Please let classic Ant-man be standard.
Lucky he's not super roided, just wrinkly, I can deal with that.
Spider gwen is coming with spiderman qol which is after 52 reviews so around august to september.
They already said Lang is default, so classic needs to be enhanced or he'd be stuck with Scott's voice and personality, and Scott fucking sucks.
Ryolnir said:I can say all three will be available at launch (one default, two in the store).
What's that third Ant-Man costume from? I quite like that one.
Scott Lang's comic costume.What's that third Ant-Man costume from? I quite like that one.
Ants mayhaps? No clue.Does he carry anything in that utility belt?
Where are the dumpsters for Rocket's Achievements?
It's the Marvel Now! Scott Lang costume.
Scott Lang's comic costume.
Cool, thanks.
If I buy a costume for him it would be that one. His default is good too though so I certainly won't rush to buy it.
I don't see them putting the movie one as his default, so the Lang comic outfit will likely be the default costume. The other comic one is classic Pym, and they've already confirmed that playable Ant-Man is Lang by default.
the captain one isnt a costume its a sam wilson team up
the captain one isnt a costume its a sam wilson team up
going to run a competition soon and its going to be for the 5000g boost bundle.
just thought id give a heads up
What did they replace it with?Bummed that they replaced the Fortune Card for beating Bullseye. I guess it was too good to last.
lol matrix of unbinding
The PVP in this game is fuckin atrocious.
I can't wait to try it again with someone who is OP.
Sounds like a digital STD.Yeah, it constitutes any interaction with Kepow.
Her face and hair are amazing, the body is also really good. The costume I am not a fan. She's definitely not fat anymore. But can we please have a sexy costume now? All of Jean's costume are so covered and not sexy. I need to wear something sexy for her Dark Phoenix.
They already said Lang is default, so classic needs to be enhanced or he'd be stuck with Scott's voice and personality, and Scott fucking sucks.
Does he carry anything in that utility belt?
People are going to disagree with me I guess, but I hate how detailed the texturework has got in the more recent costumes (more recent = last year). A) Doesn't fit the game's aesthetic and it looks out of place (unless they go back and redo everything else) B) In-game visual quality is a bit crap anyways so they look muddy at best. I already have to launch the game outside of steam and downsample it (with a framerate hit in the busy areas) just so it kinda looks decent. I hate Magneto's classic costume for example.
What's Hoya's name over at the main forums?
my fault for not associating MKII with it, but I just noticed when I logged in that the Ironman team up with be the all silver one...ugh. So its basically going to look like War Machine-lite. Thats not what I want to use with War Machine proper >_>
you had plenty of red and gold costumes to choose from, and you make it the silver one. what am I missing
What's Hoya's name over at the main forums?
"Her face and hair are amazing, the body is also really good. The costume I am not a fan. She's definitely not fat anymore. But can we please have a sexy costume now? All of Jean's costume are so covered and not sexy. I need to wear something sexy for her Dark Phoenix."
And if you look at Contest of Champions, it doesn't look like Marvel has a "use our movie models" rule at all.
I would expect that it has more to do with potential sales interest. I've seen a lot of people using movie skins, despite feeling like they look out of place in the game and all their faces looking squashed.
Er, isn't the mk 2 suppose to be out now?
Its bugged