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Marvel Heroes 2015 |OT2| I have, like, a Gazillion heroes

This is better than danger room


I hope that is an option. I don't like it. lol


Gotcha. Means nothing to me, but it's such a simple fix I don't understand why it's not already like that. Must be that Gaz Time® magic.

I remember a Doctor versus Dr. issue with character names and wondered if that was just being addressed.

The old excuse (and this is really old, like launch issue old) is that the characters are sorted out automatically in alphabetical order (due to some weird database they have going on), and using a costume would change the character's name entirely, including their position in the roster list, along with other unknown issues.

That's up there with "elements can't stack because whoops" trademark Gaz whatthefuckery game design.




Most of the affixs don't really matter; you hardly need to think about them. And then there's like 2 or 3 that totally fuck some characters like not being able to use sigs/ult or having a 6 second delay on any movement power rip movement builds. Also it's way too easy right now, you just kind of faceroll through everything, but that will probably be tuned throughout the process or wtvs.

The loot game would totally be worth if bosses within the rooms had a chance to drop their unique shit. Not sure how the long game of collecting boxes to spit out random shit is against pounding your head in the terminals. We'll see how these shakes out in actual play doe.

I only did about two sets cuz the loading was straight busted for me.


Got Squirrel Girl to 40. It's slowing down a bit, but I'll be using up a lot of my saved up Fortune Card boosts for MM in hopes of getting some levels.


Unconfirmed Member
not being able to use sigs/ult or having a 6 second delay on any movement power rip movement builds.

That design decision has to be up there with the dumbest shit Gaz has ever done, lol. Making it challenging by taking away abilities is just... really stupid and bad design.

If Danger Room doesn't pan out I think this game's pretty much dead to me when the 2015 AP characters are all released.

Also if bosses can't drop their specific loot they've already fucked up big time.

edit: Apparently Danger Room is just a currency grind and nothing drops from the bosses? welp. No thanks. I just want rifts like in D3. It's a fantastic system. Just copy it, who cares.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
That design decision has to be up there with the dumbest shit Gaz has ever done, lol. Making it challenging by taking away abilities is just... really stupid and bad design.

If Danger Room doesn't pan out I think this game's pretty much dead to me when the 2015 AP characters are all released.

Also if bosses can't drop their specific loot they've already fucked up big time.

edit: Apparently Danger Room is just a currency grind and nothing drops from the bosses? welp. No thanks. I just want rifts like in D3. It's a fantastic system. Just copy it, who cares.

The chests at the end are worse drops than cmm

The merits / rewards are silly expensive which will probs be tuned but the mode is dumb as fuck everything just gets face rolled.

The x men visuals are just color Variants of spotlights lol

the main problem like all of their content rewards, its makes multiple heroes a nightmare for gearing.

danger room was going to be their answers and the prices as are now are dumb, and stuck behind rng boxes of crimson

also a fucking in game clock

the roster and clock changes are better than danger room



Unconfirmed Member
Still some hope it ends up fine when it's on live, but I watched some gameplay of it on TC and it was literally the same subway map like 5 times in a row for one challenge... like, what. Is that working as intended?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
hahaha omfg danger room is getting worse

they boxes you buy their for artifacts, asros has said they wont be adding the new ones to them (sabertooth black cat etc) and new artifacts in future (they have said many more bosses are getting artifacts soon)

they should make a new artifact box which has x men artifacts in it (mostly x men danger room zones)


Sounds awful.

I wasn't expecting PoE maps, but if they are just another mode to slowly acquire currency for boxes instead of a challenging mode alternative to farm loot it I want none of it. Gimping characters just because is the shit nugget icing on the turd cake.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'd be fine with the gimping characters thing as a random map trait if the "increased challenge for increased rewards" dynamic was more compelling. Danger room loot as-is doesn't seem to really lend itself to it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
you guys are just bumming me out with these news lately :/


Unconfirmed Member
It's kind of baffling that this many years iinto the game they apparently still don't realize you just can't do bosses without a lootsplosion at the end. It's a fucking ARPG, lootsplosions are why people play them. Even Destiny, of all games, learned this when they made strike bosses drop loot on the ground every time. GRIFTs in D3 are fun because you get a giant lootsplosion at the end commensurate with the challenge level you set for yourself.

I just don't know what they're doing anymore. Are they intentionally gimping this mode because they don't want to make older content (more) irrelevant? That would be monumentally stupid. Not adding boss-specific drops to this mode makes it another red-headed stepchild no one will give a shit about in a few months, like Ultron, unless you want a specific drop from it. What's the incentive for people to go do DR instead of CMM or CICP?

Maybe I've got it wrong because i'm not on the TC but it seems kinda grim. edit; actually downloading TC now because I want to see it for myself. This is kind of the game's last chance to draw me back in and I want it to be good.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
It's kind of baffling that this many years iinto the game they apparently still don't realize you just can't do bosses without a lootsplosion at the end. It's a fucking ARPG, lootsplosions are why people play them. Even Destiny, of all games, learned this when they made strike bosses drop loot on the ground every time. GRIFTs in D3 are fun because you get a giant lootsplosion at the end commensurate with the challenge level you set for yourself.

I just don't know what they're doing anymore. Are they intentionally gimping this mode because they don't want to make older content (more) irrelevant? That would be monumentally stupid. Not adding boss-specific drops to this mode makes it another red-headed stepchild no one will give a shit about in a few months, like Ultron, unless you want a specific drop from it. What's the incentive for people to go do DR instead of CMM or CICP?

Maybe I've got it wrong because i'm not on the TC but it seems kinda grim. edit; actually downloading TC now because I want to see it for myself. This is kind of the game's last chance to draw me back in and I want it to be good.

dont bother with tc all the shit is locked behind a shitty merit system. you earn merits by completing the simulations which vary in difficulty and vary with how many merits u get depending on difficulty.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It's kind of baffling that this many years iinto the game they apparently still don't realize you just can't do bosses without a lootsplosion at the end. It's a fucking ARPG, lootsplosions are why people play them. Even Destiny, of all games, learned this when they made strike bosses drop loot on the ground every time. GRIFTs in D3 are fun because you get a giant lootsplosion at the end commensurate with the challenge level you set for yourself.

I just don't know what they're doing anymore. Are they intentionally gimping this mode because they don't want to make older content (more) irrelevant? That would be monumentally stupid. Not adding boss-specific drops to this mode makes it another red-headed stepchild no one will give a shit about in a few months, like Ultron, unless you want a specific drop from it. What's the incentive for people to go do DR instead of CMM or CICP?

Maybe I've got it wrong because i'm not on the TC but it seems kinda grim. edit; actually downloading TC now because I want to see it for myself. This is kind of the game's last chance to draw me back in and I want it to be good.

this is a game FOCUSED on alts and is one of the most anti-alt game Ive ever seen. Now thats baffling :)


this is a game FOCUSED on alts and is one of the most anti-alt game Ive ever seen. Now thats baffling :)

"Can't be having people get too much loot in our loot game! What we can have is ways to make them log in every day to slowly acquire useless side stuff to make their way to one random piece of loot that probably won't be what they need."

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
hahaha things get better

Blade is planned to hit Test Center around Wednesday, depending on various approvals/changes. He is currently in internal testing now.

Danger Room will return with Blade for more testing and feedback, thanks for all of your feedback over the last day, we're very excited about it!

As of right now, no patch is planned for this week. We're focusing on all of the goodness in Test Center instead.

whelp putting a new zone and a new hero on tc together never works well

also no patch this week


updated captain is datamined too



The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
A week without a patch? That's it, I quit forever.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so everytime they update a costume, will they give it to you?

because I dont have 99% of the default costumes anymore


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Cap Marvel was an entirely new costume, I doubt the ones that are just visual updates of existing costumes will be given away as well.
I start playing again just in time to witness the most undercooked game mode yet! At least the Spider-Man update is solid, if not Spectacular.

Solid Spider-Man wouldn't ship many issues, though.


Unconfirmed Member
I just played a single round of Danger Room on TC.

It made me very sad.

It's literally just 5 times the exact same map in a row with a slightly different objective (click on a thing/kill a thing). Sometimes a random boss spawns on the map but there is absolutely zero reason to fight it because they don't drop anything.

All they had to do was just copy Rifts wholesale, or at least come up with an engaging alternative.

This is a dismal failure as it stands now.
Danger Room is in a really bad place right now, and everyone on the forums are in agreement on that. Hopefully they pound out a lot of good changes over the next week. The mode will probably be released with Blade regardless of its state with a beta tag and will go through a month or so of iteration while being on live before they call it finalized.

Hope Blade turns out well.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
even my cats dislike danger room


they took the worse part of ultron mode and made it worse. (the no loot factor)


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
That might be the most gaz thing that they have ever gazd


Unconfirmed Member
So you can look at it while you play and marvel at how much of your life you're throwing away in real-time


Wait, Danger Room is just another currency grind? I can't even be bothered with the ones that are already in the game. Just let me kill stuff and then drop stuff on the ground to pick up so that I can kill more stuff. Pretty please?
Wait, Danger Room is just another currency grind? I can't even be bothered with the ones that are already in the game. Just let me kill stuff and then drop stuff on the ground to pick up so that I can kill more stuff. Pretty please?

There are still drops in DR (in the form of mini lootsplosions at the end), but the currency is used to choose a bonus on top of that. Since the currency is the main way that you'll be acquiring the DR items, people consider it another currency grind.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
also since the ultron mode changes, even getting gold doesnt reward commendations anymore

you know that one zone they said u could repeaat all time to get commendation, another reason the zone is shit
also since the ultron mode changes, even getting gold doesnt reward commendations anymore

you know that one zone they said u could repeaat all time to get commendation, another reason the zone is shit

Ryolnir said:
There's an issue with the wrong Keys dropping, right. And I'll check on the Comms. Not intended.

Also, regarding DR:

Ryolnir said:
We're going to make it so bosses drop their loot (including their boss specific items) when defeated, and we're looking at changing the design some so that mobs can drop loot took (including the mini-bosses). Unfortunately the difficulty was out of whack due to an engineering bug, so later this week you'll get a look at a version of DR much closer to what we envisioned, difficulty-wise.


Boss stuff was like number one on my list of things I wanted. Don't really care about any other loot since it gets vacuumed up anyways.

I'm sure the mode will get tuned into something worthwhile when it gets released.
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