Queen of Hunting
Unconfirmed Member
Negative, Ghost Rider.
Gimme Shelter alone is better than the entire Led Zep catalogue. Don't get me started on Start Me Up, Brown Sugar, Angie, Wild Horses, Beast of Burden, Sympathy for the Devil, (I Cant Get No) Satisfaction, and You Cant Always Get What You Want.
What does it say that the garbage song Stairway to Heaven is the most famous Led Zep song? What does it say that they are fighting a losing lawsuit to the band that actually wrote the song and will have to settle for umpteen million dollars? They should probably have spent less time ripping off and mining all the popular blues riffs of their era literally note for note and instead write songs that were actually good. But they didn't. They stole shit. Boo, Zep.
I'll still listen to Tangerine. Everything else is totally forgettable.
amon amarth is better than anyone cos vikings and johan hegg has an epic beard