whos Miguel
Spider-Man 2099. I'd love him to be playable but that would be some way off. A costume could/should be much sooner.
I am still surprised that he wasn't one of the first Spidey costumes though.
whos Miguel
Hi everybody,
We take reports like this very seriously, and actively investigate each one. We are currently working on an item restoration process and it is being tested on Test Center now, but it's not a simple thing given the way our database works, and we want to make sure it's working perfectly before we do it. It is not a simple matter of rolling an account back.
As always, I want to remind you that you should never use the same login information on multiple sites. Including 3rd party Marvel Heroes related sites. It's a bad idea all around.
With that said, please keep in mind that when we investigate these reports, if we find that you are lying to us about being hacked, we will take serious action against your account. I promise you, it is very clear in our logs if you are not being honest when something like this is reported. All you will succeed in doing is wasting our time, which hurts our overall effort with item restoration, and we do not take it lightly.
What is your rotation? Also you will need a cosmic Doom medal.
Spider-Man 2099. I'd love him to be playable but that would be some way off. A costume could/should be much sooner.
I am still surprised that he wasn't one of the first Spidey costumes though.
You sure showed me! It was so awesome for you to jump in and protect poor Kepow! The people's champion! The white knight in shining armor! Your opinion > my opinion! Congrats!
lets put it like this in icemans current form ill get more iceman feeling by playing a ice wizard in diablo 3.
iceman feels like a icey cyclops. they concentrated far to much on melee and have given him too many channeleling cyclop beam skills
ah okay thx never read that series
is this Miguel guy at least.... uhh, how should I say. what's his ethnicity? he's not like the Ultimate Spider-Man?
Well that's going to be a given. Blizzard has fleshed out the classes in D3 to ridiculous extents. Playing Hawkeye after spending thousands of hours on my Demon Hunter makes me want to commit suicide. I agree that the emphasis on channeled beams for Iceman needs to go. Frozen Orb needs to be his ranged bread and butter, and it needs to be modified to have an explosion sweet spot. That will be the skill that makes ranged Iceman fun and worth playing, or just an inferior Cyke. We have over a week to hammer that point to the devs, so there's still hope.
Just saw that, it's crazy how such an iconic costume is being ignored for so long. You'd think that and Iron Spider would've been released by now.
Mexican/Irish descent
Just saw that. It's crazy how such an iconic costume is being ignored for so long. You'd think that and Iron Spider would've been released by now.
The whole idea of an ice beam is kind of weird. I mean, ice is a solid. How do you shoot a beam of it? I know he can't not have ice beams because it is super iconic, but I think Iceman as a playable hero would overall be a bit cooler if he was sort of an icey version of Magneto; tossing big, solid chunks of ice around or channeling thousands of little icicles.
It's at least more interesting than ice cyclops, as Queen pointed out.
The whole idea of an ice beam is kind of weird. I mean, ice is a solid. How do you shoot a beam of it? I know he can't not have ice beams because it is super iconic, but I think Iceman as a playable hero would overall be a bit cooler if he was sort of an icey version of Magneto; tossing big, solid chunks of ice around or channeling thousands of little icicles.
so u DO turn off all your sound effects! u freak!!1
I think he just like Led Zeppelin, that's all lol
Also, stop trolling me and tell me who is good from the new characters? Magneto was good times through 30 last night...seems like an AOE monster. I don't really care for the visuals.
Oh he likes them all right! I'm sulking over here with my tail between my legs. Luckily, I discovered this forum has really cool functions that let me curate garbage out of a thread, and I took full advantage of it.
I likw how they say you shouldnt use the same login information on multple sites...and yet the login information for marvel is the same as the fucking forum
Lol I already told you last night
Venom and... hmm who else did I say, I already forgot
i brought that up before when inky and that got hacked when there was a huge blow up about it last year.
everyone laughed at me,
ive just made a new thread quoting agentparks cos hes saying its a bad idea to use same password etc on other place. well im sure its a bad idea for your forums to use same password cos if they are hacked so is your game account.
pretty much the only mmo or official game forum i know that doesnt use seperate passwords/account for in game to forum
Hey look, his Signature.
Lol I already told you last night
Venom and... hmm who else did I say, I already forgot
are you saying his golem is his sig? does that mean its not perma like Groot?
His Sig is him doing literally what he does in that gif. Creates a clone of himself doing a thumbs up pose, which explodes after a couple seconds. And his summon (singular) only lasts 15 seconds.
You know, memory gets worse as you age. You are like 37 years old and have the memory of a 70 year old.
We're here to help.
stop designing shit characters frost. seriously tho, both those things sound lame. whats the cooldown on the golem? :/
The forums are not separate from the Marvel Heroes platform. The forums do not have any of your data. You are logging into the website. Go log out of the forums and try to log in. The login page is the auth page. You do not have a separate forum account, it simply uses your Marvel Heroes account.
Closed to avoid further misinformation.
I don't think i have ever seen anyone ask ultimate level.
Ryolnir closed my thread with this
sounds like he missed my point ?
Ryolnir closed my thread with this
sounds like he missed my point ?
Ya that's why I said it isn't ever demanded, same as omegas but obviously they help a lot.
This might have changed over the past two months with reviews, but when I last played your omega level was second only to picking a strong character with a good build to pumping out big damage. Hell, you can take pre-review Punisher with 7,500 omega points and destroy stuff.
Omegas increase your damage drastically, and having a high level ultimate would increase the damage you deal in a raid encounter by a lot too, they just aren't ever listed as requirements to join pugs is what I mean. Also by this point most people doing red raids have sufficient omegas that raid leaders don't need to worry about it. Damage across the board has also increased a lot over the past few months.
Yeah, I saw a complaint on the main forum that Punisher's new signature (which still hasn't been tuned properly) only does five million damage. FIVE MILLION! That power creep.
Now he hits like 15m, Caps sig hits 14+m in a huge aoe.
The power creep is real, we just need danger room and harder content at this point.
Wait, what? That's wild. I guess I can understand the 5 million complaint about Frank now.
It's still too good of a resource not to use. I just have never registered for an account.
Well, I definitely never made an account there, so mine wasn't because of that.
I never even put it in the OT links because I wasn't sure about it.
I know who stole your stuff
I know who stole your stuff[img][/QUOTE]
Joke's on him. My GoKs and HoDs weren't even that good. I'm just glad they didn't mess with my costumes.