The over reaction for something thats really minor, at least to me, is amazing. It reminds me that the worst part about MMOs is the other people.
I was thinking like that, but I guess Gaz pushed the wrong buttons on exactly the people they were aiming: those who really like the cosmetic items and that are willing to spend (and have spent) more than their fair share of Gs on them.
It won't change my life in this game, but then again, I'm usually a fan of default and/or classic costumes since I usually favor Kirby designs anyway (I almost feel like prestiging captain america again just so I can go back to the default costume), but for someone who is a huge fan of, say, the recent Hawkeye Fraction/Aja run and have already the Kate Bishop and the Hawkguy costumes; now Gaz creates this anxiety out of nowhere that there was this another variant that is just slightly different than the costume he already has, but it is expensive as fuck and comes with the chance of "running out" and him never being able to get it again.
I guess if costumes were important to me, I would be raging, too.
Edit: It just occurred to me this is part of a great plan.
1- Announce costumes that are almost identical to the ones already in the store (and so it wasted almost no resources to get done) as limited edition and wait for the backlash
2- Retract and go "we listened to your feedback! Those costumes will now be available at the store and it will only be more expensive, but not limited"
3 - People rejoice! "Gaz listens to us!" they say. "Best. Devs. Ever" they go. And so they end up buying the-costume-they-already-have-but-slightly-different for a higher price and newfound love of the devs who listen to their pleas.