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Marvel Heroes 2015 |OT2| I have, like, a Gazillion heroes


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I got a rock.




15 heroes left, Marvel Heroes 2015, coincidence?

Inky needs to level one hero so we can go to Marvel Heroes 2014 i.e. the golden age.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!

also the golden age was clearly the start of 2015
Started this game about 2 weeks ago, having alot of fun with it.

I have a lv60 Magneto (my favorite Marvel character) and just got my Doom (2nd favorite Marvel character) to 53, and it feels like a world of difference. Magneto feels a bit one dimensional in this game whereas Doom has multiple builds that play very different and both feel more effective (summoner and sorcerer).


Well whats going on here then.

Been playing some again recently. I feel like I made a mistake with getting Blade before Kitty, WM and Magik who are the only toons I didn't own. It wasn't until after I grabbed Blade I saw all the shit feedback. Got him to 40 something though last nite and he's been fun so far so. Can slaughter single targets and the serum is a kinda interesting mechanic

Started this game about 2 weeks ago, having alot of fun with it.

I have a lv60 Magneto (my favorite Marvel character) and just got my Doom (2nd favorite Marvel character) to 53, and it feels like a world of difference. Magneto feels a bit one dimensional in this game whereas Doom has multiple builds that play very different and both feel more effective (summoner and sorcerer).

Yeah Mags was pretty OP when he dropped a year and a bit ago. He's been left a little behind though and could do with some love. Doom on the other hand was STUPIDLY OP when he came out (like TTK times 50 odd seconds faster then the next). He's been brought back a little, but he's still around the top of the pack


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
morning of failures on the trial until finally 1 sucess, Loki, back to summoner because I just couldnt do it as mental. Stole some of Doreen's summon stuff, because shes an even bigger hopeless case, and did with Loki fine. I actually dig his summon playstyle too now, Magik made me forsake my "if its not a permanent summon army I dont care" mentality, I have Doom and Rocket for that I guess. Gonna use him for awhile as I farm boxes.

but the rest were all miserable multiple failues.

Psylocke (told you man, vortex helps but I still just get squished eventually)
Punisher (just not enough dmg)
She Hulk (ditto)
Winter Soldier (this one I just get completely overwhelmed by all the mobs because I dont have any aoe on my melee spec)
Squirrel Girl (no dmg, no survivability, no spirit)
X-23 (just get overwhelmed and squished, I cant do dmg when I have to run away all the time, kinda like Betsy)

The others Im missing but didnt try today are

Ghost Rider (the last time I tried I just had no dmg at all, I got Hydra to like half health or something before the timer and just gave up)

Rogue who I hate and havent touched since her release (hell even her spec is borked because they changed some stuff you steal aparently)

Deadpool who I havent geared (like, even with ghetto stuff, I have like 50 cosmic medallions in the bank all shapes and sizes but didnt give him one) because Im waiting for the review to see what happens with him. His also my only character with no legendary lol (although for trial purposes, some have no ranks in the legendary so they might aswell not have one, like Punisher >_>)

Why do I want to do it with all characters?


just got into it the more I did it, and now with just 9 out of 53 to do, I want to "finish" it even more. tbf I do like to be able to play whoever I want, wherever I want, and some of those are characters I really like damn it (Bets and X-23 for example) :(

feel free to send tips, or just say im shit at those characters. Which is probably true.


I blew it up. Y'all probably just need more summon damage. Her spirit issues are non-existent especially if you use bouncing squirrels. And her survivability doesn't mean anything since she never has to be close to anything to do her damage. Plus all the loh she has if you do get hit but again non-issue.
feel free to send tips,

From memory, with Punisher I used the 9 gauge shotty, for general focused damage, gas grenades for aoe, Davy Crockett/sig whenever possible and pineapple grenades in the mix too. I also used the flamethrower, which I found to be very effective. All those skills maxed. Pain tolerance and Rapid reload were also maxed.
I spent my 4500 Omegas on Sabretooth, Warpath, Spintech and Super Soldier Serum/strength. Used all Punisher Uniques. Had Drax as an active team up. Stood behind him against Madam Hydra, so I could shoot her without taking damage, from 4 feet away. Also, when fighting Skull, I waited until he called in his fist Sentinel before I activated my Ultimate. This is because I really struggled to survive against them previously, so I at least got to take down the first for free.

My Psylocke was very unorthodox and Im sure there are much more efficient builds, but I'll tell you what I did anyway.
The only traditional aoe power I used was Psionic Assault. Once I lay that down I would criss cross/cut through my targets with Shadow Dash. Top to bottom repeat, or left to right repeat pretty much (hope you dont get RSI). I would hit targets with Assassinate as often as I could, immediately follow that with Falling Lotus and then Shadow Dash out of there ASAP and repeat. I didnt bother trying to get the stealth bonus with Assassinate, as there was too much going on to waste time trying to figure out if I was invisible. Use Ethereal Butterflies as much as possible as well. All those skills I mentioned were maxed. I used Psyonic Resilience, Deadly Assassin and Deadly Prowess passives all maxed too.
Same Omega selection as Punisher, just used an energy node instead of a strength one. I must say my best time against Madam Hydra was only 30 secs remaining and I really scraped in against Skull with only 4 secs remaining when I beat him, but this style was by far the most fun for me to play and made the Sentinels (in particular) much easier to beat because I was moving so fast.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Are there any dedicated guides for farming/crafting equipment?

There aren't many guides, because the way the game's gear works would make them kind of redundant. Getting a base set of uniques for any given hero is pretty easy at 60. Just play really any game mode (although midtown and ICP are probably the best) and you will get drops sooner or later. Some good entry-level artifacts can also be gained this way (advanced metasensory array, for example), but most of the best artifacts are rare drops off of specific bosses. There are guides for that, but they tend to be character and even build specific. Even then, they tend to boil down to telling you which artifacts are best for your build and sending you on your merry way farming cosmic terminals until RNG smiles upon you.


I blew it up. Y'all probably just need more summon damage. Her spirit issues are non-existent especially if you use bouncing squirrels. And her survivability doesn't mean anything since she never has to be close to anything to do her damage. Plus all the loh she has if you do get hit but again non-issue.

What's loh?


Bucky has a lot of aoe in his melee kit.

Use sig wisely to group the most units you can, grenade them for the dot, shockwave into the group.

After that you can EMP blast the group over and over.

You get an EMP blast every time you dash through an enemy.

EMP the group > dash to the other side > EMP from other side > dash back etc.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Bucky has a lot of aoe in his melee kit.

Use sig wisely to group the most units you can, grenade them for the dot, shockwave into the group.

After that you can EMP blast the group over and over.

You get an EMP blast every time you dash through an enemy.

EMP the group > dash to the other side > EMP from other side > dash back etc.

the dash gives you half a bar (for 1 emp)?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I would like to congratulate Rhaknar (and anyone else I may have missed) for having the correct answer in the OT "favorite superherovillain" thread.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I would like to congratulate Rhaknar (and anyone else I may have missed) for having the correct answer in the OT "favorite superherovillain" thread.

Seriously, I just want a road trip comic with Doom and Strange being Bros. Is that too much to ask?

Dodge roll makes his range execute guaranteed crit

melee dash gives like 4x EMP charge of any other skill when an enemy is hit

Did not know that!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You're in for a really good time when Secret Wars #4 comes to MU.

Sorry I don't have time for your modern comics, I'm busy reading 80s Uncanny X-Men :3

Colossus just straight up murdered Riptide, the 80s weren't fucking around huh?

Are the Marauders your heroes Drayco?


X-23 (just get overwhelmed and squished, I cant do dmg when I have to run away all the time, kinda like Betsy).

Heh, I've only tried with a few and currently only have 3 through: Black Window, Thing and X-23. Of those my Thing has the best gear but I died once from being lazy. Lauras got some decent gear (a SWGN and some makeshift stuff) but I think I had the easiest time with her. Did it 1st time. I didn't even have an Invuln core which the other 2 had, and was just relying on her ridiculous regen and life on hit. Oh and lots of movement. I thought for sure AOE was going to be an issue but she carved them up with spin kicks.

Build is mostly Lethal Acrobatics with appropriate stance. I do use the basic from the other tree that applies bleed (1 pointer for bleed proc and Fury regen) as I'm using a Sabretooth medallion. Also using a decent midtown ring which is good for 29% damage boost, and making sure to drop Rending Claws (I think that's the name. At work. Has a movement tag and hits a small AOE) requarly to proc the extra damage. Then murder them with spin kicks and sig when its ready. I also use the skill at the bottom of the Acrobatics tree (again forget name) that buffs her damage for 10 seconds or so and only use that before popping the sig.

For reference that's with a bout 5.3k Omegas, 4xi69 and one i66 (slot 2) I was actually surprised at how easy she did it. I've tried once with characters who I thought would ROFLSTOMP it (Doom, Cable) and managed to die to Skull and his stupid sents. Their DPS was more then ok, it was just a slight squishiness issue.

Now if anyone could help me with Emma. I've tried a few times and I don't even have the deeps to put down Madame Hydra. She rocking some pretty good gear to (Coat, Nisanti Boots, Algrim masks, good but prob not BiS artis) but I just can't get the damage out. Pure mental btw



X-23 actually rocks it. I beat it with her the first time too.

Here's my very short post on Emma. I should have also mentioned that she has an i80 legendary and Loki runeward (though I think Loki is a given).

EDIT: I lied, it's a 70. I hadn't decided yet if I wanted to stick with eye or go Gungnir. At the time they were both putting out similar TTKs. Don't know if that's changed since then.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Heh, I've only tried with a few and currently only have 3 through: Black Window, Thing and X-23. Of those my Thing has the best gear but I died once from being lazy. Lauras got some decent gear (a SWGN and some makeshift stuff) but I think I had the easiest time with her. Did it 1st time. I didn't even have an Invuln core which the other 2 had, and was just relying on her ridiculous regen and life on hit. Oh and lots of movement. I thought for sure AOE was going to be an issue but she carved them up with spin kicks.

Build is mostly Lethal Acrobatics with appropriate stance. I do use the basic from the other tree that applies bleed (1 pointer for bleed proc and Fury regen) as I'm using a Sabretooth medallion. Also using a decent midtown ring which is good for 29% damage boost, and making sure to drop Rending Claws (I think that's the name. At work. Has a movement tag and hits a small AOE) requarly to proc the extra damage. Then murder them with spin kicks and sig when its ready. I also use the skill at the bottom of the Acrobatics tree (again forget name) that buffs her damage for 10 seconds or so and only use that before popping the sig.

For reference that's with a bout 5.3k Omegas, 4xi69 and one i66 (slot 2) I was actually surprised at how easy she did it. I've tried once with characters who I thought would ROFLSTOMP it (Doom, Cable) and managed to die to Skull and his stupid sents. Their DPS was more then ok, it was just a slight squishiness issue.

Now if anyone could help me with Emma. I've tried a few times and I don't even have the deeps to put down Madame Hydra. She rocking some pretty good gear to (Coat, Nisanti Boots, Algrim masks, good but prob not BiS artis) but I just can't get the damage out. Pure mental btw

That's pretty much the spec I use aswell (because I wanted her to be different than wolverine), /shrug. I only have 2 i69s but that's no excuse, I've done it with 44 others, the majority in ghetto gear and some with no ranks on their legendarily (which amounts to not having a legendary really)

Emma was one of my easiest trials actually, the pet tanked most of the hydra and skull skill shots, and the rest was just the 2 aoe dots and the channeled mind beam, and sig. I didn't even use confuse because, well, I don't use it on my spec and I wasn't respecting for the trial then

Think I popped the ultimate on the hulk busters as I tend to do on most heroes

Edit: one thing I tend to do tbh tho is panic and dash away miles, like I spam the dash, and then it takes a while to come back so I'm wasting precious DPS time, but that's on me. Because I suck


That's pretty much the spec I use aswell (because I wanted her to be different than wolverine), /shrug. I only have 2 i69s but that's no excuse, I've done it with 44 others, the majority in ghetto gear and some with no ranks on their legendarily (which amounts to not having a legendary really)

Emma was one of my easiest trials actually, the pet tanked most of the hydra and skull skill shots, and the rest was just the 2 aoe dots and the channeled mind beam, and sig. I didn't even use confuse because, well, I don't use it on my spec and I wasn't respecting for the trial then

Think I popped the ultimate on the hulk busters as I tend to do on most heroes

Edit: one thing I tend to do tbh tho is panic and dash away miles, like I spam the dash, and then it takes a while to come back so I'm wasting precious DPS time, but that's on me. Because I suck

Last part could be an issue. Little Laura usually don't need to run away from stuff. Just hit it more and get health back that way. The defense re-work (at least so far) seems to cut down on the amount of one shots, and massive damage spikes you get, so it seems to benefit her and her regen nicely.

And yeah doing the same with Emma. Even use the Groot teamup for an extra tank. Surviving isn't the issue, I just can't get the damage out. I'm prob (def?) doing it wrong. Single target, I use drain psyche, and for mobs the cone shaped blast. Try to keep the pet aggro always up and drop sig when its ready. I love confuse (about the only useful CC I've found in the game) so I use that for the initial mobs too.

I do always forget to use Ults though, so I'll make sure to put that down next time I try. In 2000 or so hours, I think I wouldn't need both hands to count all the times I have pressed the 'U' key :/

I miss not being able to take her into CMM too. I used her a heap in there before the gate, mostly because I enjoyed using a character there that almost literally no one else uses(+ her awesome voice-work cracks me up. So passive aggressive). Boss encounters usually consisted of 6 Dooms, 3 SW's and me as Emma lol. That was before her unique rework too, so she was even worse. I survived because of Zig teleporting and confusing mobs like crazy, and then going and giving the bosses a tickle while getting them to bow occasionly and staying out of the red stuff. I figured if I could just SURVIVE in there with Emma, people would be impressed <shrug>

X-23 actually rocks it. I beat it with her the first time too.

Here's my very short post on Emma. I should have also mentioned that she has an i80 legendary and Loki runeward (though I think Loki is a given).

EDIT: I lied, it's a 70. I hadn't decided yet if I wanted to stick with eye or go Gungnir. At the time they were both putting out similar TTKs. Don't know if that's changed since then.


D'oh, Work firewall blocking the screenshot on that post. I'll check it when I get home. Hoping the answer to my problems lies within. And yeah, I've got a 70 maxed Gung on her.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You need to cone single target aswell, it's a dot. As is the other aoe, the circle thing


Roger that. I use the circle one as a 1 pointer for its vuln, buts that's it. I've also specced her Omega for as much energy as possible. Might change back to the old Spintech-Warpath-Sabretooth-Melt face-wateva the fuck else you can afford build

All this discussion about it has me keen to review, re-spec and retry when I get home now


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Roger that. I use the circle one as a 1 pointer for its vuln, buts that's it. I've also specced her Omega for as much energy as possible. Might change back to the old Spintech-Warpath-Sabretooth-Melt face-wateva the fuck else you can afford build

All this discussion about it has me keen to review, re-spec and retry when I get home now

Max points in both dots, dots are the dirty little secret about the game. So says Declarius, min-maxer extreme.

1 point in the circle and no cone explains why you have no DPS btw :)


Nah the cones maxed. The circle one only has 1 for Vuln, but I'll look into respeccing if it'll get me through the trial.

Completely unrelated note. Is Nova the least played hero in the game or what? I just did a green prestige on him and forgot how fun he was. Popping his sig, throwing out like 6 pulsars in the middle of a boss pack and then diving on them to set them all off, WHILE your delayed explosion from the sig goes off. Yowzers! My modest rig was really struggling to process all of that.

But playing him made me think I can't remember the last time I saw one in the wild. Even the other underrepresented characters, I see from time to time like Reed and Luke muhfuk'n Cage. There was much hoo-ha about getting him playable (licensing issues if I remember correctly) and it was like everyone levelled him to 60 and haven't touched him since.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Nah the cones maxed. The circle one only has 1 for Vuln, but I'll look into respeccing if it'll get me through the trial.

Completely unrelated note. Is Nova the least played hero in the game or what? I just did a green prestige on him and forgot how fun he was. Popping his sig, throwing out like 6 pulsars in the middle of a boss pack and then diving on them to set them all off, WHILE your delayed explosion from the sig goes off. Yowzers! My modest rig was really struggling to process all of that.

But playing him made me think I can't remember the last time I saw one in the wild. Even the other underrepresented characters, I see from time to time like Reed and Luke muhfuk'n Cage. There was much hoo-ha about getting him playable (licensing issues if I remember correctly) and it was like everyone levelled him to 60 and haven't touched him since.

Pretty much, although I don't use that skull thingie (the confuse I believe?), I max the pet taunt aoe thing /shrug

And I love melee nova, one of my most played. Although for me that's not saying much as I pretty much play a different hero each day


The confuse is the one at the bottom with ?s.

The skull is Sudden Dread which is a fear and actually the dopest skill.

Also, the pet taunt is already maxed on that build. I'm not sure what you're taking out points in Dread for. Are you talking about the blowing up pet ability?
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