Yup! Current schedule is her in april, vision in may, doom in june/july.
she was to be in march, but we're already a month behind on heroes so /shrug
Yup! Current schedule is her in april, vision in may, doom in june/july.
she was to be in march, but we're already a month behind on heroes so /shrug
Sounds like the Flamethrower build is more your speed. Less active skills to track, less ammo constraints, and fewer cooldowns. I highly suggest trying it out in your second spec and seeing if you like it.
Flamethrower build man. Don't listen to these Ol' Painless guys.
I'll try that out then, because I really don't like ARPG classes where too many active abilities are required. Is that flamethrower build still effective at least? (I don't need to be top of charts but at least average effectiveness)
Dual spec exists for a reason. I choose both.
Flamethrower for more relaxed farming game play, Old Painless for frenetic gameplay with higher damage. It's the best of both worlds.
She can still make March. She isn't tech intensive.
Between the Age of Ultron Game Mode + Onslaught raid, She-Hulk, and now Vision, our art team is VERY busy. The new character on the starting screen is never going to be a "every new hero" thing, unfortunately. We'd like to get to that point, though.
Any link for Flamethrower build?
What are those hot dog stash tabs going to be used for?
Why the heck Punisher loses health when he attacks? LOL.
What? Are you using the omega that causes that? I don't believe any of his baseline abilities cause you to lose health...
lol Gothos
achievements this month.
They've said that every month ever since achievements were announced lol.
They've said that every month ever since achievements were announced lol.
Lol yeah didn't they originally say Achievements were coming out early-Dec 2014??
That's been a while haha
mid june 2014
No shit it was only delayed of tc cos the main dev behind them had a week off and they didn't wanna put it up for first week public testing and they miss the feedback,
Plus I was only giving a rough outline of things meant to be coming this month
03/06/15 Ryolnir mentioned today that a Age of Ultron game mode was being worked on. I've inquired about it and I've been informed that Gazillion has decided to make the upcoming 3rd Raid(Age of Ultron Raid) into a game mode instead.
New code: BOBBYD
XP bar
Who should I get? Iceman or Punisher? I only have the splinters for one of them right now. Are the Iceman bugs really bad? How well would a melee/ranged hybrid build work for him? Punisher also looks really fun, and I have his Trench Coat costume, but I really don't want to have to get a gorilla necklace for a BiS build.
who is ur fav comix character??
Achievements are not going on TC weekend. We are pencils down on designing new ones, rewards are hooked up, but we're making it through a pile of defects. We are so close. It unfortunately doesn't make sense to put it on TC until we work through the bugs we already know about!
so 4 - 6 weeks still
they are in a endless cycle. they will obviously have to make achievements for a hero each month. the new raids. danger room new chapter etc.
or its gonna be delayed until ps4 release lol
you havent even released the achievements but you already made defects lmao
And that Buckshot Blast is oh so satisfying.
yassssssssss dog! y'all cute as heck! what breed is (s)he?
genosha raid is on TC
suck that grind
and the annoying crafting continus. craft this recipe to then craft this recipe to then craft this item