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Marvel Heroes 2015 |OT2| I have, like, a Gazillion heroes


Kitty came out amazing. Let's take a quick spin over my bar:
- Active invuln, check.
- Single-target spender that incorporates phasing, check.
- Single-target cooldown that's a heart shot, check.
- AoE that literally pulls enemies through the floor (and leaves them there if a kill), check.
- Great signature (that's another active invuln), check.
- Offensive passive that doubles as CC clear, check.
- Room for a Lockheed power if desired, check.
- Not being forced to have a sword a la Nightcrawler, check.
I really couldn't ask for more.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I assume Lockheed's energy damage county as Kitty's damage for Power Cosmic purposes? Because I still have one in the stash

Her Lockheed tree does not count as summon from how i understand it.

thats not what I asked at all, unless that wasnt to me


I assume Lockheed's energy damage county as Kitty's damage for Power Cosmic purposes? Because I still have one in the stash

thats not what I asked at all, unless that wasnt to me

It is kind of what you asked.

Since Lockheed isn't a summon, he's basically just a representation of Kitty for those powers; it isn't Lockheed's damage, it's hers.
It was not only kind of what you asked, it was exactly what you asked.

"Does Lockheed's damage count as Kitty's?" can be reworded to "Is Lockheed a summon?". Because if Lockheed was a summon, it would be the summon's damage, not Kitty's.

So: No, Lockheed is not a summon -> his damage counts as Kitty's.


Totally forgot about the iron man costume for the Avengers event. It looks awful. Oh well blender material. Speaking of which, now is the perfect time to be prestiging your Avengers. The combined exp bonuses make leveling them super fast.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Totally forgot about the iron man costume for the Avengers event. It looks awful. Oh well blender material. Speaking of which, now is the perfect time to be prestiging your Avengers. The combined exp bonuses make leveling them super fast.

Does War Machine count as an avenger for the bonus, or just the main movie folks?


Why do I have 2 copies of that costume? Was it free before? And yes, it's awful. As always, the colors and materials just don't translate.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
i likey



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It kind of was and this is a super dickish response dude.

How was that dickish? Or SUPER dickish in fact. Saying that wasn't what I asked is dickish now? Asking if he was talking to someone else because I hadn't seen the last pages and could very well be talking to someone that asked if Lockheed was tagged as summon? Come on now...


^I really dig Cable after his rework. I went Energy spec and had a lot of fun.

I think they gave the IM costume out when AoU came out in theaters.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Yea I like cable too. I haven't tried the ranged mental build, but energy (guns) and melee are both pretty cool.
I have. And I played Avenger's Alliance much more than that. What makes you think not?

Because in your first response you called the game a currency management simulator with slight action elements, neither of which are true. Currency plays a very small role in your play sessions and action is nearly all that's going on. In your post all you're doing is criticizing the BS f2p elements (which I don't disagree with), but not the content or quality of the game. Except for calling it simple I guess, but that's a criticism you can level against all Marvel games outside of the Capcom fighters. Not that simple is inherently bad anyway. Compared to other crap on the market, like that godawful new Diablo-esque Star Wars game, MFF is quite ahead in terms of quality. There are actually a handful of things that MFF gets right that even Marvel Heroes doesn't. So even if you have put a decent amount of time into the game, it just seems like you're past the point of being able to give it a fair assessment.

Yup, that's about the size of it. The most devious shit about these games that I can't stand is the real-time parts, how they make you log in as often as possible. It's designed to actually make you anxious when you're away from the game. That really grinds my gears and it's why I had to step away from WoW, due to the garrisons using that exact real-time mechanic. When games start to make me feel anxious when I'm not playing them because I'm not maximizing my efficiency or whatever, I know it's time to uninstall. And this psychologically manipulative bullshit has been a staple of mobile (and f2p in general) design for years. It should actually be illegal to incentivize logging in more than once per day.

Jonathan Blow did a talk about this a few years ago that's maybe a bit long in the tooth now but it's still fascinating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqFu5O-oPmU

Ironically in the talk he talks about skinner box design first and how it's manipulative but at least it's NOT like f2p games with "wait mechanics", which as we now know it would complete that transformation with Warlords of Draenor.

If you're allowing it to make you anxious and take over your mind like that, that's on you. You don't need to fall into the f2p trap like that to enjoy the games or progress in them. You definitely don't need to login more than once either to maximize your progress on a single team of characters. If you want to take on more than that, then yeah, you'll need to dedicate more time. Same goes for a lot of things.

Marvel heroes doesn't need ur full attention ive barely touched it in 2 weeks 1 week i was away but this week i could have but point is i dont need. I didn't need to when i first started. What have i missed ? Yea not much unless u have the elitist hah im let ive got more commendations than you haha.

Marvel heroes doesn't need u 247 to manage ur heroes. The daily quests etc on marvel give u everything other things give u so it doesnt matter if u miss them

MFF doesn't need your full attention either. In fact it's funny you mention this, because they added this huge package of character upgrades you get when you come back after not logging in for a while. If you weren't a super dedicated player, you would actually end up ahead for not playing.

we knew Frost was a dev on a marvel game, we just had the wrong Marvel game it seems

How do you know I don't work at both?


Unconfirmed Member
If you're allowing it to make you anxious and take over your mind like that, that's on you.

The system is literally designed to do exactly that. So no, it is not "on me". It's great if you can let that not affect you, but to deny that those systems are designed to make you worry about losing progress (consecutive log-in bonuses are fucking evil btw)... idk what to tell you.

Aside from that, it's a bad, boring game with no depth. All the fucking currencies and million different ways to add minute upgrades to your characters try to disguise that, but those games have fucking nothing going on mechanically. If all the content were unlocked from the start and all the artificial barriers removed, you'd stop playing after an hour or two. It's just the million carrots they dangle in front of people that keeps them coming back.

Future Fight, Contest of Champions and all of its ilk are bad and boring, but that's okay. What's not okay is that the design ethos behind them is evil and manipulative. This is not a value judgment of anyone who plays the games, at all. I'm not attacking anyone except the people who make shitty mobile f2p games the way they are.

You know what I like about Marvel Heroes? I can not play for 2 months and not feel like I missed anything of consequence, even the login bonuses (NON-CONSECUTIVE, gaz be praised) are inconsequential. I can just come back, have a good time for a bit and not be pestered about LIMITED TIME ISO-8 CRYSTALS BEST VALUE ONLY 200 DOLLARS.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
wtf, I just got a level 32 mask of arngrim from kurse in midtown. Didn't think it could drop that low.


Because in your first response you called the game a currency management simulator with slight action elements, neither of which are true. Currency plays a very small role in your play sessions and action is nearly all that's going on.

Currency doesn't play a very small role in the game, lol. I'm not sure how you can say that with a straight face. EVERYTHING levels up in this game, your character, equipment, ranks, skills, mastery, etc (that's ignoring the way Iso-8 stuff -another currency- affects your character beyond that) And everything leveling up is tied to at least one of the different currencies that are scattered across the different modes or are obtainable in the store. It's not like they level up naturally by themselves in the background, or like you get a limited set number of skill points to distribute around.

Even your ability to play is tied to energy, which could be considered a currency in itself taking into account the ways it can be obtained and exchanged. I've seen it all before. It is the same shell as MAA. And like Noray says, the game is constantly pushing you to obtain more of whatever currencies you need. Splash screens, daily bonuses, message gifts, adding friends for those benefits, etc. Ignoring the big "+" button next to the very visible currencies on most game screens, even next to the "Start Mission" button (which is not a "start mission button" really, but a "- X Energy button") there is a button that takes you directly into the store. Like, right next to it. Every single mission has that.

The bulk of the late missions are the repeatable dailies, bonus, special missions, etc. and your choice of mission will always depend on what currency you want or need at that point in time. Everything (leveling up, mission choice, rewards, logging in every day, the store itself, even the story -Hi ISO-8-, everything revolves around the currencies required for minimal incremental progression, that's why it is more currency management game than brawler. I don't think that is a completely unfair assessment. When every single aspect of the game revolves around that, it's fair to say currency mechanics are much of the content and quality of the game. Noray is absolutely right about that: strip all that, and you have a game that you are done with in 1 hour or 2: a very simple, flashy brawler with no gameplay related incentives to keep going.

I'm not sure what you want me to say about the quality of the action. The gameplay is not terrible, sure, but there's not much to it and I already described it: you take a team of heroes (not really a team as you only use one at a time), go through small corridors and attack small groups of enemies until you get to the boss who you then kill. You use 3 or 4 abilities to help you in your way and sometimes your other heroes activate like strikers for a quick punch in or you can switch to them and use them as extra HP bars, or a friend's hero can be summoned for a small amount of time to help. It all takes 2-4 minutes to do. Rinse, repeat.

I'm sure there are worse games out there. That's not really the point I was making.
The system is literally designed to do exactly that. So no, it is not "on me". It's great if you can let that not affect you, but to deny that those systems are designed to make you worry about losing progress (consecutive log-in bonuses are fucking evil btw)... idk what to tell you.

I said nothing of the sort. Of course they want to maintain your engagement daily, my point is that you shouldn't be getting wrapped up in that. You can progress along just fine without making the most out of every single point of energy, or logging in every day.

Aside from that, it's a bad, boring game with no depth. All the fucking currencies and million different ways to add minute upgrades to your characters try to disguise that, but those games have fucking nothing going on mechanically. If all the content were unlocked from the start and all the artificial barriers removed, you'd stop playing after an hour or two. It's just the million carrots they dangle in front of people that keeps them coming back.

If there was no loot to obtain in Marvel Heroes would you keep playing it after an hour or two?

Currency doesn't play a very small role in the game, lol. I'm not sure how you can say that with a straight face.

I didn't say play a small role in the game, but in each session. Your statements make it seem like the game is just hanging out in menus, which it's really not. The vast majority of your time should be actually playing.

EVERYTHING levels up in this game, your character, equipment, ranks, skills, mastery, etc (that's ignoring the way Iso-8 stuff -another currency- affects your character beyond that) And everything leveling up is tied to at least one of the different currencies that are scattered across the different modes or are obtainable in the store. It's not like they level up naturally by themselves in the background, or like you get a limited set number of skill points to distribute around.

And is this a bad thing? Sounds like an RPG to me. And a lot of the currencies you mention come to your naturally from playing. Outside of the main powerup currency in the game (biometrics), I've very very rarely had to actively seek things I need to rank something up. It's not some big hassle, if that's what you're making it out to be. "Management" just seems like an odd term to use for this.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
tried Kitty a tiny little bit. Maybe im missing something since im quite rusty, but what is the point of her silly little dash, when 1 tier bellow you get another "dash", the teleport where she goes beneath the floor. And theres still a movement skill later on as usual. what am I missing? They both go through walls so whut?


I didn't say play a small role in the game, but in each session. Your statements make it seem like the game is just hanging out in menus, which it's really not. The vast majority of your time should be actually playing.

I'm making it seem like the core of the game is the currency use to very slowly affect every single aspect of the experience, which is smaller and less complex in return. Even the tutorial and help sections concentrate almost exclusively on how to use them over anything else, like tapping your way around missions.

And is this a bad thing? Sounds like an RPG to me. And a lot of the currencies you mention come to your naturally from playing. Outside of the main powerup currency in the game (biometrics), I've very very rarely had to actively seek things I need to rank something up. It's not some big hassle, if that's what you're making it out to be. "Management" just seems like an odd term to use for this.

Yes it is a bad thing. A lot of things and especially individual mechanics would fall under the category of "RPG". It's one of the broadest game genre qualifiers there are. There are of course RPGs and RPGs, and even RPG mechanics in almost every game nowadays. (i.e. filling bars, gaining xp or leveling something up). That doesn't make them good games.

The bottom line is this: everything in this game is in service of the currency collection and storefront. Everything is designed to point you that way, like I already explained before: characters, character development, missions, even logging in and the story itself all revolve around it. And yes, that to me is an absolute hassle because the game part (which again, is short, repetitive and not complex at all) is buried underneath a ton of mechanics that constantly require the management of some sort of currency to function, and the game is constantly pushing you to acquire them.

Even Marvel Heroes doesn't have half of those issues.

If you think all RPGs work like that, then you probably haven't played many of them, or are giving this a pass because you like it. Which is fine with me either way. I'm certainly not saying anyone shouldn't like this game or games like it. I just don't feel it is a good game at all.


Tears in the rain
Nothing about Future Fight is in service of the currency. It's one of the most generous, least bullshit filled F2P games around. You can get everything in that game, without spending a dime.


Nothing about Future Fight is in service of the currency. It's one of the most generous, least bullshit filled F2P games around. You can get everything in that game, without spending a dime.

Except the whole design of the game is, like I already explained in 3 separate posts? I don't think I said anything about not being able to acquire everything with enough time either. I didn't play that much to make a claim like that. I did talk about every single aspect being rooted in that design philosophy and the game not letting you forget every second you play it and pestering you relentlessly.

Also, I'm sure I haven't heard that one ("you can get everything") about every single mobile/F2P game out there, no sir. I'm pretty sure that's what Brevik said about getting every costume and character in Marvel Heroes as well. That doesn't make it true btw, just "true", given infinite amount of time to play I guess.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
gazillion regarding nightcrawler qol is this


but have kitty instead who is a glorified mix of nightcrawler and psylocke.
Yes it is a bad thing. A lot of things and especially individual mechanics would fall under the category of "RPG". It's one of the broadest game genre qualifiers there are. There are of course RPGs and RPGs, and even RPG mechanics in almost every game nowadays. (i.e. filling bars, gaining xp or leveling something up). That doesn't make them good games.

The bottom line is this: everything in this game is in service of the currency collection and storefront. Everything is designed to point you that way, like I already explained before: characters, character development, missions, even logging in and the story itself all revolve around it. And yes, that to me is an absolute hassle because the game part (which again, is short, repetitive and not complex at all) is buried underneath a ton of mechanics that constantly require the management of some sort of currency to function, and the game is constantly pushing you to acquire them.

Just out of curiousity, are you counting the materials for leveling up the gear as currency? And if so, why is that kind of progression so bad to you? Unlike MH where you can go weeks without seeing that one piece of gear that you want, you instead get guaranteed, but smaller incremental upgrades. Both accomplish the same thing, character progress, but one is more tangible while the other can be a frustrating crapshoot. It's very reminiscent of other RPGs, like Elder Scrolls for example where you go and get the specific things you need and craft an upgrade essentially. Seems harmless to me. And it's a system that a lot of people seemingly like.

Oh and you keep mentioning that the game is nothing but these short two minute runs, but there are other modes you can play. Quite fun modes even and things that would be amazing to see expanded on and implemented into MH even. You have Villain Siege (takes some villains and gives them raid boss style mechanics for interesting fights), Battle World (5v5 Royal rumble style PvP), Arena (typical team vs team), Team Up (Villain Siege but co-op), and next week a horde mode style alliance co-op mode too. These are by far the more interesting avenues of enjoyment.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Future Fight doesn't have carnage yet though, so MH is better.


Just out of curiousity, are you counting the materials for leveling up the gear as currency? And if so, why is that kind of progression so bad to you? Unlike MH where you can go weeks without seeing that one piece of gear that you want, you instead get guaranteed, but smaller incremental upgrades. Both accomplish the same thing, character progress, but one is more tangible while the other can be a frustrating crapshoot. It's very reminiscent of other RPGs, like Elder Scrolls for example where you go and get the specific things you need and craft an upgrade essentially. Seems harmless to me. And it's a system that a lot of people seemingly like.

Oh and you keep mentioning that the game is nothing but these short two minute runs, but there are other modes you can play. Quite fun modes even and things that would be amazing to see expanded on and implemented into MH even. You have Villain Siege (takes some villains and gives them raid boss style mechanics for interesting fights), Battle World (5v5 Royal rumble style PvP), Arena (typical team vs team), Team Up (Villain Siege but co-op), and next week a horde mode style alliance co-op mode too. These are by far the more interesting avenues of enjoyment.

I'm counting as currency everything that can be obtained through real money as well or traded for such items, and is generally used for progression purposes or in the store. So that's energy, gold, crystals, Iso crystals, biometrics (?), those special name crystals to rank up your heroes (which work in a different menu than biometrics), those friend-related special points. Can't tell if I'm forgetting something else. Those gear upgrade materials don't work on their own afaik, so you have to one use one or some of the above in conjunction anyway. And that's one of half a dozen things you level up.

I'm not against any one kind of progression either. I always try to look at things in context. If you are referring to Elder Scrolls Online, I haven't played it so I don't know how it works there. In the context of an RPG like Skyrim it's different beginning with crafting being a specialization tree of its own (not that deep of a mechanic either) and even then it can be safely skipped in favor of purchasing from vendors or looting. Every step of it is treated in-game too, from gathering ores, to smelting them, refining them and using benches to craft distinct items, not only add stats to them. (That's actually another entirely different mechanic--enchanting).

And like I said, I try to judge in context, it's not like I'm against certain things only in principle or even mobile games themselves. Path of Exile is a game I enjoy a lot and it is very much currency focused, where you can either incrementally increase your strength or wait for that one specific drop, or trade for it. It also has many more currencies than this game or most mobile games have to the point I'd call it a pretty essential part of the game there too. It's also an entirely opposite F2P experience that's it is not even close to a contest as to which game does it better, so there's that.

And yea, you are right. I didn't talk about PvP as I didn't go in deeply into that. I played the game for a few hours only (over a few days) and got my impression from there. The whole mission progression and basic gameplay from story mode-dailies-elite mission farming and stuff was what soured my experience with the game. As far as I could tell, all of that is required because specific sets of missions drop specific things you need to use to level up a particular aspect of each hero.

AND that's the last wall of text you get from me guys! Sorry about that.
Sorry, not sorry ;P

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member

black panther costume i said dam



franken castle team up










Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
franken castle and that costume have been leaked before last year, but those files have a modified date of 2nd october 2015 so something has changed on them
AND that's the last wall of text you get from me guys! Sorry about that.
Sorry, not sorry ;P

Fair enough. It's just something that for me isn't really an issue and doesn't put a damper on the rest of the game for me. Just think that in a market of mostly f2p junk, MFF stands out head and shoulders above the rest as an overall solid game.


black panther costume i said dam

Did they say they were adding it? Ryolnir specifically mentioned that the racial issues of the comic it was in made them not want to. Nevermind, took too long to post and saw your response.
Frankencastle but no Marvel zombies? Boooo

Gazillion has literally been told they can't have Marvel Zombies. Marvel absolutely hates Marvel Zombies, which is why they're completely blowing it up in Secret Wars. They hate the idea of their beloved heroes and icons being transformed into shambling, cannibalistic monsters. Which is reasonable.
Meanwhile, Future Fight can use Marvel Zombies. Marvel's licensing policies will never make sense to me.

That Venom zombie is actually not from Marvel Zombies, it's unique to Secret Wars. Venom dies in the actual Marvel Zombies book because the symbiote can't stay on an undead host.
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