Can someone help me with relics? Every build recommends Relic of Atlantis (Mainly), sometimes Gibborim, so what the hell do I do with the others?
see... this is the problem with "builds" on .info...
crit is a DPS gain in almost all scenarios with the way marvel heroes does DPS. The more/bigger you crit, the more DPS.
the thing is.... we are not talking night and day here. We're just not. Stacking 1000x Atlantis vs. 1000xAsgard is not going to get you from 1:20 TTK to :35 TTK. To be precise, stacking 1000 atlantis over 1000 Xandar gives you roughly a .2% DPS increase in real life numbers.
So.... if you are main-ing one guy... yeah, except in some cases (Iron Man, Juggernaut, summoners, etc), give them Atlantis. If you are just trying to build out a stable... give them whatever you want that makes sense..
on the note of relics.. I've gotten to the point that I am doing the 4xUniques for a stack of 50. Cash can be farmed... relics can't be (in any sane way). About the only way I will ever do one more chest is if/when I get my gear dealer to level 11.. as a chest will take a vendor from 11 to 19. Sadly I do now have like 200xChthon.... sigh...
The movies are the best and worst part of Marvel. You have Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America 2, and Iron Man. So good. Then you have Thor 2. So bad.
Comics will remain a declining niche market with an equal mix of good and bad. Luckily, the $9.99 Marvel Unlimited subscription is a total steal so I'll stick with it.
actually comics are overall stronger than they've been over the past 20 years right now. The direct market comic market has only "Shrunk" from its recent peak by about $55M ($395M->$345M), but those numbers have been significantly offset by digital and trade paperbacks.
While monthly floppy sales have dropped ~20% over the past ~18 years, TPB sales have grown almost 600%. And all of this is based on Diamond (direct market) and bookstores (traditional TPB), not including anything digital (comixology, Marvel Unlimited, etc). So not only is dollar revenue way up.. but actual readership is the highest its been since the early 90s.