See Gaz listens to us.
LOL...I'm finding this very funny
See Gaz listens to us.
Somewhat off-topic, but are there no more carnival gift boxes for login?
Didn't get one today.
No more limited? Awww man.
Still threw $50 on my account to buy these.
I will buy you all a free 2 week trial to hulu plus.You should buy everyone here a present, comrade.
I will buy you all a free 2 week trial to hulu plus.
The new LE thread is up, they're just basically chase costumes now but with that new visual effect.
I have no strong opinion on this either way.
There. Now the communists have won. Everyone will be able to buy minor-change costumes for the same price that will probably sell a lot more than 2000 units while not destroying the goodwill of your paying customers.
It's over.
You should buy everyone here a present, comrade.
I think we were supposed to get some kind of lunar event boxes today but people were getting anything from random pets to vendor trash to random costumes from them so Gaz turned them off.
That's what I've heard. NO idea if it's true as I got nothing when I logged on this morning.
Couple side notes to veer the topic off costume discussion.
Winter Soldier is doing much better on the TC. Wouldn't say he's more fun necessarily but his builds work now. There is now proper AoE for his ranged spec and the melee spec has better damage. His healing in stealth is also pretty ridiculous (goes over 1k health per second maxed out, twice Juggernaut's healing). The only thing that disappoints me is that there is no build variation. The melee build is all of the right tree minus the Knife throw (which is for ranged) and the ranged build is all of the left tree minus Withering Fire (which is now really only for melee). Deviate from this and you get a messy character.
If I were you, I would wait for Iceman release and Punisher review if you're considering buying WS with splinters![]()
Would you say he's viable now? Who would you compare him to damage wise? (I'm planning my next splinter purchase).
It was between Juggs, Surfer and Jean but if Winter Soldier is better then he is an option. I'll have to give him a go on TC tomorrow if I can find the time.
Some of the chase costumes are just recolors and those are 1350 across the board.
There is currently a change to the "Execute" affix on Winter Soldier's Unseen Death and Dispatch powers. We would like to ask the community how they feel about this change, and if it is positive, we will extend it to all other Execute powers in the game.
Current Live Functionality:
Deal 1% damage per 1% missing health on target. (50% "average" bonus)
Proposed Functionality (on TC):
Deal 50% more damage if the target is below 50% health. (25% "average" bonus)
Tooltip damage for execute powers is also increased to compensate for "average" damage bonus being lower.
There is some math involved, but basically both the overall damage and the single highest single damage packet of such powers will increase with this change. The main question is whether or not this simplification of the mechanic is attractive to you as a player.
Are they? All the ones I can think of are pretty different, though I'm not totally familiar with some of the costumes for some of the characters I haven't played.
inky or anyone before you got hacked did you recieve a random whisper from anyone to which you replied too. maybe this game does a similar thing ? i know diablo 3 also did a simlar thing back in launch days too.
I can't wait for Chase 3.0but which were better?
I've had plenty of whisper conversations (/t commmand) with people not on my friend's list, usually when doing terminals or joining random MM parties.
I do have people on my ignore list which were PMing me nonsense often (like once or twice a day for a week), but I don't remember if I ever replied to them. I might have. The kind of messages they sent me I just assumed they were bots or something. That was many months ago btw. Like, maybe even 2013.
That's a pretty interesting theory nonetheless. I do remember D3 doing weird stuff like that.
Black Widow's is only a white variant. So is Jean Grey's. Iron Man's is a Mk I colored gold, etc.
They have minor differences, but they are basically recolors.
Wooh, boy, those two days, huh?
So, patch tomorrow?
Storm's chase costume is totally different, that's why I bought and use it
Yeah and hopefully they've fixed the NC/Nova bug.
Whats the bug?
limited edition costumes i guess that calls for new hair with a hair cut too
maybe you dont even need to reply in rifts case just messaging someone and you got their login token with the right application running in background.
ive messaged ryolnir my theroy and waiting for response because many games have had this system in place rift guild wars 1 diablo 3 diablo 2 and im sure few others
other news iceman
dat icewall
buggy tele skills messing camera
Why is every one of your pictures the same pose?
Like this is what we come to expect, I mean sure the color is different but nothing else really changes there's still bugs and stuff and your damage is pretty weak plus you stole all my items do you even test this stuff?
More like you are a robot, programed solely for selfies
That would be a useless robot![]()
or getting 7 gem of kurse in two days ?
Whats the bug?
I suddenly feel the urge to level Psylocke up to edition costumes i guess that calls for new hair with a hair cut too
Hey now you can turn into Super Sonic!
If you use Cosmic Combo or Brimstone Beatdown your camera locks into place and stops following you.
Also, wtf and lol @ the special effect for these costumes
Also, wtf and lol @ the special effect for these costumes
not gonna lie i looked at all the text on the visual to see if they bugged spelling name lol
Also, wtf and lol @ the special effect for these costumes
Edit: Well, except for the drop part. Are they still pretending costumes can drop in-game? Because you know, after 1400 played and not a single costume drop I'm going on a limb and saying that every person who claims they do is a liar, and they are just pulling one on mt.
Hey now you can turn into Super Sonic!
If you use Cosmic Combo or Brimstone Beatdown your camera locks into place and stops following you.
Also, wtf and lol @ the special effect for these costumes