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Marvel Heroes 2015 |OT2| I have, like, a Gazillion heroes

I'm pretty sure the reason the Odin mark cost is so high is to give a proper sink for the currency. Right now artifact prices have inflated to utterly stupid levels because people have geared a couple characters with legendaries and blessings and now have no need for the marks but are sitting on thousands while gaining hundreds a week. Hopefully we get some worth restored to blessings with this.


Unconfirmed Member
It makes sense for those people but that's probably like, 0.1% of players. I play quite a lot and 2k Odin Marks for 1 legendary is still a crazy amount to me. I just don't want this game's community to become super elitist but I guess that already kind of happened with red raids. It feels like 2 different games, almost (3 if you count pvp but lol pvp)
It makes sense for those people but that's probably like, 0.1% of players. I play quite a lot and 2k Odin Marks for 1 legendary is still a crazy amount to me. I just don't want this game's community to become super elitist but I guess that already kind of happened with red raids. It feels like 2 different games, almost (3 if you count pvp but lol pvp)

I would venture a guess that these legendaries won't be massive upgrades, and won't be necessary for any content. This price is a giveaway that they're intended strictly for that small percentage of the playerbase. It's like those mounts they added in WoW with the vendors on them, solely for the rich. Now if these legendaries ever become a necessary part of character progression for doing content, then everyone would have a good point about the price. For the time being, I only expect Odin boosts to go up in sales.
Do they not have the stats on these legendaries yet? I've been out of the loop all week. When will they actually be added to the game?
They're in the game, you just can't see or access them for another couple weeks.

Also the Vision and Doom forums are up. Got a nice solid brick of characters on the forums now.


Unconfirmed Member
That trailer looked bad. My hopes for this show are pretttttty low

also Agents of Shield has been awful this entire season, fight me


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
That trailer looked bad. My hopes for this show are pretttttty low



Unconfirmed Member
"You're blind... but you see so much!" wow good dialogue very original. It's like how can you see if ur blind????

"Good and evil... sometimes the difference is a sharp line... sometimes it's a blur" wow more deep philosophy from this show about a man beating up criminals

The bad guy even says "You and I have a lot in common", jfc. All of the dialogue in the trailer is complete cheese, and not in a good, fun, self-aware way.

It's probably gonna be bad.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
"You're blind... but you see so much!" wow good dialogue very original. It's like how can you see if ur blind????

"Good and evil... sometimes the difference is a sharp line... sometimes it's a blur" wow more deep philosophy from this show about a man beating up criminals

The bad guy even says "You and I have a lot in common", jfc. All of the dialogue in the trailer is complete cheese, and not in a good, fun, self-aware way.

It's probably gonna be bad.

I cant tell if youre trolling trying to be the new kepow, or serious. If serious, you are well within your right to think whatever you want, although you are one of the first persons ive sen that said the trailer (at least that latest trailer) was bad.

Or, you know, the many reviews that say its amazing, but they are probably all being paid by Marvel right?


Unconfirmed Member
I cant tell if youre trolling trying to be the new kepow, or serious. If serious, you are well within your right to think whatever you want, although you are one of the first persons ive sen that said the trailer (at least that latest trailer) was bad.

Or, you know, the many reviews that say its amazing, but they are probably all being paid by Marvel right?

I am sorry that you seem to have bad taste

nah I'm not gonna troll you, tempting though it may be, but if you don't think all of that trailer dialogue is terrible, I can't help you man. The show might be good, I only said it will probably be bad.
I cant tell if youre trolling trying to be the new kepow, or serious. If serious, you are well within your right to think whatever you want, although you are one of the first persons ive sen that said the trailer (at least that latest trailer) was bad.

Or, you know, the many reviews that say its amazing, but they are probably all being paid by Marvel right?

Please tell new how I can be paid to watch marvel shows. Thanks.


Unconfirmed Member
Please tell new how I can be paid to watch marvel shows. Thanks.

Be okay at writing and pop culture analysis / critique. Hustle your ass off to score freelance gigs to put food on the table. Pray to the lords above you get a staff writer gig at a place that pays alright (lol).

Have fun!


Emma Frost is one of those characters that feels incongruous while leveling due to stange level gating of powers- you're handed her minion skills instantly but don't get her melee single target attack until the 40s. I was motivated to try Emma because I wanted to play around with minions as they relate to pet mechanics in general. The first thing I noticed was that these minions retain their collision detection properties. Secondly they appear to retain their attack speeds and certain aspects of their AI, which could lead to some interesting exploitation of programming. But ultimately minions can't really be a build unto themselves as there's a significant cooldown on detonation and their true utility is as a group haste buff.

So in the 40s I finally got to try her hybrid build. The idea seems clear- apply DoTs then wail on bleeding foes in diamond form. But diamond form seems to provide virtually no protection to make squishy Emma capable of melee, and the lack of movement options doesn't help. Though perhaps there's some key unique I never acquired. I then switched to a pure mental build and the results were instantly much better. Her DoTs become quite potent and her single target channel, drain psyche, restores so much health that it's essentially tankier than diamond form. I definitely enjoyed mental Emma, and she's got some interesting mechanics, but I'm not sure why I would pick her up again. If I want to play a stationary telepath, I'll just hold off until Professor X rolls up.

Next I completed Silver Surfer, who I'd been waiting on to mix up my hero experiences. I tried a balanced build at first. I quite like the concept and execution of the shared cooldowns of deconstruct and reconstruct; it introduces some subtle strategies. But the nature of the powers themselves- DoT and HoT- do not feel impactful enough to cycle so frequently. The other major component of a balanced build, EMF, is of course a shadow of its original self- not fun to use alone and doesn't seem to synergize with deconstruct/reconstruct.

So I switched to a full movement build and found where the fun was hiding. I love the board swipe. I love laying down the vulnerability field for it's "rip a hole in the earth" visual before doing the movement power that flies through the planet. And board dash- holy hell, this makes playing Juggernaut look sophisticated. I can easily complete terminals by only using board dash (and LMB to enter the boss door and/or pick up your cube shard if necessary). I love the way it sends off microbeams to vaporize trash in a way that let's them know they're trash.

Silver Surfer's also interesting from a design perspective in that he's got just one basic and one passive (or three depending on your feelings on his toggles), as well as an irresistible stun on a fairly short cooldown. I'm not sure if he's ready to take over for my Juggernaut or if I'd even prefer that. But terminal-running Surfer is as great as I'd imagined.
I feel a similar way towards Emma.

Her character and mechanics interest me enough but every time I test her I just walk away with no strong feelings either way. It's hard to put my finger on the exact problem though.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Ya surfer is a lot of fun, I really should go back to him one of these days.


Anything inspired by Frank Miller will have horrible dialogue out of context... and in context, too. It's the atmosphere that makes it all work.

And the trailer is Frank Miller / Bendis Daredevil all over.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Game needs a proper character select screen like those forums, it's much cooler to look at everybody at the same time


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
As long as I can still open up the roster and inventories at the same time.

No inventory for you!

Why wouldn't it tho? Just overlap it over the character screen. I just want a giant character roster on my screen :(


Unconfirmed Member
Looks cool, but also looks like the kind of costume that in-game just looks like you're playing a generic black-clad dude. Dark costumes don't play well in this game imo. I got Spider-Man Noir from a free FC and was hyped until I played it and was like... this looks so fkkn generic from a distance.
I like the small detail of blood splashes over the legs and chest on it.

The feet are a bit weird though, yeah, but all the feet in this game are if you look closely. Dr. Strange's especially in my mind.


I think it looks great minus a couple things. The pecs on the chest look like they poke out lower than they should. and the mask looks like it should cover the nose just a little bit more. Really detailed besides that.

So being fairly new to the game most of the community says DD is pretty bad overall. They talked about buffing him a bit from what I seen. Glancing on the forums the "buffs" seem to just be changing the stats on certain items for him? which I assume are for level 60 only. Will that be enough you think?

They also talked about having a Cable like sale for him and his costumes but I can't seem them selling that new one for 250.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't like him because he's a combo point hero, but as recently as a few months ago I think I recall hearing he's a beast on single-target damage. Not sure how he fares now though, I certainly don't see a lot of Daredevils in the wild.
Daredevil's not bad. He was terrible until he got his level 52 review, maybe you're reading old posts that talk about how bad he is?

His items certainly aren't great (like a few other heroes) so that's why they're getting a once over but he's still pretty good.

If there is a sale for his stuff like the recent Cable one you can be sure that the new costume won't fall under that sale. If you want it for cheap you're going to have to wait until it's been out for a bit and there is a costume sale (or buy one get one free).
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