing for the wiggle.
We just got out of a long meeting about Winter Soldier (myself, @MichaelMayhem, @TheArtofRawr, @PsiLocke) with a long list of action items and changes to get him to a place where we all want him.
@MichaelMayhem is also going to be posting something soon regarding the changes and clearing up some of the confusion surrounding Winter Soldier, his changes to come, and our intentions.
Today we didn't push a build due to us wanting to meet today & iterate on the feedback. Thanks for all of it!
now it's just getting silly![]()
His current state is silly. I'm glad there was a "long meeting", 'cause if he went live anything like he is now, he'd be one of the least liked heroes.
Whats the problem exactly? Besides his own nature of just being another guy with guns really. His arm doesn't even do anything, it's just a metal arm
He's the kind of hero that you'll have fun with for a short window of time then drop after leveling because there's nothing to him.
Looks like they're going to retool WS's kit to properly make his hybrid builds actually mesh well together and fix all the janky powers/improve QoL. Should be nice to see the outcome, especially now that all the ranged and melee powers aren't shoved together forcing generic builds.
Lengthy write-up about the goal for WS's design for those interested.
I really want more hotkeys!!!!
Bucky isn't physical only, am I reading this right?
Bucky isn't physical only, am I reading this right?
When they call him hybrid, it is to say he is both melee and ranged.
I know that, I saw people on the forums saying he was physical/energy. Must have been a older build
Fucking Gambit, feels like he's constantly getting new costumes. It makes me irrationally angry every time I have to acknowledge they even put him in this game. I'll probably get this one out of the blender half a dozen times like his other costumes too.
Sweet. Finally got my 200 day team up tonight!
I use method 2. Works really well.
What is it with people's dislike of Gambit in here is it comic based because he's pretty good in-game and a lot of fun?
Gambit is popular and people here are hipster elitist jerks.
I think it has more to do with how often he is getting new costumes. Gambit as Death in November, (exclusive for some before that) and the shirtless one a month or two ago. Now he's getting a new one announced already, when other heroes still have 2 or 3.
He's very popular and I'm sure his costumes make Gaz a ton of money. Especially the shirtless one since it was tied to fortune cards and you could see the forum posters salivating over that one.
Maybe we're all just jealous of those pecs.
If it's just the costumes then I can understand it, there are definitely other heroes that need another costume or two before him.
That said I'd love for Spidey to get some more costumes even though he has a lot already but that's mainly because the two I really want haven't happened yet. I am a bit biased though.
ugh don't tell me ur a spiderman fanatic?!?
That said I'd love for Spidey to get some more costumes even though he has a lot already but that's mainly because the two I really want haven't happened yet. I am a bit biased though.
Not even IM gets this much love
What is it with people's dislike of Gambit in here is it comic based because he's pretty good in-game and a lot of fun?
Something to do with him being popular because of a 90's cartoon and also Rogue is shit too I guess.
What is it with people's dislike of Gambit in here is it comic based because he's pretty good in-game and a lot of fun?
Something to do with him being popular because of a 90's cartoon and also Rogue is shit too I guess.
i am da tief, i trow da cardz
Gambit is plainly just a bad character (not in-game speaking). He's flat and uninteresting, but looks flashy, which made him popular with the kids back then, who are now in their 20s. The sentence I made above your quote is the entire summary of Gambit and his character development over the past 25 or so years of his existence.
Rogue's "badness" is based on an entirely different reason - it's the inconsistency of her powers and, to a lesser extent, her personality, that more than anything else, is super subjectively decided by the writer in charge of the character. Example: In some cases, Rogue's powers also take the memories from the person she is absorbing something from... in others they don't. In some cases, Rogue takes the entirety of a superpowered person's powerset... in others she doesn't. In some cases the person fully recovers from her attack, in others they don't. etc etc.
I think if all of that was more consistent, the people in here who don't like her would be more open. Personally, I'm indifferent to her.
Gambit has a whole thing where he is one of the people responsible for the mutant massacre.
And in some ways, he is not really an x-men, as in, he's not really a part of any team, sometimes he helps, sometimes he disappears; as far as lore goes, he is probably more famous for a being a thief than for being a hero.
i am da tief, i trow da cardz
That sounds like one sinister gambit
But Wolverine just growls and has claws?
The only one of the founding members of the X-Men who stayed virtually the same over time was Iceman. He's still a joke-cracking smartass who can't keep it in his pants.