The GOAT X-Man.
Only one more month baby and we in there!
The only one of the founding members of the X-Men who stayed virtually the same over time was Iceman. He's still a joke-cracking smartass who can't keep it in his pants
Ok serious question because I've never read Iceman in comix
But doesn't your description make him exactly like Johnny Storm??
Johnny isn't anmutantInhuman, silly Kepow.
It's always a little baffling to me when people throw an entire comic character or series, like X-Men, under the bus. As with all comics, it depends so much on who's writing the character/arc. Some have got a better handle on specific characters or the team dynamics than others.
After the reboot, everyone will be a MODOK.
It's always a little baffling to me when people throw an entire comic character or series, like X-Men, under the bus. As with all comics, it depends so much on who's writing the character/arc. Some have got a better handle on specific characters or the team dynamics than others.
C'mon guys, who cares about who gets all the costumes in this game.
We got dog-eatin' to watch. 5 pm EST
Ketchup is fine but putting it on hot dogs is an abomination.
ice man teasers coming up on stream etc
theres a new TC build. any progress with Bucky? any chance of this week?
He'll be this week, not sure what's making you think otherwise.
the fact that they had to have a meeting about his state made it sound like they were going to need more time and even retool a lot
Everyone in the chat is trying to get her to join in on the nomsanity.dink is therewoooooo woman represent
the fact that they had to have a meeting about his state made it sound like they were going to need more time and even retool a lot
I got this feeling after the said new art was required for some stuff and it was going to be a fairly decent overhaul.
A lot of the changes are already on today's TC build with the rest scheduled for tomorrow.
Xarex_gazillion said:There are some women that work here -- not sure why they aren't on stream. Yes I'm calling you out!
I'm way more excited about seeing some of that Red Onslaught raid than I am any of Iceman.
Shame Iceman's alternate costume is a Bendis costume, I was hoping for Age of Apocalypse or classic snowball-man.